Who will get the 17" Powerbook?



  • Reply 41 of 49
    [quote]Originally posted by RANSOMED:


    Tasteless keyboard effect??!!! :confused:

    Please explain your viewpoint. (I think it's pretty cool not to mention useful for those of us who need to look at the keyboard to type).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The development of the backlit keyboard is motivated by the wish for a luxurious and cool effect, and not the utility itself. One does not have to apply fiberoptical, autosensoring, softly dimming ambient light to see where the keys are. This is why I think it lacks taste.

    It appeals to some people. I might even grow to like it, myself. But it has been forced upon me.
  • Reply 42 of 49
    [quote]Originally posted by makrell:

    <strong>The development of the backlit keyboard is motivated by the wish for a luxurious and cool effect, and not the utility itself. One does not have to apply fiberoptical, autosensoring, softly dimming ambient light to see where the keys are.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    One doesn't have to use a Mac, either...

    Me, I'm drooling all over it. I have great difficulty typing in the dark, and I seem to have to do it a lot. My Flylight does the job, but it's another piece to carry around, or forget, or lose, as the case may be. A built in light would have been sufficient, but the backlit keyboard rocks beyond words. I wish it wasn't sliver, though. :/

    Still trying to get comfortable with the physical size of the 17.

    My 667 is doing the job fine, but I keep eyeing the 17. If it were available now, I'd probably have one...And if it were more than a single 1GHz, I'd probably have ordered one by now. But instead, I wait...

    Oh, and ditto on the resolution comment. I would be much happier with a 15" (or 13", or 12"...) super-high-res display.

  • Reply 43 of 49
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    When something can be done without the addition of undue cost or fragile complexity, then it should be done. Surely, the fiberoptics merely channel some light from the LCD backlight. Nothing major. The sensors probably add a bit of cost, but this is a machine that costs 3299 and luxurious touches ought to be expected, demanded even. As it gets worked out and even cheaper to implement it can move down to lower priced offerings. It's a nice thing, understated, and useful... Nothing to get upset about.

    In fact, I would expect an Apple Pro keyboard "light" version soon. It will have to have it's own light source, but why not? Apple charges quite a bit for a keyboard that surely doen't cost more than $5 to make, they can drop the cost of the non lit keyboard and intro a new "key-light" version. There, I've even given it a nice name for you. Now just make it!
  • Reply 44 of 49
    As I've said, I've ordered my 17" PowerBook and am eagerly awaiting delivery.

    To me the one major flaw in this model is the display resolution. I cut out a piece of paper the size of the AlBook and held it up to my 21" Apple Cinema Display (older CRT model) which I run at 1600x1200 every day. The paper is just narrower than the visible portion of the screen and is a bit shorter (since it's a wide screen). In other words it fits nicely inside the screen bezel. I would think that a resolution of 1600x1000 would be perfect for this laptop.

    But since I plan to connect it to my Cinema Diplay and use dual screens, this lower resolution is only a concern for when I use it away from the office. I think I can live with it. :-)

  • Reply 45 of 49
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>When something can be done without the addition of undue cost or fragile complexity, then it should be done. Surely, the fiberoptics merely channel some light from the LCD backlight. Nothing major. The sensors probably add a bit of cost, but this is a machine that costs 3299 and luxurious touches ought to be expected, demanded even. As it gets worked out and even cheaper to implement it can move down to lower priced offerings. It's a nice thing, understated, and useful... Nothing to get upset about.

    In fact, I would expect an Apple Pro keyboard "light" version soon. It will have to have it's own light source, but why not? Apple charges quite a bit for a keyboard that surely doen't cost more than $5 to make, they can drop the cost of the non lit keyboard and intro a new "key-light" version. There, I've even given it a nice name for you. Now just make it!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Thanks, Matsu. It seems that these last days you and I are in total agreement.

    I guess we can (almost) all agree that:

    The backlit keyboard effect is VERY useful. Imagine working into the night without having to turn on any lights, especially if someone is sleeping in the same room you work, I mean some people ca'n't even handle nightlights.

    PLUS It's freakin' killer. Kudos to Apple on that one [too].
  • Reply 46 of 49
    just ordered a 'big book'

    got the ultimate w/ gig o ram

    I've always wanted a real world powerbook. it will fit me and my workspace like a glove.

    that's right, it's called the big book...
  • Reply 47 of 49
    icruiseicruise Posts: 127member
    [quote]Originally posted by RANSOMED:


    Thanks, Matsu. It seems that these last days you and I are in total agreement.

    I guess we can (almost) all agree that:

    The backlit keyboard effect is VERY useful. Imagine working into the night without having to turn on any lights, especially if someone is sleeping in the same room you work, I mean some people ca'n't even handle nightlights.

    PLUS It's freakin' killer. Kudos to Apple on that one [too].</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If someone can't sleep with a nightlight, I would think the light from the powerbook's screen would be at least as distracting...

    Personally I can type pretty well in the dark, although I occasionally will get my hands out of position and have to hunt around for a second to get the right keys. But I guess not everyone is a touch-typist. I do think the keys are pretty cool.
  • Reply 48 of 49
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member
    When I am out of Grad school an my work doesn't give me free laptops anymore, I will buy a 17 inch Kong book. Of course, by this time, even the iPod's will have PPC 970 chips...
  • Reply 49 of 49
    Whoever mentioned putting a numeric keyboard on it was on to something... The current keyboard looks almost comically small on it.

    I would almost get a 12" powerbook if it could do a GB of ram and also had the high speed firewire port.

    Hmm, what's interesting is that the 15" model is the only one that doesn't have BlueTooth built in. I guess they have a backlog of them?
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