So this is Christmas.....



  • Reply 21 of 51
    You know billybob, it occurred to me I may have pushed the joke a little too far before and been a bit insensitive and flippant at your expense. I didn't think you'd read it that way but I was going to apologise for being trite then saw that long post and thought here's your punishment Chester. Sad and forlorn. Broken heart on sleeve. Especially the "I'm getting exactly what I deserved" thing you've got going on. I hope you're playing it up a bit but I've got a horrible feeling you're not. You write well you know. For a scientist it's got a lot of creative flair. Like the orange goo bit. I get this image of you as the orange goo, dripping down the walls - Dali does cheap horror flick meets crucifixion. (I just make up what you look like as I haven't a clue.)

    About time Powerdoc. But I'm not "deeply worried"? Although I was for a bit. There's having a lousy time and then there's your own Personal Hell. So far nothing's compared to the nasty time I had after sliding down the shit chute to oblivion and enjoying an extended stay in Personal Hell. If you're going to really screw things up, you might as well do it properly.Then the only way is up. This little blip ain't rockin' the boat that much. But I'd rank this year my worst in the last decade and the past three months have been particularly miserable in a "this isn't doing me any good" kind of way. But as far as I can tell the angst thing diminishes with age. Instead of agonizing over lost loves there'll be physical and mental degeneration, and careening towards your own death to replace it soon enough. Joy! You win the prize again for being the most charming and the biggest softie Powerdoc while MarkUK can hold onto the Uncouth Troll Award (probably in perpetuity). A bonus optional one week banning comes with the award Mark. Wow. Lucky old you.

    My shit's mostly work related other than a close Masonic encounter with the Grim Reaper. Trying to get away from a difficult work situation and finding the new one even worse. The dance business being soul destroying. People behaving badly. Being ripped off. Losing a lot of money through plain old dishonesty. Cheating myself out of money because I'm the world's worst business woman. Not wanting to be a business woman at all. Failing to see the Russian-Armenian, stark raving mad, loonie seamstress control freak, from hell coming. Armchair experts telling me how to do my job even though the sum total of their dance expertise consists of doing the macarena at the office Christmas party and stumbling around pissed on a nightclub dance floor. Things going gradually from bad to worse. Having to get really heavy to wrest back control of my business. The artist's right to be paid being a big fucking joke. My sleazebag radar being wildly off this year. Dodgy landlords. The tax dodger and Farmer Brown, 40 years in Oz and still a whinging Pom. His friggin' deaf, dumb and blind blue heeler bit me. The student teacher who played double agent and tried to work things to her own advantage.

    Did I miss the memo that said beware of fuckwits with a chip on their shoulder and shit for brains?

    I don't know why I didn't just sell my body for sex years ago and be done with it. I'd be retired by now, moored at Port Douglas, livin' it up on the yacht with two handsome houseboys in tow and writing my memoirs.

    So 2005 Plan A: Bye bye dance school. Back to Canberra we go to look for work.

    Hope I don't shoot myself in the foot again with this big leap into the unknown.

    I am thrilled about the little stuffed lemur Hassan. It's exactly what I wanted. So let's hear Tragedy Hassan 2004. What's with the editing job? I'll get 'em if they're horrid to you. We already know bits. I started losing my near vision this year (not happy about that one) and I've been going grey for some years (don't care) but that's why god gave us hair colour (even more reason not to care). I thought you were bald? And this year I hit the age I never imagined being but my girlfriends still get pissed off with me when I run around the house naked so I'm OK with that for now.

    Thanks for the oil-like products billybob. I guess. You win this one hands down. Hopefully Santa will leave you a nice girl to love under the tree, who loves you back. Check your stocking to see if there's a bright future to replace the lingering regret. Aren't you still in your twenties? That's too young to be pining for over a year.

    Thank you for well-deserved words of praise iPoster. I figured it was just a minor memory lapse.

