nightmare or message?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I was woken early this morning by a nightmare. I found myself in front of a restaurant with an iron-fenced patio filled with people eating. Leaning on the outside of the fence I saw two very small dead Mexican Indian babies (For some reason I knew that they were Mexican Indians and had died of starvation). Next a man came onto the scene and began to yell and curse at the people eating on the patio for letting this happen. I awoke very distraught by this. I need to do a lot of thinking.


  • Reply 1 of 25
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Common Man

    I was woken early this morning by a nightmare. I found myself in front of a restaurant with an iron-fenced patio filled with people eating. Leaning on the outside of the fence I saw two very small dead Mexican Indian babies (For some reason I knew that they were Mexican Indians and had died of starvation). Next a man came onto the scene and began to yell and curse at the people eating on the patio for letting this happen. I awoke very distraught by this. I need to do a lot of thinking.

    There is two kinds of dreams :

    - dreams related to something you see or heard before going to sleep

    - something deeper in your conscience
  • Reply 2 of 25
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    and things that have kept bugging you from a previous life as well.
  • Reply 3 of 25
    Riiiight... previous lives....
  • Reply 4 of 25
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Try laying off the crack.

  • Reply 5 of 25
    If its any consolation, I got off of a van in the center of a mexican village near the market and there in the gutter was a dead puppy... Amongst all of the meats and vegetables sold there, there was a dead puppy that presumably died of starvation. Nice. At least your nightmare wasn't real.
  • Reply 6 of 25
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    I don't think you should think about it.

    One of the explanations of dreams, is that it is the brain 'defragmenting' the memories stored that are no longer required for your functioning. so to remember and dissect, defeats the object of dreaming.

    If dreams were signs or messages, then I think we would remember most of them. Infact, most dreams are not remembered, and most of the sleep cycle in which you dream, you are not even conscious of the dreams you are having ie you have no recolection of the fact that you have even dreamed. It's only the last few seconds of dreaming that sometimes you can remember anyway.

    Anyone have those dreams where your mind wakes up before your body, thus you are conscious of your body being paralysed? which is not a very nice feeling at all.
  • Reply 7 of 25
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by segovius


    no I don't believe they are OBE's, there is a technical term for it, but I cant remember what it is, but it is commonly referred to as the old hag.

    However, as I am frequented by this type of experience quite often, - must have had it thousands of times - and have a wee bit of experience with research into OBE's, I do however think the two are related, in so much as the experience does lend itself into believeing you are experiencing OBE's. It feels very real, and if like myself you experience this quite regularly you eventually realise that what people call OBE's are actually only very strange realistic dreams.

    However, If you have only experienced this feeling once or twice, it would be very easy to genuinely believe and honestly argue that you experienced an OBE. And believe me, when it started happening to me I was scared shitless by it. Now it is almost a non-event. I say almost, because in that semi-conscious state of being mind alert, but body paralysed, it isn't always possible to rationally understand what is happening.

  • Reply 8 of 25
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    no I don't believe they are OBE's, there is a technical term for it, but I cant remember what it is, but it is commonly referred to as the old hag.

    However, as I am frequented by this type of experience quite often, - must have had it thousands of times - and have a wee bit of experience with research into OBE's, I do however think the two are related, in so much as the experience does lend itself into believeing you are experiencing OBE's. It feels very real, and if like myself you experience this quite regularly you eventually realise that what people call OBE's are actually only very strange realistic dreams.

    However, If you have only experienced this feeling once or twice, it would be very easy to genuinely believe and honestly argue that you experienced an OBE. And believe me, when it started happening to me I was scared shitless by it. Now it is almost a non-event. I say almost, because in that semi-conscious state of being mind alert, but body paralysed, it isn't always possible to rationally understand what is happening.

    And I achieve this without use of any drugs whatsoever!

