Tired of Waiting?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I wonder how many potential switchers Apple loose each day waiting for new hardware - particularly Powermacs. It looks like we may be heading for an entire year without updates.

.......and then there's the eMac - a year without an update, and still being sold at it's original price It needs 20-30 % slashed of its current price until it's updated.


  • Reply 1 of 52
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    As far as updates in the hardware lines are concerned, I don't think this year is (going to be) any different from the last one. With the exception of course of iPods and the new Mac mini which, seemingly, draw much attention.
  • Reply 2 of 52
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    I wonder how many potential switchers Apple loose each day waiting for new hardware - particularly Powermacs. It looks like we may be heading for an entire year without updates.

    I'd say I have enough fingers to cover the amount of switchers Apple loses.


    and then there's the eMac - a year without an update, and still being sold at it's original price It needs 20-30 % slashed of its current price until it's updated.

    Ok let's come back to reality. Apple doesn't "slash" prices. They offer incentives and special bundles but they don't just lop off %20 and hype the hell out of it.

    Switchers have to know how Apple operates. They need to realize that Macs are on cycles that aren't written in stone. Models don't see Quartely updates but when the updates do come there are fairly large changes unless we're talking about a Rev B update.

    Patience is key.
  • Reply 3 of 52
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Apple has great laptops and Mac Mini. I'm not sure an eMac revision is even necessary now that minis are in the same territory.

    iMac does not seem like a bad deal. Cut the low end price a bit to attack what used to be the high end of the former eMac market. Small GPU bump to other models, maybe, and price cuts?

    The mid-range headless with hardcore graphics should finally come out.

    Any Powermac upgrade is going to be incremental and not a big deal. They are good, fast machines, there isn't much you can do to them besides slowly piling on better default features.

    I don't think a lot of sales are being lost.
  • Reply 4 of 52
    the cool gutthe cool gut Posts: 1,714member

    Originally posted by Gon

    I don't think a lot of sales are being lost.

    That's only because Apple isn't selling enough PM to have a great loss. The Powermac line for Apple is a big problem, and if you think otherwise then your only fooling yourself. When the G5 first came out, Fred Anderson said that the can definitely sell more than 200 000 a quarter. In the last quarter they said that they doubt they will ever go over 200 000 again, and said that pros are upgrading to the iMac G5 instead and that they would focus on total system sales as opposed to specific models.
  • Reply 5 of 52
    jsnuff1jsnuff1 Posts: 37member
    AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I really cant take it anymore...im chugging along on a Dual 500 G4 and I was supposed to upgrade last summer, but after that crap of an upgrade to the G5 I decided to wait...and wait...and wait some more. So here I am...still waiting....yup no updates on the apple site. Im gonna go off the deep end soon. Its been a year and not even a peep of a rumor conserning the G5, other than speculation of course. Why??? Damn Appleinside just make up a lie...something!! Just keep me sane for a few more months.
  • Reply 6 of 52
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    Originally posted by xflare

    I wonder how many potential switchers Apple loose each day waiting for new hardware - particularly Powermacs. It looks like we may be heading for an entire year without updates.

    .......and then there's the eMac - a year without an update, and still being sold at it's original price It needs 20-30 % slashed of its current price until it's updated.

    what a ridiculous argument. first off, potential buyers probably have no idea where apple is in its product cycles, so they aren't waiting for anything. secondly, the only reason apple product update cycle is "bad" is because you want it to be "bad." youre waiting around so you can get more power for your money, but in fact you have no idea that the eMac is really being updated at all. rumors are just opinions. if you dont like the way apple is conducting business, buy from another company or don't worry about product updates. meanwhile, i'm going to go use my "old" Dual 2.5Ghz G5. gee i guess it wont be productive though since it's a year old and *obviously* not very powerful.
  • Reply 7 of 52
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    What ipodandimac said.

    Besides, Apple needs to drop the defensive "switcher" campaign and do what they do best, ignore the rest of the PC industry and pretend it doesn't exist.

    Computers for Humans.

    Switch sucks. Too much like flip-flopper. Either it sounds plaintive or imperative, neither are appealing.

    So-called "switchers" don't want to switch to another newfangled marketing promise. They bought into Windows/MS/Dell/Gateway/etc., why should they trust another computer company?

    That's why Apple needs to (and is) be truly different in every way. Let them see a Mac and they want one, when they experience it compared to their WinHell. iPod is helping this but it'd be better if there were other trojan horses too.
  • Reply 8 of 52
    tacojohntacojohn Posts: 980member

    Originally posted by the cool gut

    In the last quarter they said that they doubt they will ever go over 200 000 again, and said that pros are upgrading to the iMac G5 instead and that they would focus on total system sales as opposed to specific models.

    My department just bought 28 G5's with cinema displays....
  • Reply 9 of 52
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by tacojohn

    My department just bought 28 G5's with cinema displays....

    That must be a beautiful sight...
  • Reply 10 of 52
    xflarexflare Posts: 199member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    what a ridiculous argument. meanwhile, i'm going to go use my "old" Dual 2.5Ghz G5. gee i guess it wont be productive though since it's a year old and *obviously* not very powerful.

