iTunes: 4205 songs 11.4 days 35.55 GB



  • Reply 21 of 49
    4939 songs, 14.7 days, 19.26 GB. Pretty much all 128 kbps AAC, sounds OK to me .

  • Reply 22 of 49
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member
    980 songs, 2.7 days, 4.14GB... Not much I know, however I'm close to the 4.6GB capacity on my rev.a 5GB iPod, looks like a right brick compared to the new ones, an upgrade seems in order... iPod photo would be nice, but it's pricey...

    Anyway, back on topic, 146GB of music? 34,000 songs? How the hell did you get that many songs? I couldn't even think of a few thousand, nevermind tens of thousands...
  • Reply 23 of 49
    trydtryd Posts: 143member
    43617 songs, 124:10:58:57, 238,36 GB

    Most of them ripped from my own CDs in 192 kbps AAC.

    4757 albums (not all of them complete), 1158 artists
  • Reply 24 of 49
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member
    Show us a pic of your library info in iTunes...
  • Reply 25 of 49
    trydtryd Posts: 143member

    Originally posted by mattyj

    Show us a pic of your library info in iTunes...


    I have strange tastes in music (4 non blondes, 50 Cent, Paul Hindemith...). At the moment very "into" Fairport Convention (going to Cropredy next August).
  • Reply 26 of 49
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member
    I must say I wouldn't have believed it if you didn't show me that, damn that's a lot of songs...
  • Reply 27 of 49
    enderender Posts: 353member
    Is that the composer Paul Hindemeth? Our wind ensemble here played his Symphony for Band not long ago, I really liked it. Played another great piece by a German composer, Der Traum des Oenghus by Rolf Rudin.

    Just thought it was neat to see Hindemeth come up on your screenshot.

    Oh, and to stay on topic: 3474 songs, 9.9 days, 15.73 GB

  • Reply 28 of 49
    Wow. My 7202 songs, 22.1 days, and 38.38 GB seems very unimpressive right now.

    Guess we'll have to wait some time for the 300 GB iPod.
  • Reply 29 of 49
    trydtryd Posts: 143member
    Sorry for the off-topic answer.


    Originally posted by Ender

    Is that the composer Paul Hindemith? Our wind ensemble here played his Symphony for Band not long ago, I really liked it. Played another great piece by a German composer, Der Traum des Oenghus by Rolf Rudin.

    Yes, it is the composer Paul Hindemith. I mainly listen to classical music. Probably 90% of my library is classical (2500 CDs).

    Slightly on-topic: I wish iTunes would give you the choice to organize your music by composer (should be possible to set by album). I like my music organized by composer, but iTunes organizes by artist. So if I want iTunes to organize my collection (which I do) I have to put the composer as artist (and put the artists name in the Info-box).

    Slightly irritating, but I will survive.

    BTW: Thank you for asking about Hindemith. It made me listen to some of his music. It is wonderful (listening to the sonata for viola d'amore and piano just now)
  • Reply 30 of 49
    How do you collect 2,500 classical CD's witbout duplicates? did you buy complete boxsets or Mozard, Bach, beethoven, etc? How much per CD?
  • Reply 31 of 49
    trydtryd Posts: 143member

    Originally posted by Mac Write

    How do you collect 2,500 classical CD's witbout duplicates? did you buy complete boxsets or Mozard, Bach, beethoven, etc? How much per CD?

    That is nothing. I have a friend who has more than 20 000 CDs. The amount of music out there is vast. I could probably order 1000 CDs tomorrow and not get a single duplication of a work I already have.

    I have no complete sets of composers, but I have 4 different recordings of Beethovens string quartets. And 3 complete symphony cycles. And 3 complete recordings of the piano sonatas. And so on and so on...

    Music exists in three forms - the way the composer means it, the way the performers interpret it, and the way the listener hears it. Nobody knows how the composer wanted it played - the performer must try to look behind the score and different performers see different things in the music, and the way you hear it differs with your mood. So a work will sound different with different interpretations (and on different hearinigs). You really need to have more than one recording of the main works (I have 7 complete recordings of Wagners Ring).

    I probably paid around 15$ pr CD (CDs are expensive here), so the cost of my collection is about 35000 - 40000 $. I have a Krell CD player, Conrad-Johnson tube amplifiers and Quad electrostatic loudspeakers, and the sound is fantastic. No compressed music (iTMS) for me
  • Reply 32 of 49
    no iTMS for me neither, except the free stuff I am looking to expand my music collection at 75 CD's/year, but I want to work to make that double or triple that due to the C.P.D.'s trying to trojan horse their way in as CD's.

    I think I discovered the perfect way to re-import music as encoding changes, have a master iTunes library with all the correct tags for all your music in AIFF format, including full Album art worked (scanned in for highest possible size and to be able to read the tiny print ) then when you want to convert to the newest Lossless etc run an Applescript or something that imports from your AIFF masters hence no work for you, and the speed should be very fast. Now an Apple script to keep your Lossless iTunes library in sync with your 192kbps AAC library for your iPod (playlists, playcount etc).
  • Reply 33 of 49
    498 songs, 3 days, 9.01 gb

    i re-ripped all my cd's in the apple lossless format. im about half cd's and half itms songs. my biggest song in size is "the last firstborn" by celldweller at 55.3 MB and 1005 kbps (hard drives are cheap nowadays)
  • Reply 34 of 49
    44,679 songs

    245.56 GB

    I don't know how many days........I am not at my computer right now

  • Reply 35 of 49

    Originally posted by bspears

    44,679 songs

    245.56 GB

    I don't know how many days........I am not at my computer right now


    I require evidence (screenshot)!
  • Reply 36 of 49

    Originally posted by mattyj

    I require evidence (screenshot)!

    I will be glad to comply this evening when I am back at my desktop

  • Reply 37 of 49
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Please don't post a picture of you in hot pants! Thank, Bob.
  • Reply 38 of 49

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    Please don't post a picture of you in hot pants! Thank, Bob.

  • Reply 39 of 49
    Here it is.

  • Reply 40 of 49
    We have a new no.1
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