    Bummer about the disc. Yeah I'm guessing back surgery's not on top of many Christmas lists. Hope all goes well.

    Now somebody tell me who the imposter is who posted as Splinemodel. Displaying his knowledge of ancient Roman history and the works of Shakespeare Spliney? Yeah right. Pull the other one.

    PS I really enjoyed group. I think you're all rather wonderful and a little peculiar. And I suspect some of you might smell a bit like a house with rising damp.
  • Reply 22 of 51
    Ai ai ai.

    Split up with the ex-future Mrs Sabbah. How was it? She kicked me in the chest. How was that? She's a cycling dancer who makes her money teaching Pilates. Whose fault was it? Mine.

    Then I met someone else, fell in love, and succeeded in fucking that up because my chest still hurt. Metaphorically speaking.

    I took a lot of plane journeys and had some professional success. Did some really interesting work in beautiful places.

    I'm now friends with both of the above women (just got back from visiting the second woman of the story on Monday) so I've at least managed to avoid a decade of self-recrimination.

    I've wasted months this year in a Billybobsky-esque haze of what we can call 'pain'. I smoked far too much ganja. A good year; a very bad year. Actually I'm going out on a limb here: for all the awful shit I had to deal with it's been extraordinary.

    (and yes, I'm bald, but I have hair on the sides of my head, clippered to grade zero, but it grows. I noticed grey on my temples and, holy fuck, in my beard. I'm 33.)

    This year had the Dolby off. More hiss, more treble and bass. Changed me.

  • Reply 23 of 51
    dmzdmz Posts: 5,775member
    Work, followed by more work, found out that my chest pains won't kill me right away, did some potty training, (for my son), worked some more, cratered my relationship with my father in law -- oopsies! -- after he sat in his RV in my driveway for 6.5 weeks, Killed a large mammal at about 300 yards in a 18 knot crosswind, worked some more, cut back on my drinking and found it acutally made me clearer (although that took some time), got frelling sick for a week and lost 15 pounds in June then spent the last 5 months putting that weight back on....started/stopped smoking Djarum specials AT LEAST 10 times, figured out XP was no place to conduct internet-related business the hard way, and validated my suspicion that M$ was run by paranoid crack-smoking goons when I found I to check in with Bangaladore for a new activation code after changing my video card and CD rom drive simultaneously.
  • Reply 24 of 51
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Ah, Chester, a woman after my own heart.

    Yes, you are fabulous, with a mordent wit edged with a keen bit of Aussie bite. Reminds me of some of my Southern woman friends (I believe our peoples were culled from the same set of penal colony miscreants sent off to languish at the ends of the earth). Good on you.

    And you were bit by a fucking deaf dumb and blind blue healer. I believe that's the point at which you look skyward and shout "Well, fuck you too!"

    Now, I'll make you a deal. I'll vow to have a better year if you will. And here's how it works: we have to remember to keep our heads up, eyes open, hearts willing and wounds unprotected. Fucking sing if need be. Cause the problem with taking a bunch of blows is that it leaves one all crunched up and crabbed and gimlet eyed, and the good stuff (and there's always good stuff) just bounces off.

    Well, I can get that way, anyway. Today I discovered that my bike had been stolen, that a furniture project I've been doing is a total fucking fiasco, and while at the laundromat I apparently got bleach on an adjacent washer, ruining this guy's shirt which I now owe him $40 bucks for, which I don't have on account of being out of the job I've had for the last 15 years....

    Did I mention your fabulousness?
  • Reply 25 of 51
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by crazychester

    while MarkUK can hold onto the Uncouth Troll Award (probably in perpetuity). A bonus optional one week banning comes with the award Mark. Wow. Lucky old you.

    Sadly, I can't deny 'Uncough'. It's the rather unfortunate blessing of being born into poverty to a couple of ignorant common twats. So I blame my upbringing and my genetic makeup fortunately when you get this smart, you can get away with it. Also a relatively famous person has proclaimed something like, "Ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven unless ye hateth thy father and mother....". so I guess i'm OK then. I do think 'troll' is a bit unwarranted, but I understand why it might appear that way.