    .....spending £3000 on a computer thats a year old would be ridiculous. And yes....your dual 2.5Ghz G5 is old.
  • Reply 11 of 52
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    We thought six-month updates were bad...

    It'll probably be a year or at WWDC when we can see tower improvements. Im running a G4/400 and it's time to upgrade. Let me tell you, if the video card remains a 5200, ram is 256 and the same HD space, it looks like an iMac for me.

    Yes, I know the video card aint the end of the world. But when I expect to pay $2500 and wait yearly for updates, I want a killer machine!
  • Reply 12 of 52
    tacojohntacojohn Posts: 980member

    Originally posted by ibook911

    That must be a beautiful sight...

    Yeah- 25 dual 1.8's with 20" displays each with a gig of ram and the ATI crads, and 3 dual 2.5's maxed out (well they have the 6800 ultra and "only" 4 gigs of RAM) with dual 20" displays.

    Also 2 xserves and an xserve raid with 7 400GB drives...

    They're talking about putting fiber to the machines, but that's farther down the road, now it's "just" GBit ethernet.

    But, it's not set up yet- in a few weeks- I'll see if I can get some pics when it's done.

  • Reply 13 of 52

    Originally posted by Gon

    Apple has great laptops

    Well Ok then, they have perfected it, no need to EVER come out with a faster or newer one. They are already great!
  • Reply 14 of 52
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member
    I guess, when they do have new Powermacs, we can buy one and know we'll have the latest for quite a while.
  • Reply 15 of 52
    the cool gutthe cool gut Posts: 1,714member

    Originally posted by tacojohn

    My department just bought 28 G5's with cinema displays....

    It's going to be interesting to hear how the PM did this quarter.
  • Reply 16 of 52
    quambquamb Posts: 143member
    I agree, even though it may sound far fetched.

    I am tired of waiting. A yearly update for a computer is crazy, major car models get updated every year, let alone computers. It's well known that the IT/computer industry moves forward and super-speeeds, ie; a home user should, in theory, update there computer every 4 years to keep up with the times, and a pro user every 2 years (the lucky ones). So, why would us pro users buy a year old computer from apple for high prices?

    It is crazy, and there are many that are tired of waiting. And of course, there are many who dont care and dont get geeked up over this sort of thing.

    If a new powermac doesn't come out in April am thinking of getting a PC- as I need a machine now, and hate the idea of buying something a year old.

    It's funny, as in the PC world, one can budget for and forecast whats around the corner. Us mac suckers just have to wait. And wait.
  • Reply 17 of 52
    gongon Posts: 2,437member

    Originally posted by Peter North

    Well Ok then, they have perfected it, no need to EVER come out with a faster or newer one. They are already great!

    That's not what I said. Are you trying to say they are not okay for now?
  • Reply 18 of 52
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Should have titled this thread

  • Reply 19 of 52
    gongon Posts: 2,437member

    Originally posted by quamb

    I am tired of waiting. A yearly update for a computer is crazy, major car models get updated every year, let alone computers. It's well known that the IT/computer industry moves forward and super-speeeds, ie; a home user should, in theory, update there computer every 4 years to keep up with the times, and a pro user every 2 years (the lucky ones). So, why would us pro users buy a year old computer from apple for high prices?

    First, performance is not growing like that anymore.

    Second, "keeping up with the times" only sounds stupid. Whether you are trying to get work done, have fun, or impress other people, you should be working on that. Gear needs to be reliable, and it needs to be good enough for the job. If you can save time or make a better job by having more or better gear, knock yourself out.

    Professionals should be the absolute last people worrying if their gear is "new".

    If a new powermac doesn't come out in April am thinking of getting a PC- as I need a machine now, and hate the idea of buying something a year old.

    What if you just bought what works best for you, when you need it?

    It's funny, as in the PC world, one can budget for and forecast whats around the corner. Us mac suckers just have to wait. And wait.

    Apple has a reason for not making big announcements in advance. Their customer base is not like Dell's. Unlike big businesses, a lot of Apple's customers don't have a rigid buy schedule and will wait if they know exactly when a next revision is coming. For inventory reasons it costs more for everybody, and delivery times grow, if sales tank before a release and spike afterwards. Of course this happens anyway, since people predict the releases and like to buy shiny new models, but probably the effect is smaller.

    For technical and inventory reasons Apple can't make constant incremental upgrades like Dell does to keep the machines flowing, either. Personally I think Apple could just steadily (as in, monthly) drop the prices of all models that are out.
  • Reply 20 of 52
    gongon Posts: 2,437member

    Originally posted by MajorMatt

    We thought six-month updates were bad...

    It'll probably be a year or at WWDC when we can see tower improvements. Im running a G4/400 and it's time to upgrade. Let me tell you, if the video card remains a 5200, ram is 256 and the same HD space, it looks like an iMac for me.

    Yes, I know the video card aint the end of the world. But when I expect to pay $2500 and wait yearly for updates, I want a killer machine!

    If you want a killer machine that costs $2500, buy a $2000 machine with $500 worth of upgrades.

    When you buy a Porsche, it does not come with a tanker full of race gas and a mountain of tires, either. Don't use your last cent on the car.

    Personally, I hope they keep the base configuration plain. It sucks having to pay for things you don't use.
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