Jobs irate over proposed digital music price hike



  • Reply 61 of 62
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    I wonder what Walmart thinks of this. They are the low price leader, right. Nobody makes demands of Walmart, let alone demands of raising prices.

    What does this price increase mean for Napster and other rental services?

    I've worked with many Record Labels and they are every bit as bad as you hear. They are dumb and greedy enough to try and push the price up, but in the end we all know what will happen: sales, for a time, will be impacted.
  • Reply 62 of 62
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    I might add that if the labels were smart from the get go and each released their own compatible services, they could make as much money as they wanted to charge. Instead they just bitched and watched and now iTunes commands a huge percentage of the market.

    When iTunes store first came out, many record execs liked it. They'd used iTunes forever and the store portion makes perfect sense and is as easy to use.

    Just as with other companies, now they are jealous. They wish they could make 100% of the profits rather than letting Apple keep 2 cents. I'm sure they think Apple is in this big position and can push them around and they don't like it.

    Really though, if they made a service it would be a shoddy piece of crap, and I base this on first-hand experience.
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