Tiger: Upgrade or Clean Install...which are you going to do?



  • Reply 41 of 55
    I am new to macs having come over from wondows last month. I have 2 Powerbooks G4s and an Imac G5. I have read and read about the impending Tiger upgrade and the various ways of doing the install. If this is a simple question I apologize in advance. I am unsure rather to archive and install or do a clean install. In reading about a clean install it is suggested to make a backup to a firewire disk from which I can boot from just in case. The question I have is that if I use .mac backup to backup my Safari setting, documents and such do I eally need a bootable backup from a firewire hard drive. Having been a windows user for 10 years and having purchased all of my Apples just recently I want to be sure to do this the right way. Thanks iin advance for any suggestions and help.
  • Reply 42 of 55
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by drumsticks

    I would like to repartition my two drives. Currently, they function as two separate drives, but what I really want is to RAID-0 them together into one big drive, and then partition it into two (or more). That is, each partition is striped across two drives. I found that this wasn't possible in Panther. Here's hoping that Tiger would allow such a thing.

    CAUTION: even if it is possible, you do NOT want software raid, yes for big files stripeing is sweet - but, get a hardware controller! sw is prone to errors and is by nature slow, you are better with two seperate drives than software raid.

    If you do want raid, go raid1, you get speedy reads, and redundency.

    And if your files are important enough to be paranoid about loosing, I say set up a raid 5 nas box, use gigabit ehternet in the mac and in the nas and then you have stripeing and redundency


  • Reply 43 of 55
    ryanhryanh Posts: 116member
    Ok. I'm not new to the Mac, but this is my first OS upgrade. I went from an OS9 iMac G3 to an iMac G5 (now my parents) and a new 15" PB. I want to do a clean install but I am unsure on how to go about doing this. I backed-up all my important files on my parents iMac using FW target disc mode. When I get tiger, do I just boot from the CD, access disc utility, erase the volume Macintosh HD, then exit disc utility and install Tiger?

    Any help from some veterans would be great.
  • Reply 44 of 55
    ill be just upgrading like ive always had...tiger will still feel snappy, just without all the work...all important documents have been loaded to iDisk...
  • Reply 45 of 55
    If any of the experience OSX upgraders want to share their infinite wisdom and maybe post a HOWTO for a Panther->Tiger upgrade (backup, clean install) that would be great for those of us who have yet to perform one of these. I am still fairly new to OSX-land and could definitely use some practical advice. Thanks.


    Originally posted by ryanh

    Ok. I'm not new to the Mac, but this is my first OS upgrade. I went from an OS9 iMac G3 to an iMac G5 (now my parents) and a new 15" PB. I want to do a clean install but I am unsure on how to go about doing this. I backed-up all my important files on my parents iMac using FW target disc mode. When I get tiger, do I just boot from the CD, access disc utility, erase the volume Macintosh HD, then exit disc utility and install Tiger?

    Any help from some veterans would be great.

  • Reply 46 of 55
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    If any of the experience OSX upgraders want to share their infinite wisdom and maybe post a HOWTO for a Panther->Tiger upgrade (backup, clean install) that would be great for those of us who have yet to perform one of these. I am still fairly new to OSX-land and could definitely use some practical advice. Thanks.

    Anticipating the avalanche of threads on upgrading coming in a few days, I'll try to put together a sticky tonight.
  • Reply 47 of 55
    "Hallelujah. You're my savior, man. My own personal Jesus Christ."

    Thanks, I am sure it will be of great help to everyone!!
  • Reply 48 of 55
    Having just read all of the posts in this thread, I still don't see a real compelling argument for a clean install.

    Is it a matter of being a purist and having everything shiny and new, or is there some clear benefit that I'm missing?

    I have an iMac G4 with 10.2.3 and will be going to 10.4 on Friday.

    For me, following a clean install, I will reload virtually every application and file that currently exists on my computer. What's the benefit of a clean install over the upgrade?
  • Reply 49 of 55

    Originally posted by hirsch22

    Having just read all of the posts in this thread, I still don't see a real compelling argument for a clean install.

    Is it a matter of being a purist and having everything shiny and new, or is there some clear benefit that I'm missing?

    I have an iMac G4 with 10.2.3 and will be going to 10.4 on Friday.

    For me, following a clean install, I will reload virtually every application and file that currently exists on my computer. What's the benefit of a clean install over the upgrade?

    I HAVE NO IDEA! ive always done upgrades and have never had a problem...i think someone said that with upgrades some logs and unnecessary prefs from panther are carried over making the system slower, but i honestly have no clue... my friend has encouraged me to do an archive and install, then move what i want back onto my harddrive...essentially an archive and install is the same thing as an upgrade except it allows u to choose what u want to return to ur hd... but i am also confused about archiving....after installation, will tiger open with my personal information already set in the hd, and everything else in the previous system folder? any help from anyone that has done a successful archive and install in the past would be great...
  • Reply 50 of 55
    bwhalerbwhaler Posts: 260member
    Due to my goofing around and installing heaven knows what, I am doing a clean install.

    It's nice to get a clean slate. Plus, it is an opportunity to download the latest versions of applications and install all of the patches.

    Yes, it will take more time, but I am hoping it will result in a smoother experience over time.
  • Reply 51 of 55
    mimacmimac Posts: 872member

    Originally posted by lundy

    Anticipating the avalanche of threads on upgrading coming in a few days, I'll try to put together a sticky tonight.

    Great! I too am considering a clean install of 10.4 + iLife '05 but am wary of losing older apps.

    Heres the thing... I still have the original discs ( 10.1 & 9.2.2 ) that came with my G4 iMac (Superdrive) and have archived and installed 10.2, tho have since misplaced 10.2 discs ... sooo, I need a step by step for a clean install and how to reinstall AppleWorks and 9.2.2 from the original discs.

    I also have an external HD, so what can/should I backup on it and move back after a clean install?

    Any help greatly appreciated
  • Reply 52 of 55
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by MiMac

    Great! I too am considering a clean install of 10.4 + iLife '05 but am wary of losing older apps.

    Heres the thing... I still have the original discs ( 10.1 & 9.2.2 ) that came with my G4 iMac (Superdrive) and have archived and installed 10.2, tho have since misplaced 10.2 discs ... sooo, I need a step by step for a clean install and how to reinstall AppleWorks and 9.2.2 from the original discs.

    I also have an external HD, so what can/should I backup on it and move back after a clean install?

    Any help greatly appreciated

    Since you have an external disk, you are all set: see my sticky thread on Tiger's Migration Assistant.

  • Reply 53 of 55
    rhythmrhythm Posts: 16member
    archive and install...whenever tiger finally leaps here to beijing.
  • Reply 54 of 55
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    On my iMac I just did an upgrade like always. I've never had any trouble and it saves a lot of time. On my Powerbook I did a clean install only because I just got it this weekend and there was nothing on there of mine.
  • Reply 55 of 55
    rhythmrhythm Posts: 16member
    Whaddya know ??? That ole Tiger-kitty packs some punch in its haunches, leaping all the way across the briny Pacific to land on all fours in Beijing. After an effortlessly successful Archive and Install, followed by a delete of the previous Systems folder, all runs as smoothly on my TiBook as a striped cat down a winding southern Chinese path...
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