    I've had that happen to me at least 3 times. Freaky.
  • Reply 9 of 25
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    You might also be interested, when your mind semi-consciously tries to rationalize why your body is paralyzed, the most common thought you imagine is that you are dying, the research confirms this, and is what I experience. In my case, the first thing I think of is - "Shit, I am now conscious of my 'soul' because my body is dead". Then there is the question, "Am I going to heaven or hell?" - and the research into this confirms, that at this point, the question one asks and the 'diety' purporting to answer, is entirely related to the religious or cultural upbringing and beliefs of the person experiencing the mock death*. Of course, the first time this happens to you, you really believe it to be true.

    What I experience is a very firm tugging feeling on my 'soul' trying to rip it from my dead body. At this point, I start to experience the 'OBE'. A feeling of floating away from ones self. At first, I wasn't in control of where I went or what happens, but now that I know what is happening, I have some limited control of where I can go. At first, I experienced a feeling of two forces, one pulling me up and one pulling me down, I fluctualted between the two, sometimes rising for a bit out of the roof, and sometimes falling through the floor, actually going into the Earth.

    However, refinement of the understanding, has allowed me, in this state to decide what to do. At first, because I wanted to establish whether this was a real experience or just a dream, I decided to 'float' around my room to establish where objects were, so that if I woke up and it was just a dream, I could evaluate the accuracy of what I believed I saw, to where things actually were. Several of these experiments established that although certain objects were where I expected to find them, in reality, there were very real clues to suggest that it was just a dream. The most blatant of these was the fact that I had floated out the window into darkness, and infact when I awoke, it was actually morning and light.

    The test now, although I really just find it a bit of amusement these days, is to see how far I can get from my body. However, because of the semi-conscious state I am in, I always remember that 'if this experience IS real and I have left the body, then I can only survive for about 3 minutes before I 'will' die, and although attemps to tune into my heartbeat to establish that I can go further because I am still alive 'in reality', I always return because I get scared that if I go too far, i might not be able to get back in time. Sadly, I havn't been able to overcome this simple fear, by controlling my rational thoughts that this is only a dream and I am in no danger of dying.

    There is also the problem, that the more you think about it while you are awake, then there is much more chance that you will experience it while asleep. So If this frightens you, just forget everything you just read

    *which brings me some satisfaction that the people wo go around telling me that I am going to hell to burn and fry, and be poked in the rectum with hot barbed wire, to suffer eternal pain and suffering - this is the experience you are going to have to deal with when it happens for real if you believe that this is what actually does happen - and I think these last few thoughts one has, if it is actually the same experience one has when dying for 'real', is actually what defines whether one really does go to heaven or hell, or Mithra. - so in effect, your dying conscience decides what your fate is.
  • Reply 10 of 25
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Yeah, ridden by the hag - happened to me quite a few times.

    I had the experience you are talking about once as well

    I hope Mrs Segovius has a good sense of humour!
  • Reply 11 of 25
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by Common Man

    I was woken early this morning by a nightmare. I found myself in front of a restaurant with an iron-fenced patio filled with people eating. Leaning on the outside of the fence I saw two very small dead Mexican Indian babies (For some reason I knew that they were Mexican Indians and had died of starvation). Next a man came onto the scene and began to yell and curse at the people eating on the patio for letting this happen. I awoke very distraught by this. I need to do a lot of thinking.

    A very crude interpretation I thought of.

    restuarant - symbolic of eating - basic function of life, fundamental necessity.

    iron fenced - symbolic of a rigid uncompromising constraint

    patio/people - symbolic of the 'living' world

    mexican babies - symbolic of Indonesian/indian/thailand - mexican confusion - mixed race

    dead babies - symbolic innocence of death, while everyone else lives in luxury

    starvation when plenty of food - symbolic of guilt or incompassion

    yelling man - realisation of conscience, symbolic of realised guilt.

    Conclusion - You havn't given enough money to the Asian tsunami relief funds.

  • Reply 12 of 25

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    Anyone have those dreams where your mind wakes up before your body, thus you are conscious of your body being paralysed? which is not a very nice feeling at all.

    No but sometimes I fall asleep with my arms above my head and they go numb and when I wake up I can't move them. Always freaks me out. Does that count?

