Mwsf 2005

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
No it's not too early.

2 months 15 days. 2 &1/2 months.

That's not that far away. What do you expect to see at MWSF.

I think PowerMac will be there. Maybe the Powerbook as well.

What do you think, or hope for?


  • Reply 1 of 64
    I suppose it is closer than we think.

    I think a Powerbook G5 is going to be there.

    As for the PowerMac. I'm not too sure.

    I feel they lost a bit of momentum after the initial buzz. It will have been about 7/8 months since the actual announcement which was sometime before the WWDC.

    ...and the only new speed grade to be introduced was the 2.5 which they've been having problems with and still are in volume.

    So, they'd be about due.

    If IBM is increasing production on their lines by 40%, I wonder if this hints at a swift move to dual core technology..? Or as has been hinted by Morpheus over at thinksecret, a 2.7 gig 'altaire' update. Which case, we may see a dual 2, 2.5 and 2.7 gig line-up?

    If not at the show and it's an 'fx' as opposed to an 'MP' update then I'd say PowerMacs won't be long for a refresh after the show? If it's the 'MP' we may wait as long as June/July.

    Maybe a flash-based iPod to further build on post-christmas sales when people have less money floating about.

    eMac? Probably either side of the san fran show.

    Software. I'd expect some new piece of software. Garageband has been awesome. What's the next 'iLife' gem?

    Another demo' of Tiger with a shipping date given?
  • Reply 2 of 64
    mccrabmccrab Posts: 201member
    I hope Apple puts this headless debate out of its misery once and for all by:

    (1) taking the existing PowerMac's even further up the curve (new case (modular design) dual MP, dual optical, 4 HDD bays, 5 or 6 expansion slots) - prices starting at $2,599

    (2) building a cheaper headless box (smaller case, 1-2 expansion slots, 2 or 3 drive bays, single G5) - prices starting at $1,299. This is not too far off the entry level pricing of the current SP G5 at $1,499 - Apple could save $100 by offering a combo drive rather than super drive and shave another $100 off by offering a smaller case and slightly less expandibility

    It seems that Apple doesn't currently have enough "space" between the consumer (entirely AIO) series and the pro series. Only way out of this dilemma is to take the pro series up. Also, pricing of the headless box as proposed keeps Apple out of the sub $800 game and makes for an interesting offer alongside the iMac AIO as far as pricing in concerned.

    Unfortunately, I don't think this will happen!
  • Reply 3 of 64
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    Prepare to be blown away...

    by the speculation here,

    and disappointed by reality.

    Oh yeah, almost forgot, something new for iPod...iPod sock speedbump
  • Reply 4 of 64
    i'd say about a 40% chance of new powerbooks.


    xserve updated

    iLife 05 obviously

    and thats it, and people are gonna be pissed until 2 weeks later when the pbooks are announced.
  • Reply 5 of 64
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    I hope Apple puts this headless debate out of its misery once and for all by:

    They have. Single Proc 1.8Ghz Powermac for $1500


    taking the existing PowerMac's even further up the curve (new case (modular design) dual MP, dual optical, 4 HDD bays, 5 or 6 expansion slots) - prices starting at $2,599

    Dual Opticals not needed. 4 HDD bays not needed. The hottest storage tech now is NAS/SAN. 5 or 6 expansion slots are only needed generally for those minute ProTools users.

    Apple's hardware is fine. They just need to move to PCI Express and faster CPU's and graphics.

    Software needs some help. With Tiger hitting by mid 2005 they should be prepared to announce a new application(s) that are Tiger "only" to drive sales. The "Pains" or obstacles to peoples success aren't drive bays and or second optical drives. It's accomplishing your tasks in a fair amount of time and at a decent cost. Raising the amount of Powermacs won't help nor will coming out with a low cost headless model appreciably change anything.

