Sources: Apple never planned live stream from Macworld



  • Reply 41 of 88

    Originally posted by MegaSmack

    know streaming is expensive, but to most users, but it's a trend they started. They need to meet their customer's expectations. You can argue they don't have to, but obviously, it's having a negative affect on some of their customers. Otherwise we all wouldn't be here bitching about it. So it is a negative reflection on their brand. That's what concerns me.

    To me, the Keynote is exciting. It's one of the things that makes Apple an exciting company. If they just released stuff, you might just say, oh well that's OK. But if you have Steve Jobs pouring lovingly over all the nifty things you can do with this great new gadget and the crowd is cheering... well, it's no wonder where Apple gets it's lust factor from.

    I know streaming is expensive, but their stock Tripled this year. Their making money all over the place and all signs point to continued success in 2005. This really should be the event to tell the world, "We have arrived! 2005 will rock!"

    Wholeheartedly agreed.
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  • Reply 42 of 88

    Originally posted by alberto

    Apple doesn't have money to broadcast the event but Steve Jobs is one of the best paid CEOs of USA, sure they can't live broadcast the keynote but they have no problem to give him a 77 million air plane

    And they also have no problem spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to remove the flooring of the mini stores right before they opened from carpet to glossy white bare floors just because it "looks prettier".

    I'm sorry but the whole notion that they can't afford it just doesn't jive with me. I agree with those who have said this is a treat for us who live for this day each year and are also some of Apple's most valuable customers.

    My thinking is they may do a MWNY 2002 when Quicktime 6 came out just days before the keynote. This helped Apple get thousands to upgrade and enjoy a much richer broadcast.

    I've heard a rumor about Apple releasing the next Quicktime, called Quicktime NG (Next Generation), days before the keynote either on AI or somewhere else. That may be the big surprise and why this rumor is flying around. This would really create a buzz, to offer the first live stream using H.264 and thousands watching a broadcast in high resolution. What a milestone! If I remember correctly, Steve said a couple years back that one of the MW live streams was the highest number of simultaneous users watching a single event ever on the internet.
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  • Reply 43 of 88
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member
    Bleh so what. We can afford $3000 computers from them and they can't afford to give us a 2 hour show over internet.

    Hell of an attitude.
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  • Reply 44 of 88
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Just my .02 cents but...

    Bandwidth **ALWAYS** seems to be the issue when it comes to live streaming of events. There are never enough pipes to feed all of the people wanting to see the show. Where I work we have an OC-192 connection to the net it's a HUGE pipe ($$$$$) and even then I've been denied a good feed most of the time. And then I'd hunt for 'other feeds' that would often be posted in various chat forums and get to see the rest of the show.

    Jumping off into speculation mode...

    If Apple where to show off some new QuickTime stuff and brag about how fantastic it is all the while people and/or reporters watching via a stream are getting bumped off the feed, jitters, pixilation etc... it could/would reflect badly....

    Until things change in a MAJOR way WRT live streaming of events it seems Apple is better off not doing it.

    IIRC didn't Victorias Secret get quite a bit of bad press for trying to do some live streamed internet fashion show and had bandwidth issues? This was a few years ago and I might not be getting all the facts right but I do remember there was some negative reports about it.

    Link to an article that does a much better job explaining it all:

    I'm not sure they get to the true heart of the problem but they are close.

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  • Reply 45 of 88

    Originally posted by alberto

    Apple doesn't have money to broadcast the event but Steve Jobs is one of the best paid CEOs of USA, sure they can't live broadcast the keynote but they have no problem to give him a 77 million air plane

    That happened years ago. It is a sunk cost. Future expenses are not (necessarily).
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  • Reply 46 of 88

    Originally posted by Squatch

    I'm sorry but the whole notion that they can't afford it just doesn't jive with me.

    That isn't what was said:

    "According to sources, live webcast video streams of events such as Jobs' keynote presentations, on average, are costly and yield few benefits to Apple as a company"


    Originally posted by Squatch

    I agree with those who have said this is a treat for us who live for this day each year and are also some of Apple's most valuable customers.

    The value of customers to a company is measured in profits...not posts to message boards.
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  • Reply 47 of 88

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    Bleh so what. We can afford $3000 computers from them and they can't afford to give us a 2 hour show over internet.

    Hell of an attitude.

    No one said that can't afford it. Only that the benefit relative to the cost is not worth it.

    When you bought that $3000 computer...did you get more benefit than it cost you? Would you have bought it if you didn't? Apple is using this logic in running their business (which is why they are successful doing so.)
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  • Reply 48 of 88
    You fuckers still think that MacIntouch is a credible source?
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  • Reply 49 of 88

    Originally posted by OrbitPink

    You fuckers still think that MacIntouch is a credible source?

    1. No need for foul language.

    2. No need for ad hominem attacks.

    3. Not necessarily, but then Apple hasn't refuted anything at this point, so it is reasonable for discussion (likely more so that the alleged "iHome Media Center" photos frankly).

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  • Reply 50 of 88
    I'm just sick of the absurd stupidity that those with this know-it-all attitude are displaying towards some of us in here.

