Apple to open retail stores in Australia



  • Reply 21 of 37
    idunnoidunno Posts: 645member
    Or maybe, just maybe... a sweet arsed terrace conversion in Surry Hills. Now that! would rock.
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  • Reply 22 of 37

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    God, George St is a bloody ZOO. and that's just on weekdays.

    I really hate traveling to work every morning in the city, I bypass most of the crowds but it's way to hectic
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  • Reply 23 of 37
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by iDunno

    Or maybe, just maybe... a sweet arsed terrace conversion in Surry Hills. Now that! would rock.

    8) Dude, SWEEEET... with a DJ spinning some chill/deephouse on late-night-shopping night... i can see it already...

    *...lights up a ciggie and ponders*
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  • Reply 24 of 37
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by trevorM

    Has anyone mentioned Bondi Junction. That would be a perfect location to have an Apple Store. Its big and there is some great retail space just begging for a nice landmark store.... Other areas would be the Paddington end of Oxford Street near Bang and Olufsen or perhaps out of the city a little even on the North Shore... I still suspect that the City will be the place though....

    World Square: Whilst its not the most central (OK it's as good as central) it would be a great location for the new store. Plenty of space and a great deal of people passing by.

    Pitt St: In my opinion a great spot, with 10,000's of people passing by each day and also there are a number of other technology type stores like 3 and alike situated here.

    QVB: I think a good location, but too small and it doesn't really allow Apple to follow the same style that they have used abroad.

    Bondi Junction it is.... If they can wrestle some space from Westfield
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  • Reply 25 of 37
    Flagship Apple Store........

    .........wait for it.......



    Originally posted by GregAlexander

    Actually we're the biggest island, and the smallest continent. I haven't heard Australia called an island for a very long time.

    I knew primary school "Social Science" would come in handy one day.

    And I said to myself, "Self, he must be old." Old enough. I don't think they teach them that anymore.

    QVB - too oldy worldy

    Is World Square that new development down on George Street (near Gouldburn)?

    Where the hell is Victoria's Galleries?

    That Triple M thing's rather interesting.
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  • Reply 26 of 37
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by walexx

    As for the Tripple M promo with $350.00 downloads and an iPod. It better be itms otherwise the poor winner wont be able to play the music they download on their iPod. No aussie download site is iPod compatible. No wonder they are all failures.

    anyone got some numerics on market share/ no. of iPods in oZ ??
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  • Reply 27 of 37
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member


    Is World Square that new development down on George Street (near Gouldburn)?


    Where the hell is Victoria's Galleries?

    ->Citibank Tower thingy. Kinokuniya, Arthouse Hotel
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  • Reply 28 of 37
    Victorias Galleries is the street level shopping plaza the Citibank Building on the corner of George, Park, and Pitt Street. it has underground access via Town Hall station and goes up a few levels of shopping. Its an awesome location with lots of traffic. Very classy set up and would be the absolute perfect look and location for Apple. This is my no.1 location

    After that it would be Pitt Street and with all the redevelopment going on there that would also be a good location.

    Bondi Junction would be great especially with the new Westfield development, but Apple needs a CDB location for maximum exposure and traffic.

    All Apples flagship stores are in CBD locations. As for QVB being too old, look at the awesome job they did in Regent St for Londons Apple store.

    Either way, who cares, just as long as we get one.
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  • Reply 29 of 37
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by walexx

    Either way, who cares, just as long as we get one.

    I'm curious, what is it that the flagship store will offer in Sydney that the other AppleCentres are not providing?

    (i think i know this one but i'd like to hear everyone's opinion on this)

    TaylorSq has that slick MacAcademie
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  • Reply 30 of 37
    0.5 hours till Apple Oz Announcement... cue Steve Jobs on the video uplink... or is that downlink?
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  • Reply 31 of 37
    Yeah Im hanging for this. I actually registered to go with a mate, but he had to pull out so I didnt want to go alone incase we were refused entry although I never got an email to say dont come.

    I really hope it will be something big like itms or an apple store. I hope its not just a presentation of the keynote with a Q and A.

    Mind you, tomorrow Apple posts its financial results so they might announce it then after todays unveling ??.
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  • Reply 32 of 37
    Think negative. It's safer.

    Who's keeping me updated on this one? From whence is my news coming?
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  • Reply 33 of 37

    Originally posted by crazychester

    Think negative. It's safer.

    Who's keeping me updated on this one? From whence is my news coming?


    They've already found the NEWS

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  • Reply 34 of 37

    Originally posted by GregAlexander


    Though the above link says the Japanese Apple iTMS says iTMS is available in Australia now...

    ... at 2:30 today, about an hour before the local event, said this:

    "Apple was rumoured to be announcing the availability of the iTunes music store in Australia at a local event today, but the announcement did not eventuate.",00.html

    Always rely on News Corp
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  • Reply 35 of 37

    Originally posted by GregAlexander

    Though the above link says the Japanese Apple iTMS says iTMS is available in Australia now...

    ... at 2:30 today, about an hour before the local event, said this:

    "Apple was rumoured to be announcing the availability of the iTunes music store in Australia at a local event today, but the announcement did not eventuate.",00.html

    Always rely on News Corp

    Appletalk Forum discusses that is reporting about the keynote. And also
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  • Reply 36 of 37
    idunnoidunno Posts: 645member
    So what was todays announcement in Sydney all about?
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  • Reply 37 of 37

    Originally posted by iDunno

    So what was todays announcement in Sydney all about?

    We couldn't have just stuck with one or two threads on this topic could we? Seeing as quite a few Australian have posted to this thread, I'm going to drop this in here even though it's a bit off topic.

    Right. First up, local discussion and some info has been going on here for those of you who aren't onto it. And a fine bunch of people they seem to be too, needless to say, what with them being fellow Australian's and all. They've been doing a smashing job.

    So do you want the good news or the bad news first?

    This is what I've just posted at AppleTalk to try to pull together what is known.


    Originally posted by suryo at AppleTalk, Jan 12 2005, 05:06 PM

    All the links are there on the page.


    Originally posted by Chester at AppleTalk

    Not any more.

    Except the one they missed on this page (mouse over centre graphic) that links to here (don't bother it's Nowhere Land).

    So a quick recap.

    - a week or so of rumours

    - Oz is listed as an iTMS country on the Jap site.

    - two news organisations (and I'm using that term pretty loosely) say iTMS Oz is a no go before the event is underway.

    - somebody on the Whirlpool forums makes a very specific prediction about the launch date (ie. when you can buy) namely, 22 January 2005

    - this ties in with the exact date on which Apple's privacy policy will be updated and the new Privacy Policy on includes several mentions of iTMS (the PP is still up)

    - a whole bunch of iTMS links appear on's iLife web page. They go nowhere and, weirdly, they have "uk" in the URL

    - the event is over and not a peep is heard about anything that took place at it (not that I've seen anyway)

    - all the iTMS links on the iLife web page vanish

    - a link remains on Apple Oz's PR page that appears to link to press info about iTMS except it's another dead end

    My theories:

    1. Thunderbirds are go for 22/1 and we'll probably hear something by tomorrow a.m.


    2. They've done an Ireland on us.

    Christ formatting that just about made my head explode. So, strangely enough, I actually feel a certain amount of cautious optimism here. OTOH, if it turns out they've just been jerking us around I will be in a really foul mood. Probably for several weeks.

    No word on the stores either. No word on nuffink.

    Anyway, go wild, garrote yourself, become hysterical, drink yourself into oblivion, whatever takes your fancy. Just keep yourself nice while you're about it.
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