What does "discipline" mean to you?



  • Reply 81 of 85
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Please understand that all I attempted to do in the slightest way was reflect back a bit of the rather harsh judgement that you reserved for others. I pictured you doing no more than basically hugging the child tight so they would regain control of themselves and stop attempting to break whatever it was they were trying to break. I have no doubt that filling in for the missing father is very demanding. However again, if I wanted to be judgemental like yourself, I could simply ask about the missing father, why the mother would choose such a man, what does it say that she choose him and then you, what can I claim about the son who desires to break things out of anger, etc. It's pretty easy to starting judging others is my point.

    I really don't think I passed any judgement at all. I posted what my country's law actually say, and how I reason in the upbringing of my own children.

    I really don't see anything in my post that should that should offend anybody. Maybe you read something into it that wasn't there.

    In concern to how children are born. It's the old discussion about what your born with, and what you get later. Personally I think both are factors, but socialization is by far most important. A child is in a large part a product of its environment. This environment will color a childs achievements and failures. Certainly the the factors are many. But basic statistics will still tell you how general social factors affect you.

    The question boils down to how the "spanking" facor will affect your child. In the upbringing of my I've excluded that factor. I wish I could exclude a lot of other factors as well, but most are beyond my control...

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