    The MacWorld Keynote is a massive marketing event for Apple and it is what basically envigorates the loyal user base that Apple enjoys - though they may be sadly taking it for granted.

    It's the Mac State of the Union address!

    If Apple fails to see that this would errode mindshare a bit, they are nuts. This event is expected to come every year at least, and it has been broadcast since the old days (1998.

    But corporations seem to slap their most loyal users in the face all the time, why should Apple be the exception? I guess I just thought they knew that they had a good, "money can't buy" thing with their loyal customer base.

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  • Reply 51 of 88

    Originally posted by OrbitPink

    I'm just sick of the absurd stupidity that those with this know-it-all attitude are displaying towards some of us in here.

    You're new here huh?


    Originally posted by OrbitPink

    The MacWorld Keynote is a massive marketing event for Apple and it is what basically envigorates the loyal user base that Apple enjoys - though they may be sadly taking it for granted.

    It's the Mac State of the Union address!

    If Apple fails to see that this would errode mindshare a bit, they are nuts. This event is expected to come every year at least, and it has been broadcast since the old days (1998.

    But corporations seem to slap their most loyal users in the face all the time, why should Apple be the exception? I guess I just thought they knew that they had a good, "money can't buy" thing with their loyal customer base.

    Maybe they don't see it all this way. Apple is a business after all. They are not a cult or something. They do things that make business sense. Maybe this does, maybe it doesn't. It is only a rumor at this point (and could be a false one). Still, even if it isn't, I think a lot of people here greatly overestimate the importance of a handful (relatively) of people that post on these Apple as a company.

    Think about it...maybe there are a few dozen really regular people here (and other similar places). Multiply that times 10 to account for the "evanglism" these people do. So now maybe we're into the hundreds. Well...let's make it a couple of thousand.

    Apple sells that many computers in one week!
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  • Reply 52 of 88
    This place does not represent evryone that watches the Keynote. Come off it man, OrbitPink is absolutely correct.
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  • Reply 53 of 88

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    This place does not represent evryone that watches the Keynote. Come off it man, OrbitPink is absolutely correct.

    Absolutely correct might be stretching it a bit.

    Of course you (and he/she) are entitled to your opinion...and me, mine. So we'll just have to agree to disagree I guess.
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  • Reply 54 of 88

    Originally posted by Chris Cuilla

    Absolutely correct might be stretching it a bit.

    Of course you (and he/she) are entitled to your opinion...and me, mine. So we'll just have to agree to disagree I guess.

    And according to you every member of AI is the entire loyal user base for Apple? Might be stretching it a bit?
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  • Reply 55 of 88

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    And according to you every member of AI is the entire loyal user base for Apple? Might be stretching it a bit?

    I didn't really say that (though clearly you have inferred that). I was merely suggesting that these boards are not very representative of the Apple customer base.

    This really isn't all that imporant, is it?
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  • Reply 56 of 88
    I think this forum is a microcosm of what Apple's user base is. All I know is that Apple will be letting down thousands upon thousands of people if they don't do a live streaming broadcast of the keynote. Might be good for Apple's bottom line, but not good for Apple as a company that wants to continue to woo and foster a loyal base.
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  • Reply 57 of 88
    Sweet baby Jeebus people, chill the helllllll out.

    People are all up in Chris's grill about it not being live. Assuming if this thread is true, Apple might possibly display a delayed broadcast of the entire Stevenote after it's done. Is it really that big of a freakin' deal that you have to wait a little bit to see it in all of it's drama and infamy?

    I swear... it's hysterical the level of childish mompishness you all are exhibiting over this. LoL Would it be nicer live? Of course... but they didn't say they weren't going to "NOT" broadcast anything, and honestly a delayed broadcast that isn't taxing a truckload full of bandwidth (via Akamai, not cheap even though Apple bought into them) all at one time might be a better experience anyhow. I mean QuickTime streaming is awesome... but it can't work miracles when you have that level of hits (60,000+ = huuuuge), even with the latest technology to date. Those expecting the new HD MPEG standard in QuickTime before this keynote apparently didn't watch last year's keynote at WWDC closely enough to know that, that is a "TIGER" feature. Hate to burst the bubble... but nottttttttttt gonna happen in Panther.

    Do you not think Chris wants to see the Stevenote any less than you or I? Get off your dang high horses, give the poor guy a break for being one of the few on here that's remotely "REASONABLE" in thought process, and lose the haughty expectation that Apple should be here to serve you the world on a platter as if you just cured cancer and deserve a congressional medal of honor from W. and a free live stream from Apple for life.

    Apple is a capitalist company in a capitalist society that has to look at keeping strong margins, boosting marketshare (if and when possible), and pruning unnecessary costs. They're entitled to make money, and they're entitled to save money in whatever way they see fit. Don't like it, move over to Slashdot and build yourself a Linux box.

    I doubt there's an extensive body of the Apple keynote audience that are common Windows users glued to the Apple keynote waiting for some excuse to become a switcher, so live vs. delayed is moot. Those of us that buy Macs, that love the Mac platform, will get just as much excitement from waiting a few hours more for a delayed broadcast (we've waited this long, untwist your boxers and breathe deep lil fella...) than we would if it was on the fly as it happened.