    Software Software Software!! That's the next key for Apple.
  • Reply 6 of 64
    I think a Tiger ship date will be announced; maybe March 21, the anniversary of 10.0? Everyone buying a Mac after the expo gets the upgrade for free* (*$20 shipping and handling).

    I HOPE there's a bump in storage for the iPod mini (because I want one) and the 4GB drops to $199. I may be proven wrong but I just don't believe they'll do a flash-based player; it goes against everything Apple said they wanted to accomplish with the iPod, and if they could do a hard-drive-based player at $199 what's the point?

    If the new eMac is a substantial revision, like moving to a G5, that could get some show time as well. Otherwise it will be a quiet update. Same for the PowerBooks; if they're G5s, they'll be at the show, otherwise not. Although we've heard nothing about faster G4s being available either, so they may get nothing at all.

    I agree that the G5s could get a boost even if they still top out at 2.5. A line at 2.0, 2.3 and 2.5, with improved subsystems and GPUs, and perhaps a small price cut, would keep them selling. I think Apple learned with the first generation that they can't just let them stagnate for almost a year.

    As hmurchison says, the introduction of the low-end single-processor Power Mac pretty much ends discussion of a new headless line for the time being.

    Oh, and Steve will apologize for the delays and say they have almost caught up on the backorders for iPod socks. (Does anyone besides me think that was just Steve playing a joke on us? They're not even available from the store.)
  • Reply 7 of 64
    mccrabmccrab Posts: 201member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    They have. Single Proc 1.8Ghz Powermac for $1500

    Is this price-point attractive enough?
  • Reply 8 of 64
    Actually, on further reflection, forget what I said about the eMac. I don't think we'd see it at an Expo if it got quad-G6 processors and traveled through time. Has Steve ever even uttered its name in public? I have a theory that he hates the eMac and everything it represents (meaning it's a CRT and it's engineered down to a price) and only grudgingly allows it in the lineup because he knows they need a cheap machine for schools.
  • Reply 9 of 64

    Originally posted by McCrab

    Is this price-point attractive enough?

    well they said they dont wanna compete in the shitty $800 market. 1500 for a G5 computer is very reasonable. hook up a CRT monitor and there ya go.
  • Reply 10 of 64
    The low end PowerMacs used to cost 1500 ... and while the single-processor G5 *could* be called the low end, I'd more accurately call it the super-low end.

    We need dual-processors starting at 1600...then it'll be an attractive buy.
  • Reply 11 of 64
    Don't hold your breath on something drastic like a PB G5. We're still a fair ways from getting there. Maybe a bump up in the processing speed or new features or something ridiculous like that. I think MWSF is going to be more focused on software than hardware.
  • Reply 12 of 64
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I think the idea of separating into 2 Mac towers is a good one. I think the iMac has it's faithful, and they love it, and it's fan base will continue to grow so this wouldn't affect sales really.

    Make a point:

    I was at the Alienware site today, and they are making the most impressive BTO configurable computers around IMO. They now have 3 tower designs to chose from. (not even including their awesome upgradable laptops) They have this new low end version called the BOT that starts at $699 and it's a single processor restricted slim tower. Which is a good deal especially because it's totally upward configurable.

    Then they have the Awesome Alien Looking Tower which is Alienware's PowerMac opponent, but it is already fully Dual (SLI) Nvidia FX PCI-E optional.

    They also have the one that I've been looking at for a few months which is this new Totally HardCore Pro Case with SATA Hot-Swap Bays, Workstation Mounting Tray for 28" Open Rack and Cabinet, And SLI Dual NVIDIA® Quadro? FX 3400 PCI Express 256MB GDDR3 w/Digital and VGA Out, and the whole highend package configurable. The funniest part is they are relatively inexpensive for what you get.

    I think the time is right for Apple to make a move. They have great name brand recognition right now, and the competition is pulling away in these ares which will ultimately be affecting sales. If there has ever been a time to seize the moment, and grow into something you already make the software for this is it. Apple has all the great highend software available in all the workstation markets.
    • In DCC (3D) we now have Maya unlimited, Cinema 4D, Lightwave 3D, Modo, Zbrush 2, and the list go's on.