    It'd be a good Idea to claim my prize though, I could certainly do with an excuse for not being allowed to waste my holiday arguing at AO. Looks around for victim.....Ah,Benzene, over here laddy
  • Reply 26 of 51
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by crazychester

    But I'd rank this year my worst in the last decade and the past three months have been particularly miserable in a "this isn't doing me any good" kind of way. But as far as I can tell the angst thing diminishes with age. Instead of agonizing over lost loves there'll be physical and mental degeneration, and careening towards your own death to replace it soon enough.

    Last year, I was victim of a false diagnosis. I lived in hell during 15 days, and I take a full aditionnal year to recover. Since this event, I am very concerned about death, and or physical and mental degeneration. This is quite scary. I even tried to find some help in the metaphysical stuff, but I am desesperatly a cartesian guy. But after a couple of months of dark idears,I came to the conclusion, that being concerned about this (death and degeneration) was leading to nowhere, except pain. So, I decided for my mental sake to forgot this thoughts but it's not a cakewalk : we are surrounded by bad examples, and medecine is king for providing such examples.


    My shit's mostly work related other than a close Masonic encounter with the Grim Reaper. Trying to get away from a difficult work situation and finding the new one even worse. The dance business being soul destroying. People behaving badly. Being ripped off. Losing a lot of money through plain old dishonesty. Cheating myself out of money because I'm the world's worst business woman. Not wanting to be a business woman at all. Failing to see the Russian-Armenian, stark raving mad, loonie seamstress control freak, from hell coming. Armchair experts telling me how to do my job even though the sum total of their dance expertise consists of doing the macarena at the office Christmas party and stumbling around pissed on a nightclub dance floor. Things going gradually from bad to worse. Having to get really heavy to wrest back control of my business. The artist's right to be paid being a big fucking joke. My sleazebag radar being wildly off this year. Dodgy landlords. The tax dodger and Farmer Brown, 40 years in Oz and still a whinging Pom. His friggin' deaf, dumb and blind blue heeler bit me. The student teacher who played double agent and tried to work things to her own advantage.

    It's seems that you have a bad busisness year. being a busisness man or woman, it's not easy : you have to be born with a killer instinct. You don't have it : good you have all my sympathy.


    I don't know why I didn't just sell my body for sex years ago and be done with it. I'd be retired by now, moored at Port Douglas, livin' it up on the yacht with two handsome houseboys in tow and writing my memoirs.

    As a dancer I knew that you where beautiful, but I ignored that you where that cute. Anyway you forgot to mention the young handsome personal secretary commited to write your memories under your very private direction.


    So 2005 Plan A: Bye bye dance school. Back to Canberra we go to look for work.

    Hope I don't shoot myself in the foot again with this big leap into the unknown.

    My best wishes are with you. You are still young for a new start. I hope that you will avoid the silly gators waiting around mouth wide shut. Perhaps a good tap with a huge stick on their heads will do the trick.

    2005 will be your year. Whenever there is blood and passion, there is a place for hope.
  • Reply 27 of 51
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    That must be the sickest thing I've ever read at AO. Call me uncough?

    Waiting for 'Chester to reveal photos of 'himself' being a fat, drunk, balding, streetbum.
  • Reply 28 of 51
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by MarcUK


    That must be the sickest thing I've ever read at AO. Call me uncough?

    Waiting for 'Chester to reveal photos of 'himself' being a fat, drunk, balding, streetbum.

    Bald : check

    Drunk : sometimes

    Fat : no

    Do you mean that Hassan is Crazychester ?

    I doubt it is.
  • Reply 29 of 51
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    Bald : check

    I get the feeling you ain't talking about no head

    Powerdoc, slowly now...If a chick on the internet sends you photos of herself naked....It just isn't true.
  • Reply 30 of 51
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    I get the feeling you ain't talking about no head

    Powerdoc, slowly now...If a chick on the internet sends you photos of herself naked....It just isn't true.

