About to buy a G5 imac. But update soon?



  • Reply 21 of 50
    i was upset about the pb not coming out now because i've been waiting for it so long so i am hesitating to buy an imac instead

    but plenty of people are complaining about its noise

    is it that loud ?
  • Reply 22 of 50
    I was hesitant about the noise issue as well, but mine is pretty close to silent. I had been using a 1st gen PB which is like a hurricane compared to the iMac. It just has a very low, slightly audible whirring noise. It's next to nothing.

    I have the 20", btw, if that makes any difference. I had heard that perhaps one model is more prone to noise issues than the other.
  • Reply 23 of 50

    Originally posted by tismfu

    I was hesitant about the noise issue as well, but mine is pretty close to silent. I had been using a 1st gen PB which is like a hurricane compared to the iMac. It just has a very low, slightly audible whirring noise. It's next to nothing.

    I have the 20", btw, if that makes any difference. I had heard that perhaps one model is more prone to noise issues than the other.

    it"s weird

    everytime someone says he has a silent imac it's a 20"

    so 17" are noisy and 20" not ?
  • Reply 24 of 50
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by enzo0511

    so 17" are noisy and 20" not ?

    I would not be surprised if this comes out true, since the 20" model is substantially more voluminous than the 17" one. By the way, I would suggest you to read Apple's own discussions in the G5 iMac section. There were huge threads going on in this subject.
  • Reply 25 of 50

    Originally posted by RSteve

    One last thought -- at the prices you guys pay in the UK - iLife '05 should be included!

    I have to say, this is one thing that is making me hesitate about buying Apple - they really fleece their UK customers and it pisses me off.


    iMac g5 1.8 is $1499 or £793.75 without taxes in the USA at the current exchange rate.

    In the UK it's £850.21 without tax. The US store doesn't quote sales tax (VAT).

    If the dollar strengthened by just 4p, it'd be cheaper to buy a Mac in the UK than the US, taxes not withstanding.
  • Reply 26 of 50
    That's because the pound is unusually high against the dollar at the moment, and yet the UK pre-tax price is still higher by your own figures.
  • Reply 27 of 50
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    Based on the fact that the refurb store is full of iMacs, both sizes (and FTM 2.5GHz PM's), I'd say a speed bump is coming soon.

    I'm hoping to see something like a Geforce 6600 becoming the standard GPU...
  • Reply 28 of 50
    n3on3o Posts: 56member

    Originally posted by Brocklander

    Reckon you guys in the UK have it rough? Have yet to see any country with higher prices than over here in NZ... For example:

    12in Powerbook with Combo

    Apple US - $1599 USD

    Apple UK - $2063 USD

    Apple NZ - $2285 USD

    Apple BR - $3600 USD
  • Reply 29 of 50

    Originally posted by RSteve

    That's because the pound is unusually high against the dollar at the moment, and yet the UK pre-tax price is still higher by your own figures.

    Actually it's more that the dollar is incredibly weak against pretty much any currency now. 4p currency fluctuation is all it takes to even up the prices though - £56.46 difference is hardly being 'fleeced'.
  • Reply 30 of 50

    Originally posted by Brocklander

    Reckon you guys in the UK have it rough? Have yet to see any country with higher prices than over here in NZ... For example:

    12in Powerbook with Combo

    Apple US - $1599 USD

    Apple UK - $2063 USD

    Apple NZ - $2285 USD

    The 12in Powerbook with Combo is not $2063 USD in the UK. It's $1,765.37 USD.

    Apple set the price at £936+VAT some time ago when the USD was stronger. Generally they don't change the price until they also update the product so the $166 difference currently is mostly because of the dollar being weaker than it was when the Powerbook was introduced.

    I suspect Brocklander has quoted the NZ price including GST whereas the US price does not contain sales tax. The UK price quoted was including our VAT too. You're not comparing apples and apples. ;-)

    Apple have been pretty good of late at setting international prices at a fair exchange rate. A few years ago we might have had a real gripe with Apple but it's hardly fair to gripe now. If you want to gripe about taxes, that's a different matter.
  • Reply 31 of 50
    I think £56 difference for no reason is being fleeced. Just my opinion.
  • Reply 32 of 50

    Originally posted by RSteve

    I think £56 difference for no reason is being fleeced. Just my opinion.

    But there is a reason regardless of your opinion.

    It's all to do with currency fluctuations beyond the control of Apple. Or do you want them to set a price in the USA and change it every hour in the UK to compensate for the change in currency?

    Throughout most of August and September it was cheaper to buy an iMac in the UK than the USA. If you felt that strongly about it, you should have bought one then. You'd also get the dual voltage power supply in it instead of the limited 110v only US one.
  • Reply 33 of 50
    Thanks for the info, it was nice to have it explained.
  • Reply 34 of 50

    Originally posted by RSteve

    Thanks for the info, it was nice to have it explained.

    No problem. See, last year, you could have stuck it to the yanks for inflicting Bush on us again. Then again, it'll probably mean the dollar will stay weak so that's some conciliation (ok, not a brilliant one by comparison to daft wars, nutbag religions, human rights abuses and global warming)
  • Reply 35 of 50

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    come on a new iMac will not be for ages, MacRumors is being stupid by telling people not to buy.

    It is 5 months old, so it should be getting an update by at least April. I think I'm waiting. For $2000, I want to get at least an assurance of no whine-noises, an 8X Superdrive, and 128 MB of video RAM.

    Even if Apple doesn't bump the 17" models, it should bump the 20". An FX5200 W/64MB of RAM and a 4X Superdrive for $1900 is inexcusable.
  • Reply 36 of 50

    Originally posted by aegisdesign

    No problem. See, last year, you could have stuck it to the yanks for inflicting Bush on us again. Then again, it'll probably mean the dollar will stay weak so that's some conciliation (ok, not a brilliant one by comparison to daft wars, nutbag religions, human rights abuses and global warming)

    Dude, this is AppleInsider -- Outsider is the appropriate forum for your unsolicited political commentary.

  • Reply 37 of 50

    Originally posted by dferigmu

    It is 5 months old, so it should be getting an update by at least April. I think I'm waiting. For $2000, I want to get at least an assurance of no whine-noises, an 8X Superdrive, and 128 MB of video RAM.

    They'll probably bump it with the same UJ-835 drive as the Mini which various reports are saying is either 4x or 8x but Panasonic are saying is 8x...


    The current iMac has a UJ-825 drive unless they've secretly updated it without telling. They've secretly updated the PowerMac drives to Dual Layer without telling anyone.

    The 17" doesn't whine. The fan picks up a bit if you're doing a fair bit but no more than a 20" I reckon. Crappy Flash anims and running classic in the background seem to be the worst offenders. It's fairly obvious switching between tabs in Safari.

    There's really nothing drastically wrong with an FX5200Ultra with 64MB either IMHO unless you're a gamer and then it's only mildly off. For anything else it's fine.
  • Reply 38 of 50

    Originally posted by tismfu

    Dude, this is AppleInsider -- Outsider is the appropriate forum for your unsolicited political commentary.


    My mistake. Is that where satire between two Brits goes also?
  • Reply 39 of 50
    What do you well informed mac supporters think the chances of an iMac update before the end of february? Just curious my estimated waiting time.
  • Reply 40 of 50

    Originally posted by mickermack08

    What do you well informed mac supporters think the chances of an iMac update before the end of february? Just curious my estimated waiting time.

    Slim. Look for PowerMac updates first. I can't see them having faster iMacs than the base PowerMac.
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