Powerbook goes bling.....



  • Reply 21 of 22
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by cubist

    Hey let me take a crack at the synthetic diamond case. Disregarding the cost for a moment (synthetic diamonds are used for abrasives; I'm not aware of any large stones being made yet), diamond has 4 planes of cleavage! Imagine if you dropped your laptop - and it sheared cleanly in half!

    I like the heat being conducted to the outside. Imagine it melting the polyester of your pants! Melting the plastic top of your desk! Melting the vinyl of your gloves as you attempted to type on its keys! Someone should make a video!

  • Reply 22 of 22
    oled technology is here. and it looks pretty good. however, no one yet makes anything close to a 15.2" panel yet. Furthermore, LCD picture quality will be better than

    OLED for a long time.

    Before you see OLEDs in any suitable form, you'll see White LED backlights on TFT screens. (LED backlights as much more power efficient than CCFL). A lot of screens currently use LED backlights, but most of them are for industrial use, since the white LED hasn't been perfected to the point where it's good for color-sensitive applications.
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