Apple's Victory Over Think Secret, others



  • Reply 41 of 43
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Well, I believe part of Apples argument was that these "offenders" are not journalists. Do you think they are? You think anyone who can post something on the web should be considered journalists?

    This is the crux of the issue. Who gets Journalistic protection and who doesn't? I guess it's time to draw up some parameters about who/what/were. I think this Judges ruling was "old school" thinking and poor.

    It's not important on whether a newspaper solicited the information but rather it's important that they have the "right" to do so. Today it may be Apple computer but tomarrow it maybe something important to people as a whole. I feel for Apple because they have leaks that they cannot plug but I don't like our legal system working to do jobs that are best suited to be handled internally. Small government is preferrable to large government IMO.
  • Reply 42 of 43
    somynonasomynona Posts: 40member
    Please feel free to contribute to:

    Anyone can edit it.
  • Reply 43 of 43
    If it were not for the internet, blogs, forums and other web news

    publications we would still be getting nothing but canned, filtered

    and sanitized spin from the corporate owned mainstream media.

    Apple may have a legitimate case against their employee,

    but questioning the legitimacy of web news publications as a protected

    media is opening a big bad nasty can of worms.

    And all this because a 19 year old college student scooped them.

    Some of you may find this an interesting read too.
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