So this is Christmas.....

in General Discussion edited January 2014
........and what have you done?

I've been backstabbed more times in the last 3 days than Julius Caesar.

Why do I put myself through this?

Because if I don't, I'll shrivel up and die. What a choice.

Here's the Christmas present I got you all. It's a 12 sided calendar. I hope you like it. Yeah, I know the dude can't spell December.

What did you get me?

The modum in the eMac got fried in an electrical storm the other day. But the PB survived!

And I got a cute little iMac 2 clock today. Made in China. Design patent be damned. The arm is pretty realistic. It moves up and down but it doesn't swivel.

I've had an absolutely crap year. How's yours been? (I'm sure you've got some top notch angst for me hardeeharharsky.)

Or else you can tell me how fabulous I am. Those are your only two choices.

Next year will be better. I know it will.


  • Reply 1 of 51
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I get pretty hot when you bash me on these forums.

    Being disciplined by aggressive women online makes me kind of horny. I treasure you.

    Merry Christmas, baby.

  • Reply 2 of 51
    I have to think about this one Chester... But do you really have more than four knives in your back? You should see a doctor about that, pronto....

    Edit: pronto is such a better word than soon, ain't it....
  • Reply 3 of 51
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by crazychester

    ........and what have you done?

    And I got a cute little iMac 2 clock today. Made in China. Design patent be damned. The arm is pretty realistic. It moves up and down but it doesn't swivel.

    Where'd you find the iMac clock? Did a Google but couldn't find one...??
  • Reply 4 of 51
    Awww gee, murbot. Underneath that crass, uncouth exterior I know there's a big heart and a ginormous penis.

    Merry Xmas to you too, Big Boy.

    Come on billybob I expected you to make me feel better by demonstrating you're having a far more god awful time than me. Please don't let me down kiddo.

    Did Jules only get four knives. I thought it was about thirteen. Pfft. Four knives. Piss weak.

    I'm not overly blown away yet by the tales of tragedy and woe or the compliments and declarations of undying love. So try a little harder will you? Please.

    The absence of comments about how fantabulous I am from my favorite Frenchman has been noted.

    But I did manage to spot that applenut's been banned from AN again and that momentarily brought a smile to my face. I might go start a "Grow some balls Jack" thread just for old time's sake.
  • Reply 5 of 51

    Originally posted by iPoster

    Where'd you find the iMac clock? Did a Google but couldn't find one...??

    I got it from the Coast Seaside Gallery in Merimbula on the far south coast of New South Wales. No I can't Google it either. These people look like they should have it but I can't see it. Searching only turns up an IBM laptop. I got this one for The Mason (and a tin of Castlemaine Rock). The enlarged pic gives the brand as Breeze Collectibles but both the ones I bought are branded Nero.

    PM me if you're that keen and I'll either arrange to send one your way or give you the phone number of the shop. I haven't checked but I very much doubt they have a web site.

    (BTW wasn't there something else you meant to say in that post?)
  • Reply 6 of 51

    Originally posted by hardeeharhar

    I have to think about this one Chester... But do you really have more than four knives in your back? You should see a doctor about that, pronto....

    Edit: pronto is such a better word than soon, ain't it....

    Dude, I think Gaius Julius had something along the lines of 117 stab wounds. Bill Shakespeare's finely embellished tale was just the tip of the Palatine, so to speak.

    I am a dork.
  • Reply 7 of 51
    Edit. My year sounds like a bad novel.

    I went grey this year.

    Crazy I got you a little stuffed lemur. It's very cute.
  • Reply 8 of 51
    [enter teen angst mode even though i am hardly a teenager, but less hardly than chester ]

    This story begins a bit more than a year ago, but since we are inclined to dismiss the older than a year ago past, I will start on Jan 1, 2004. I didn't eat that day. I was too sad. You see, I had royally fucked up my relationship with the only woman I have ever truly loved. She was of medium height, Indian and Russian descent giving her gorgeous curly hair and a constant tan as well as a strange knack for chess, she was loving and caring, smart, insightful, questioning; basically she was perfect. Only I didn't see the perfection -- I saw the three years of bitter fights I had with her, I saw her standing on her dorm's steps telling me to go home after I said I didn't feel very well, I heard the words used in battle and not the smiles and held pinkies used in cars, er, um, yeah, cars. So I did what any hurt man does, I cheated on her. I got hepatitis from mono, I was living dead, and on Jan 1, I still felt that way. For the next five months, I pined for my ex. At every waking moment I thought of her. I went to her graduation, suprised her, received the iciest reception of her friends I had ever had. I left.

    During those months I failed to progress in my thesis project in Grad school, my heart was on ice and so too was my science. Every reaction I set up reminded me of her, and it wasn't because each and every one created a product that resembled crude oil more than a white solid. Floating above my life for the first time, I felt inclinded to think about intention, and realized that I didn't want to be where I am now (and to be honest still am).