    Perhaps, but I never recieved such pictures coming from anyone. Well I remember some pictures of almost naked women, but I will not give you any names ...
  • Reply 31 of 51
    Yes, my year was that bad, Chester. And I am still in my twenties, and I still pine.

    In any event, I hope you aren't giving up on your dreams next year. The best we can do is live for ourselves, cease the moments that we create for ourselves. Any dream truly worth pursuing is one that cannot be given up, and any dream not given up is one that should be pursued. [/Preachy billybobsky.]

    I hope the masonic brush with death wasn't too serious. And mental faculties actually increase with age (I know because my mother was a much better student in her fifties than she was in her twenties). No worries there.

    I hope the new year brings you and the mason success and happiness...

  • Reply 32 of 51

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    Perhaps, but I never recieved such pictures coming from anyone. Well I remember some pictures of almost naked women, but I will not give you any names ...

    I hear her apple was fabulous...
  • Reply 33 of 51
    Bald: check

    Drunk: often

    Fat: hell no. I'm a slim jim.
  • Reply 34 of 51
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by hardeeharhar

    I hear her apple was fabulous...


    nah, full of maggots!
  • Reply 35 of 51

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    Split up with the ex-future Mrs Sabbah.

    Well it probably would have been a lot messier if she'd become Mrs Sabbah.


    Then I met someone else, fell in love

    This was the Spanish lass (Or Portugese? Or it happened in Spain? Anyway, I know what you're talking about.) I remember the story. It was very sad too. I actually thought you behaved pretty well. I remember thinking at the time about this friend of mine who'd got together with this guy a few months before. She'd been at his place for dinner, was the last to leave, one thing led to another and she ended up staying the night. Next morning he wakes up and tells her he's still in a relationship with another woman, it's been rocky but he still loves the other and last night was a lapse in judgment on his part.


    When she related it to me she said she felt "yucky" which was female-speak for "Eeeeeew! I just slept with a creep and now I feel used." So we bitched about what an arsehole he was and concluded that if it doesn't start as you mean to continue, it's better it didn't start at all.

    A few weeks later, he contacts her. The other woman is now gone and he's apparently now thinking clearly enough to reassess his feelings for my friend. How convenient. First off, she tells him to get lost. But he persists. Next thing they're together. They still are and she appears very happy with him. But there are things about it I struggle to understand. She's very needy towards him. I hardly see her these days unless he's out of town, any free time is reserved for him.

    She's become passionate about a whole lot of stuff she had no interest in previously or positively detested. She keeps her pot smoking secret from him because he wouldn't approve. The weirdest part was meeting him. If you'd shown me 20 men and said guess which one he is, he is the last I would have picked.

    As happy as she appears, I find all this unsettling. In her forties, with a failed marriage and another rather ugly relationship behind her, I knew she worried about growing old loveless. I don't know if she's faking it just so she's not alone but despite her apparent contentment, I struggle to see the hallmarks of a healthy relationship. I still love her, I'll keep my thoughts to myself and hope she's really happy but if he turns out to be a complete cad I won't be surprised.

    So I wonder if Spain lassy sticking to her standards with you wasn't her deciding that this wasn't the one to lower them for. If so, good on her. And good on you for having the decency to risk being honest. I think you're giving billybob a run for his money but remember, as fun as they are and in spite of the fond memories, the good times teach you nothing. Only the dark times make you wiser.

    Sounds like you might be a bit wiser for it all to me.
  • Reply 36 of 51
    (Did I mention I asked my ex to marry me in the beginning of it all?)

    I have to admit that Hassan seems to have made the most of his year. Much more than I have been able to do.