    If you want to see it live though... pony up the cash, get yourself a plane ticket, buy an admission ticket, and there you go. Problem solved. Or are you too much of a cheapskate to invest? Using that vantage against Apple can be turned around against you too in all fairness. Do you think the people that attend MWSF should feel happy about paying a ton of coin to see the same thing you'll get to see for free? How's it fair to them that you're such a cheapskate and can't pony up the cash to get in when they have?

    Do you think you're anymore owed than Chris or I? I've been using Apple products since the 1980's, try Apple ]['s. I've owned Macs since 1994 (previous Amiga convertee) when I bought a 7100/66cd, have also had 5 8500's, a 7200/120PC, a 9600 with a 700 Mhz. Sonnet G4 (currently using), and have a 7500/100 in the other room with a 375 Sonnet Upgrade. If Apple launches the headless machine... I'm getting one. As in have the cash as we speak. Been waiting for this machine since the freakin' Cube rumors were thrown around and failed to deliver. Get off your high horses. Good things come to those who wait.

    These "LIVE" broadcasts don't do anymore Evangelistic work for Apple's bottomline than a delayed version of the same broadcast will, and "LIVE" costs more when dealing with the immediacy and infrastructure to make that happen. THAT'S THE POINT ITERATED ABOVE. You can easily stay glued in to some news source, i.e. your favorite rumors site, or you can check out someplace like which will likely post each new addition as it happens verrrrrrrrry promptly. Then wait when Apple puts up the delayed keynote footage, if they do (which I believe they will), and enjoy it in all of it's glory.

    ::shaking head and laughing::

    Patience is a virtue. You've waited this long... so what's a little bit more? Hrm? Take some Zoloft or Prozac and simmer down. LoL I love the Mac as much as anyone on this board, will fight that point to the death, and even I'm not so ramped up over this that I'm ready to start murdering people like some of you seem. Get a freakin' grip! LoL We're all passionate but some of you are taking things waaaaaaaaaaaay too far.
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  • Reply 58 of 88
    tinktink Posts: 395member

    Originally posted by vinney57

    Jesus, grow up people

    It precisely because there will be more people interested in this keynote than ever before that,

    a) They cannot afford any of the sort of cock-up that makes Gates and Ballmer look such twats every year.

    b) They cannot afford the quality of the live stream to become the news story rather than the keynote itself.

    c) They cannot allow Steve's 'charismatic' presentation to become the news story before all the appropriate press releases and web pages have been presented to the worlds media.

    Apple are shooting for the stars these next couple of years and I guarantee that the news control is going to become UNBELIEVABLE. Why, THIS VERY STORY is a feed from Apple.

    There will be no live keynotes from Apple ever again.

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  • Reply 59 of 88
    fahlmanfahlman Posts: 741member
    <-- Disappointed.
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  • Reply 60 of 88
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by MegaSmack

    know streaming is expensive, but to most users, but it's a trend they started. They need to meet their customer's expectations. You can argue they don't have to, but obviously, it's having a negative affect on some of their customers. Otherwise we all wouldn't be here bitching about it. So it is a negative reflection on their brand. That's what concerns me.

    To me, the Keynote is exciting. It's one of the things that makes Apple an exciting company. If they just released stuff, you might just say, oh well that's OK. But if you have Steve Jobs pouring lovingly over all the nifty things you can do with this great new gadget and the crowd is cheering... well, it's no wonder where Apple gets it's lust factor from.

    I know streaming is expensive, but their stock Tripled this year. Their making money all over the place and all signs point to continued success in 2005. This really should be the event to tell the world, "We have arrived! 2005 will rock!"

    Did it ever occur to any of you idiots (oh, the word 'idiots' here is to referring to just the people who apparently spend their entire year waiting to watch a crappy webcast of a Steve Jobs keynote, and feeling that if they don't watch it live, well, there is no more reason to use Apple computers), that maybe this MW is going to be about as exciting as Summer MW 2002 (I think it was 2002, maybe it was 2001 or 2003 or something). You know, the one where everyone was waiting with baited breath for a flat-panel iMac, and other great stuff, and all they got was "iTools is free no more" and "Here's a speed bump iMac" (it might've been Dalmation and Flower Power day as well...). I mean, Steve-o was flamed immensely for the lack of anything great or new. No real new products, no new next-big-thing.

    So here's all you people, sitting at your computers waiting for the headless iMac, new iPod, iPhone, iWorks, and then all he does is review 2004, announce a slight update to the iBooks or something, shows off some Tiger, gets Schiller to do his dance of the seven veils, and then leaves the stage.

    And you will be complaining how Apple owes you for that two hours of your life.

    I mean, is it really that hard to just not read the websites that afternoon (or whole day, depending on your location) and just watch it when its posted later in the day.

    I must say, though, that after reading the posts on this and previous reports on this story, I fully understand (a) why most PC users just laugh at Mac users, and (b) why its sometimes embarrassing to say "I use a Mac".
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