pro keyboards & pc's



  • Reply 21 of 24
    The length of the cable really bugs me. I have my machine on the floor under my desk and have to connect it via a USB hub. Reckon Apple could add an extra few inches, it feels like a relic from the Cube days.

    And when are we going to get a power key back on the keyboard?
  • Reply 22 of 24
    [quote]Originally posted by Spiffster:

    <strong>Why would you want to use an Apple Pro Keyboard on a PC anyway? Isn't just another keyboard? The only thing i see making it worth while is the usb hub on the thing. What were your other reasons for doing this?</strong><hr></blockquote>


    i have 2 pc + monitors on one desk

    im using a dell usb keyboard (it has an usb

    hub in it beneath the keyboard)

    the other machine has a regular keyboard

    (used by my wife)

    i just wanted something slimmer & lighter & had

    an easily accesible hub so the pro keyboard

    fit perfectly.

    the mouse is a logitech mx700 cordless which is

    really nice

    the keys are ok..will take some getting used to

    like any other keyboard

    the usb cable is way too short.. would have been

    nice if apple made it slightly longer.

    if you want an indestructable keyboard then try to

    find the old ibm keyboard (i still have mine

    cast iron/steel base & can take a tremendous amount of abuse ...mines still working after 8 years.
  • Reply 23 of 24
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:


    We'll see how the little PB's keyboard feels soon enough.

    I need to get an external anyway, recommendations?

    Mebbe I should just get someething from a 3rd party?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    the keyboard on a 15" pbook is fine...

    im using the ti & a dell laptop at work all day

    long & have typed a lot of code on both machines

    & theyve help up (dell laptop is on its second

    keyboard now...the left ctrl key tends to wear out ...too much ctrl c/v/x

    if you type or code a lot get the pro keyboard

    its lightweight & smaller than most keyboards & has worked perfectly for me on osx / linux/win2k & openbsd

    i favour the black one...the white one tends to get dirty to easily just like most pc keyboards.

    & lastly get a mouse.....logitech mouseman dual

    optical...worth the money

    or a logitech mx700 ..2 of the best mice ever made

    my 2c
  • Reply 24 of 24
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I'm hoping Appe straightens out the bluetooh situation and I can get a nice bluetooth mouse. but yeah, I also need a mouse.

    I don't type any code, it's all real sentences, pages and pages of them, day afater day, sigh...
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