  • Reply 37 of 51
    Can't help but feel there's more (even a lot more) unhappiness between the lines in yours dmz than in the post itself. Sorry you're in the ranks of a not so rosy year. Fingers crossed it gets better.

    addabox rival charmer. Oh yeah. Now you're talkin'. This is the best thread ever! I'm gonna have to print it off and stick it on the wall I think so I have a constant reminder of my own marvelousness. Why aren't all the threads like this?

    Blue heeler. They're bastard dogs. Only other time I've ever been bitten was a blue heeler too. Anyway, when this decrepit one went for me he bit the heavy work boot I had on so no damage done. But Farmer Brown seems much more concerned about the dump of a farm shack he's renting me than his vicious fucking dog.

    I like the power of positive thinking paragraph but I'm already sorta there. Don't really do the big, dark depression thing. If I do something, generally I think it's going to work out fine even if all indications are to the contrary. But I sometimes don't even try some things because I've convinced myself it's doomed to failure beforehand. Gotta keep working on that one. And I still worry too much about things I can't do anything about but I've improved.

    But OK, it's a deal.


    Originally posted by MarkUK

    It'd be a good Idea to claim my prize though, I could certainly do with an excuse for not being allowed to waste my holiday arguing at AO.

    You'd only keep posting as Anna Mated anyway, so why bother. Besides, someone has to take care of Benzene. The rest of us voted for it to be you while you were out. And segovius would pine away without you.

    May the Sun god leave your very own Creationist under the tree to heckle and annoy whenever you feel the need.


    Originally posted by tonton

    California's actually a pretty nice place, especially San Diego and San Francisco. And being one of the most liberal states in the country (hooray for San Francisco), as well as my home state, it holds a special place in my heart. Beautiful mountains (among the most beautiful in the country), gorgeous beaches (among the most beautiful in the country), amazing deserts (among the most beautiful in the country), terrific architecture, California has a lot going for it that places like Florida and New York and Washington (comes close) don't.

    Oops missed ya. Been waiting for you to show up. So you're not only the Rampant Phallus, you're the California Tourist Information Service as well. Aren't we the multi-talented one.

    Unfortunately, you didn't follow the rules so you're now in the doghouse until further notice. Bye.

    Rest'll have to wait. Got a lot to do. Defamation cases to launch, trucks to drive, Born Agains to furnish. You know how it is. Might have a good death story for you later Powerdoc.

  • Reply 38 of 51

    Originally posted by hardeeharhar

    (Did I mention I asked my ex to marry me in the beginning of it all?)

    Ahhhhhhhh! Its neck and neck.


    I have to admit that Hassan seems to have made the most of his year. Much more than I have been able to do.

    Not if you're more careful with precious things in the future.

    But here's your Worry Too Much About Things You Can't Change Official Club Membership Card. It entitles you to your choice of any one of the following:

    a) a stomach ulcer on or before your 35th birthday

    b) wasting 12 months of the only life you're ever gonna get

    c) a deluxe range of unconscious body signals guaranteed to drive away your next chance when she walks by

    You can only pick one so choose carefully. Club membership may be cancelled upon request.
  • Reply 39 of 51

    Originally posted by crazychester

    Ahhhhhhhh! Its neck and neck.

    Not if you're more careful with precious things in the future.

    But here's your Worry Too Much About Things You Can't Change Official Club Membership Card. It entitles you to your choice of any one of the following:

    a) a stomach ulcer on or before your 35th birthday

    b) wasting 12 months of the only life you're ever gonna get

    c) a deluxe range of unconscious body signals guaranteed to drive away your next chance when she walks by

    You can only pick one so choose carefully. Club membership may be cancelled upon request.

    You are absolutely fabulous.
  • Reply 40 of 51
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    Ah me, I thought I'd used up all my angst by age 21.... I'm in your stinking club, only I don't want to share. Nothing that a decade of self-doubt and self-loathing won't clear up. BB, at least you let her know you love her.

    Here's to 2005 staying the fuck away from my heart~

    (and Merry Christmas
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