Next iApp to be ported to Windows?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
What iApp do you think will be ported to Windows next (if one at all)? Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Garageband myself, and I think there's enough of an audience on PC's to buy it.


  • Reply 1 of 35
    theres not a big enough profit margin in any of the other iApps besides itunes.
  • Reply 2 of 35
    Maybe Safari. It would help all of us. If more people used Safari then web creators would be more likely to code to standards.
  • Reply 3 of 35
    If Apple want to push Quicktime any further they should release iMovie for Windows!
  • Reply 4 of 35
    My first guess would be iPhoto...then maybe GarageBand. BTW almost all of the iLife applications have QuickTime as their foundation, so porting any of them would help continue to embed QT into people's machines.

    I think iPhoto since it possibly integrates so nicely with iPod Photo (which maybe helps sell more iPod Photos). Notice also that they did not originally have iTunes for Windows with the iPod. I would not be terribly surprised to find them testing the waters a bit here, and be prepared to do iPhoto for Windows if it looks like a decent bet.

    I have had this secret theory that Apple could be "Trojan Horsing" themselves into people's lives...quite incrementally...making iPod the center of their lives...with Apple applications hanging off/integrating with iPod.

    GarageBand is another possibility especially if they'd like to sell a million of those rumored "asteroid" boxes.

    Safari and iMovie are other possibilities of course.
  • Reply 5 of 35

    Originally posted by DanTekGeek

    theres not a big enough profit margin in any of the other iApps besides itunes.

    Well, truth be told, the only "profit margin" in iTunes is in selling more iPods (and Airport Expresses). This logic can be applied to other Apple hardware products. iSight? The rumored "asteroid" GarageBand device? iPod Photo?

    And, of course, no one ever really knows what Apple has up its sleeves. They always finds some way to surprise us. They do seem to be thinking beyond the computer...and that is very good.
  • Reply 6 of 35
    tuttletuttle Posts: 301member
    It's a trick poll.

    The answer is iTunes for Linux.
  • Reply 7 of 35

    plus, if they port too many, there would be no good enough reason for most people to buy a mac. although i find that there is still ample eason (except itunes, i don't use any iApps), Most Windoze users don't see the advantage of the secure OS and other stuff. They only see the price.
  • Reply 8 of 35

    Originally posted by Jwink3101


    plus, if they port too many, there would be no good enough reason for most people to buy a mac. although i find that there is still ample eason (except itunes, i don't use any iApps), Most Windoze users don't see the advantage of the secure OS and other stuff. They only see the price.

    Well, with all respect to one's individuality, i don't bloody care about

    iapps being ported to MF**** Windows. Give them Demos, and that's it.

    Give them a reason to escape the cage.

    iTunes is enough. We are not welfare
  • Reply 9 of 35
    We got MS Office, IE, Windows Media Player, MSN Messenger for Macs. Are 'they' welfare?
  • Reply 10 of 35
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    We got MS Office, IE, Windows Media Player, MSN Messenger for Macs. Are 'they' welfare?

    Not exactly.

    Office 2004 for Mac - Upgrade Edition - $239.95

    Office 2004 for Mac - Standard Edition - $399.95

    Office 2004 for Mac - Student and Teacher Edition - $149.95

  • Reply 11 of 35
    Of course, if you knwo a student or teacher you can get it for $150.
  • Reply 12 of 35

    Originally posted by Jwink3101

    Of course, if you knwo a student or teacher you can get it for $150.

    Well, I think it is if you are a student or teacher...but I could be wrong.
  • Reply 13 of 35
    You are right but you could get it through them.
  • Reply 14 of 35

    Originally posted by bergz

    Not exactly.

    Office 2004 for Mac - Upgrade Edition - $239.95

    Office 2004 for Mac - Standard Edition - $399.95

    Office 2004 for Mac - Student and Teacher Edition - $149.95


    OK, we got three free apps then. MSN Messenger, WMP, IE. Does THAT make them welfare?
  • Reply 15 of 35
    There's a problem being overlooked here: Cocoa. All the other iApps, aside from iTunes, are written in Cocoa, which cannot be simply ported over to Windows, the way Carbon code can. Cocoa is written in an entirely different language, Objective-C. So that's a major added cost -- not only porting the programs to the Windows toolkit, but rewriting all that Objective-C as C++ or C#.

    So I say none of the above.

    My big hope is that the next QuickTime for Windows looks more like iTunes for Windows and functions as well.
  • Reply 16 of 35

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    We got MS Office, IE, Windows Media Player, MSN Messenger for Macs. Are 'they' welfare?

    "Next iApp to be ported to Windows?" though the title of this thread. We were talking about iApps
  • Reply 17 of 35

    Originally posted by Vox Barbara

    Well, with all respect to one's individuality, i don't bloody care about

    iapps being ported to MF**** Windows. Give them Demos, and that's it.

    Give them a reason to escape the cage.

    iTunes is enough. We are not welfare

    You tell 'em Vox Barbara.


    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    OK, we got three free apps then. MSN Messenger, WMP, IE. Does THAT make them welfare?

    IE's in the realm of the white elephant these days isn't it? Anybody who uses it is obviously extremely charitable.

    "Poor MS and their extremely dud SW. I feel so sorry for them I think I'll subject myself to its ineffable crapiness." Maybe that should be inF***able.......
  • Reply 18 of 35
    OK... the point is; Apple wouldn't port anything if they wouldn't make money off of it. QuickTime ($29 for the Pro version) and iTunes (we all know this one.)

    So its not exactly charity, nor is it welfare. Its not like they don't have any movie players or audio players in MS world.

    But have fun with iApps. And what Apple cares for is iMoney, as does any other company.
  • Reply 19 of 35

    Originally posted by crazychester

    IE's in the realm of the white elephant these days isn't it? Anybody who uses it is obviously extremely charitable.

    "Poor MS and their extremely dud SW. I feel so sorry for them I think I'll subject myself to its ineffable crapiness." Maybe that should be inF***able....... [/B]

    It doesn't matter at all. QuickTime ain't best of the players either, and iTunes is usually picking around 80% of the CPU, but they still exist, and they are counted (no matter what their quality is.)
  • Reply 20 of 35

    Originally posted by Jwink3101

    You are right but you could get it through them.

    I think you missed my point.
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