The AI/Audible book of the month club anyone?
I am subscribing to Audible and gets two books a month. I tend to choose semi political science book and listen to them while commuting, cooking or riding my bike.
If anyone is interested it would be cool to listen to the same book and then argue it here. I would recommend "The future of freedom" by Fareed Zakaria.
If anyone is interested it would be cool to listen to the same book and then argue it here. I would recommend "The future of freedom" by Fareed Zakaria.
How would this work? Would I have to buy it, too or would you hook me up?
Would this play on the iPod?
I love political science!
In Our Time archive
Info about Podcasting
The religious topics would be particularly entertaining.
Audible only lets you use the "books" on a limited number of computers. So you would have to buy a program for yourselves unfortunately.
So let me separate things:
1) Audible is highly recommended service. And with their subscriptions they give access to cheap high profile books.
2) Maybe one way of lifting the quality of discussion here is to discuss one novel but thoroughly explained idea, like they are done in books. So if someone have read a good thought provoking book please feel free to post in AO as an suggestion.
Originally posted by tonton
If I find some place that rents them, I would consider doing that, but I cannot for the life of me justify paying $10 or more for a book I can get in printed form for between $4-8, keep on my shelf and enjoy in an entirely more satisfying way.
My local library has audiobooks on CD, which can be ripped with iTunes and with a little bit of fiddling around tranformed into iPod compatible audiobooks (which gives you speed-up and bookmarking features on more recent pods).
I've been using it for Michel Thomas and Pimsluer Language learning tools, which obviously benefit from the medium more than someone just reading the text of a novel. They also have a range of literature companions for students, kind of like audio cliff notes, with titles like 'first world war poets' etc. which I find interesting for poems and plays, particularly old fashioned english.
And since I've just found out that I can reserve books/CDs online at my library it's opened up a whole new world for my iPod.