    A couple days after my ex's graduation, I was driving my volvo up to her home in albany -- with the intention of saying goodbye and droping off some stuff of hers I still had. I didn't shower for three days and when I got back to philadelphia I resembled my apartment walls -- orange goo running from ceiling to floor. I had to move. She landed in Alaska and for the next few days we talked constantly. Then she went into the bush, and communication was limited to one every two weeks.

    For the rest of the summer, my pining decreased, it began to sink in that I ruined the best thing I had going for me. With all the intellect of a raging bull, I struck back at every little thing that ticked me off. Have you ever told a professor to fuck off? Have you ever yelled at your boss? To the outside world I must seem off kilter, but it keeps them on their toes -- that is what I keep saying to myself.

    My summer was otherwise ok. I went to a week long conference in New Hampshire where there was no one there but scientist and locals. I flirted with a high school student. I took a trip out to Portland to visit a friend from college, we played Go and went hiking on Mt. St. Helens. The Northwest is beautiful. I saw many cool things there. I flew back to the misery that was my life and prepared to move.

    I found a beautiful apartment in a cheap area of Philly. I took it right after seeing it -- anything was better than a first floor apartment that somehow flooded everytime it rained. A second conference, and this time I was accosted by a drunk faculty member of Boston University; she was cute -- I let it go.

    I packed and cleaned with the assistance of my mother and sister -- sis was going through similar crap that I put my ex through, except she was married -- I gave her all the support I could possibly give without being hypocritical. My mom and sister took off before I was able to move in. Moving into an apartment alone is nearly impossible, but I did it. And I am still unpacking. Ex got back to mainland, doesn't want to see me.

    A new semester, and hope for courses that don't suck. Well. They. Do. Continuing failures now in two labs, intellectual curiosities become obsessions. New group of friends, hanging out on weekends, a new feature of my life -- still doesn't make up for her. Her cat dies last week, I write a eulogy; for the first time I can tell that some part of her still loves me. Friends annoy me this weekend. Loner. Lab work proceeds rapidly now. [/angst]

    So chester nothing is really resolved since last year this time. I hate this place. I like thinking about the cool things I could do with my project. I hate doing them. I like my friends, but they annoy me. In the end, I have decided to take a trip in the spring before my pre-lims...
  • Reply 9 of 51

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    Edit. My year sounds like a bad novel.

    I went grey this year.

    Crazy I got you a little stuffed lemur. It's very cute.

    Hey man, nothing is as bad as mine -- back up it must go...

    oh and chester, I got you a worlds supply of crude oil-like products...
  • Reply 10 of 51
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Dear Chester, I did not replied to your post, but I read it and was deeply worried for you.

    I did respect your privacy by not asking who stabbed you four time in the back. I did not wanted to write stupid comment either, but I must realise that it's an error. When somebody is worried you have to speak with him and especially her. Silence equal indifference.

    Sorry if I disapointed you.

    I hope that 2005 will be much better, that your wounds will close, and that you will kick the ass of these lame stabbers. Why on earth, someone will want to stab a fantastic woman like you ?

    Ah I forgot to mention : you are absolutely fabulous
  • Reply 11 of 51
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by crazychester

    [B(BTW wasn't there something else you meant to say in that post?) [/B]

    Oh yeah, you're fabulous!!!

    But seriously, my years been OK for the most part, until recently when I found out I have a ruptured disc that will likely need surgery. (the physical therapy does nothing for it..)
  • Reply 12 of 51
    edit: meh, just pm me and I'll tell you all about it.
  • Reply 13 of 51
    Hartford doesn't count as visiting America.
  • Reply 14 of 51
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    Hartford doesn't count as visiting America.

    Yes , but they made the finest collander on earth. But I am still waiting to see the Collander of death at work. It must be incredible.
  • Reply 15 of 51

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    Hartford doesn't count as visiting America.

    That was last year.

    This year I went to California. It was cool.
  • Reply 16 of 51
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    Dear Chester, I did not replied to your post, but I read it and was deeply worried for you.

    I did respect your privacy by not asking who stabbed you four time in the back. I did not wanted to write stupid comment either, but I must realise that it's an error. When somebody is worried you have to speak with him and especially her. Silence equal indifference.

    Sorry if I disapointed you.

    I hope that 2005 will be much better, that your wounds will close, and that you will kick the ass of these lame stabbers. Why on earth, someone will want to stab a fantastic woman like you ?

    Ah I forgot to mention : you are absolutely fabulous

    Is your English getting worse, or do you just fumble it when you are in love?
  • Reply 17 of 51
    Ah California. Well that has its downside as well but it is unmistakably part of America. Although perhaps not nearly as exciting to some as those other places and the women therein that you mentioned.

    Powerdoc, feliz Navidad.
  • Reply 18 of 51
    You are your worst enemy when it comes to ruining your peace of mind and happiness. Your enviroment is insignificant and you can work your way out of it - one step at a time, as long as you stay focused on the big picture / your goal in life.
  • Reply 19 of 51
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    Is your English getting worse, or do you just fumble it when you are in love?

    Love is beyond words
  • Reply 20 of 51
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    Powerdoc, feliz Navidad.

    Do you mean that Mexican song is that terrible ?
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