    • In Video we have apps like , Avid, FCP, Combustion, Shake, Motion, AE, The list continues again.

    • In Audio, or for music we have everything. Logic, Pro Tools, MOTU, this list is endless.

    Some of "the best" highend applications available in all 3 areas are made by Apple - Yet they don't have a completive workstation for the ultra highend. Which is why I think the powerMac needs to split while the time is right for growth in the right below area, and the highend.

    I think Apple has thought about this, and their pro software, and should have something comming out here fairly quickly.

    The PowerMac will be overdue for it biannual upgrade at MWSF, but I wont pretend to think that it'll be ready by then. I just think the splitting of the tower is a good idea, and could spark serious growth in the company right now.
  • Reply 13 of 64
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    iPod bumps, Powerbook bumps, Tiger release date.

    what if Apple released a Tiger Beta Release? That would be pretty cool.
  • Reply 14 of 64
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member
    ? Tiger release date

    ? New Powerbook, but not a G5

    ? Some new version of one or two iApps (iLife) or Keynote

    ? One completely new software piece

    ? Immense pimping of current Apple products

    ? New iPod mini

    ? No new headless Mac (but possibly more attractiveness on the lowest-end PowerMac)

    ? Loud pissing and moaning at AppleInsider forums
  • Reply 15 of 64
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Zapchud

    ? Loud pissing and moaning at AppleInsider forums

    That much you can be sure of every time.
  • Reply 16 of 64

    Originally posted by Nebagakid

    iPod bumps

    you must have missed the memo that new ipods were released yesterday.
  • Reply 17 of 64
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member

    Indeed. I included it in case all the other were wrong. Because if all the other were wrong, I still would be right about something.
  • Reply 18 of 64
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    you must have missed the memo that new ipods were released yesterday.

    While the "old" iPods were left all the same.
  • Reply 19 of 64
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    The low end PowerMacs used to cost 1500 ... and while the single-processor G5 *could* be called the low end, I'd more accurately call it the super-low end.

    We need dual-processors starting at 1600...then it'll be an attractive buy.

    Once dual cores come about this may just be a possibility. Depends on how agressive Apple decides to become.

    I think Apple software is key because a hot software program is like printing money. There are no problems with suppliers or DOA issues. Apple's portfolio of products is far too dependent on hardware thus a lowcost headless computer hurts them at this point because they cannot purpose it into edu and biz sectors along with licensing. I'd love to see Apple acquire a few smaller companies that will bolster their efforts for SMB markets and up.

    Whizbang towers are nice to dream about but let's be honest...Apple could add 6 drive bays and 4 opticals and there'd hardly be an upward blip in sales. Software drives hardware purchases and not the other way around.
  • Reply 20 of 64
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Whizbang towers are nice to dream about but let's be honest...Apple could add 6 drive bays and 4 opticals and there'd hardly be an upward blip in sales. Software drives hardware purchases and not the other way around.

    I'll get that...

    Whizbang towers are a necessity for Highend workstations, but "6 drive bays and 4 opticals" isn't part of the equation. Graphics is, and if they were to split the tower hot swappable bays would be the way to do it for the low income DCC guy, but Xserves would suffice for big studio work.

    Apple already bought all the software, but where are these major increases in sales? I have not seen any evidence of anyone other than existing Mac users using it for the most part, but what I have seen is people saying they would consider Apple hardware as an option if they made a better tower, and they included some of the features PC's do. Graphics is the #1 issue. But if they wanted to competitive they should look at a younger company like Alienware that makes all the right moves to see where they could fit in, and where they may ned to better develop their hardware options.

    With the connections SJ has he could easily poll the DCC community, and find which are the most important features that attracts the majority into a buying decision.
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