Video Chat Mac -> PC?
I would like to know if there is some software that will let me conduct a video chat (or at least audio) with a PC user. The thing is: I'm living in China, but I might head back to my native soil for a fortnight's holiday in a few months. During that period, it'd be nice to stay in touch with my girlfriend, who'll stay in China. She uses a PC, and I reckon that telephone would probably be expensive, and stupid, seeing as how broadband internet is available on both ends. Webcams and microphones are not a problem, they are dirt-cheap here. Software, however... does anybody have any knowledge (and maybe even experience)? You are thanked in advance.
One of my family's business partners lives in Shanghai, and he and I chat every so often, he on AOL and broadband, me on iChatAV and broadband.
As long as you have a speedy connection on both ends, just use that. It's free on both ends, it's reliable as heck, and it works exceedingly well.
Caveat: I have had some problems with AOL/Windows users in the past, but every time it turned out to be a misconfigured firewall/router somewhere in their end of things.