    The OBE or whatever you describe can be replicated under self hypnosis. I don't know if it's related but there's recent evidence that the sensation of leaving your body and the white light thing during near death experiences is just the product of powerful chemicals released by the brain at the time of death.

    I've had one really real flying dream about 20 years ago that I'd love to experience again. Guess you'd call it an OBE, some might say astral travel. I'm usually relatively aware I'm dreaming but in this case, was completely convinced it was real. The physical sensation of flying was overwhelming and like your OBEs, I had control over what was happening. So much so, when I woke up I was absolutely convinced I could fly and very nearly dived head first out a window.

    I didn't. It was a ground floor dwelling so at worst I would have looked stupid floundering around with an oleander bush. But I talk in my sleep and will answer if spoken to. The ability to conduct conversations with people while asleep is a skill of which I am unaccountably proud.

    Just a word of advance warning Mark, do be careful what jokes you crack won't you? There's a good chap.
  • Reply 13 of 25
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    Anyone have those dreams where your mind wakes up before your body, thus you are conscious of your body being paralysed? which is not a very nice feeling at all.

    Yes, two or three times. And it's quite the unpleasant feeling, particularly because you're not mentally awake enough yet to rationalize the situation.

    I remember waking up and hearing somebody use a word incorrectly, and it was my impulse to correct them, but then I found that my lips wouldn't move.

  • Reply 14 of 25
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    I had a dream once, that I was paralyzed lying down

    in the front seat of a VW bug, with the seat all the

    way down.

    Somebody was trying to break in to the car, but I couldn't

    move my body to stop him. I tried my hardest to will my

    fist to punch the guy.

    So I woke up, and in the process punched my wife in the

    head. She had a pretty good humor about it.
  • Reply 15 of 25

    Originally posted by e1618978

    I had a dream once, that I was paralyzed lying down

    in the front seat of a VW bug, with the seat all the

    way down.

    Somebody was trying to break in to the car, but I couldn't

    move my body to stop him. I tried my hardest to will my

    fist to punch the guy.

    So I woke up, and in the process punched my wife in the

    head. She had a pretty good humor about it.

    Uh... So that why she had that welt in the morning...

    My ex once had a nightmare that I was chasing her with hangers to rip her eyes out and in the process of defending herself from "me" nearly kicked a hole in my wall...
  • Reply 16 of 25
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by hardeeharhar

    My ex once had a nightmare that I was chasing her with hangers to rip her eyes out and in the process of defending herself from "me" nearly kicked a hole in my wall...

    That's actually a pretty creepy premise for a nightmare... like an ocular abortion of sorts...
  • Reply 17 of 25
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by crazychester

    But I talk in my sleep and will answer if spoken to. The ability to conduct conversations with people while asleep is a skill of which I am unaccountably proud.

    I used to have a friend back in high school who did that. Her brother did too. According to her parents, if she and her brother both fell asleep in the same room, they'd have conversations with each other in their sleep.
  • Reply 18 of 25
    i had a dream this morning (i was taking a nap in the nurses office in school) that a friend of mine from my old school was strangling me with her foot. she had it up by my neck, and all of a sudden i couldn't breathe. i woke up, and i couldn't get back to sleep.
  • Reply 19 of 25

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    Anyone have those dreams where your mind wakes up before your body, thus you are conscious of your body being paralysed? which is not a very nice feeling at all.

    Ya, I've had a few. Each time when my mind awoke I had a very clear mental image that there was a demon, like picturesque stereotypical demon, pressing down on me. Strange I know, but that's what I thought.

    I think the name for it is simply Sleep paralysis, though it has been associated by many as being visited by dream demons.(probably hence the imagery I made up)
  • Reply 20 of 25

    Originally posted by tonton

    I have a completely different theory for dreams. In my opinion, a dream is a hypothetical scenario that your mind goes through in order to develop your reactive/problem solving abilities. It's a sort of "what if" machine, if you will, that teaches you through simulated experience the results of the decisions or reactions you might make. It serves to bring your subconscious common sense forward for review.

    So THAT'S what it would have been like it I have invented the fing-longer.

    Oh well, a man can dream... a man can dream.
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