TS: New Powermacs likely at NAB 2005

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014

Details are scarce at this point, but along with a bevy of new Pro Apps running on top of Tiger, Apple plans to introduce updated Power Mac G5 systems at NAB, sources report.

It's unclear whether the new G5s will pack IBM's dual-core 970MP processor, code-named "Antares" or its younger brother, the single-core 970GX. Neither processor has been officially announced by IBM yet, but Apple has been working with prototypes of both since late last year.

It is possible that the 970MP will be available in high-end Power Mac G5 systems, with the 970GX being reserved for the entry-level Power Mac G5. The 970GX can also be expected to find its way into update iMac G5 systems, and while Think Secret still expects new iMacs this month, it's unlikely they will pack the new processor.

Along with better performance, the new chips in the 970 family run significantly cooler than the current 970FX Apple uses. While they won't find their way into laptops any time soon -- based on current information, Think Secret does not expect a PowerBook G5 to start shipping in 2005 -- they will allow Apple to do away with the complicated and expensive liquid-cooling system featured in high-end Power Mac G5s right now, sources said.

There have also been rumblings that the new Power Mac G5s will feature Blu-Ray SuperDrives, making Apple the first company to ship the technology. Apple joined the Blu-Ray Association's Board of Directors on March 10, and Apple was the first company to ship a DVD recorder when it introduced the SuperDrive with Power Mac G4 systems, lending some credibility to this rumor.

Power Mac G5 sales have been down for the last quarters, partly due to strong iMac G5 sales and a stale platform. Apple last gave the Power Mac G5 a facelift in June 2004, and introduced the lowest-end 1.8GHz model in October. NAB kicks off next week.

I don't think this is good info. Blu-Ray drives would be at least $1k. Some somehow I'm supposed to believe that Apple wants to be first to ship BR in the computers when the format has 0 market penetration whilst getting chincy on what computers potentially have dual cores?

Methinks TS is deliberately trying to muck up their accuracy for whatever reason.


  • Reply 1 of 126
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Highly likely I would think. If there is any way that Apple can announce the dual-core G5 they surely will. The G5 was designed to blow away the PC competition in speed terms as part of the whole 'Pro' strategy, but it didn't quite go according to plan. Dual-core Xeons are a ways off yet but dual-core Pentiums are due in a couple of months. A 2 x 2 x 3GHz G5 would kick serious ass until the Xeon's turn up. Big video card news as well?

    Can't wait to see what the ProApp updates bring!
  • Reply 2 of 126
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Oh, absolutely zero chance of BlueRay drives....
  • Reply 3 of 126
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Methinks TS is deliberately trying to muck up their accuracy for whatever reason.

    Create a fog wall for their sources?

    However, their prediction on the Powerbook (not taking a G5-class processor this year) is nothing new for those that follow the developments in the PPC processor technology front. You don't need sources to predict that one. And I don't believe that new iMacs will be released this month.
  • Reply 4 of 126
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by vinney57

    A 2 x 2 x 3GHz G5...

    Do not bet on that one. I don't believe that we will see more than 2.5 GHz in the first dual core G5.
  • Reply 5 of 126
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    Re: hmurchison


    I don't think this is good info. Blu-Ray drives would be at least $1k.

    Re: vinney57


    Oh, absolutely zero chance of BlueRay drives....

    I was under the impression that Apple did the same thing with the 1st gen. SuperDrives. Really... when has the high cost of some components stopped Apple from including them in their wares?

    Speaking of which:


    Monday, January 03, 2005

    Philips Electronics, a world leader in optical storage and a founding member of the Blu-ray Disc Association, will be revealing its prototype all-in-one PC writer that reads and writes CD, DVD and Blu-ray Discs. The demonstration will be held on the Philips booth #9004 at the CES 2005 exhibition. The introduction of this unique all-in-one PC writer is scheduled for the second half of 2005.

    Will it be expensive? Yes. Will it be in good supply? No. Is it going to happen anyway? CONFIRMED!

  • Reply 6 of 126
    Actually, when Apple shipped the first superdrives, you could get a Powermac with the superdrive, for LESS, than if you purchased a superdrive seperately(I remember this being a big deal, and it was announced as such, and I checked dvd-r drives at the time and they were several thousand dollars).

    of course a few months later, they were not.
  • Reply 7 of 126
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    The difference was that there had been DVD Burners for a while shipping..they were just expensive.

    There are no Blu-Ray drives that support the latest spec. Basically Apple hitched into the drastic price drop of DVD Burning. This isn't the same scenario.
  • Reply 8 of 126
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Did this story come from TS, or MOSR? Have they merged?
  • Reply 9 of 126
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member

    Originally posted by PB

    Do not bet on that one. I don't believe that we will see more than 2.5 GHz in the first dual core G5.

    Yeah I know... just be nice for IBM to pull one out the bag every now and then.
  • Reply 10 of 126
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    We don't even have dual-layer yet, and they'll ship Blu-Ray? Seems extremely unlikely.


    Did this story come from TS, or MOSR? Have they merged?

    LOL!!! In fact the writing sounds a lot like MOSR. If it'd included the usual references to "the grapevine" (MOSR loves this word) I'd have suspected plagiarism.
  • Reply 11 of 126
    imiloaimiloa Posts: 187member
    re: blu-ray debate, i'm also skeptical. but there is one possibility i haven't seen mentioned:

    standard config is DVD. blu-ray is BTO for $1000 or whatever. apple sells blu-ray media direct from store for equally royal price.

    BTO+media sales boost apple revs for deep-pocket early adopters, while not scaling the default price out of the hands of mere mortals.

    and by announcing first in industry, apple marketing gets to use that high-gloss superhero copy they're so fond of.

    given the capacity of blu-ray, announcing it at NAB (if possible) makes sense. ie: target audience most likely to shell out big bucks to make their lives easier.
  • Reply 12 of 126
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    When is NAB? Exactly what date? I ask because if it is toward the end of the year, I definitely see the appearance of Blu-Ray drives a possibility. Seeing how HP is expected to have Blu-Ray Drives by the end of the year, I wouldn't expect anything less from Apple by beating them to the punch.

    Maybe wishful thinking, but conceivable.
  • Reply 13 of 126
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by marzetta7

    When is NAB? Exactly what date? I ask because if it is toward the end of the year, I definitely see the appearance of Blu-Ray drives a possibility. Seeing how HP is expected to have Blu-Ray Drives by the end of the year, I wouldn't expect anything less from Apple by beating them to the punch.

    Maybe wishful thinking, but conceivable.

    NAB is next week, April 16-21
  • Reply 14 of 126
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by marzetta7

    When is NAB? Exactly what date? I ask because if it is toward the end of the year, ....

    NAB is a few days only away.

    EDIT. Ooops. Flounder was one minute quicker than me .
  • Reply 15 of 126
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Blu-Ray is a non-issue right now for %99.8 of mac users.

    How about Apple getting agressive.

    Make iMacs Dual Core 1.8 and 2.2Ghz

    The Powermacs can be



    2.8 Dual Core

    The only G4 based computers should be Mac mini, Powerbooks and eMacs full stop.

    No G5 based system should be single core. Bah forget Blu-Ray we need some number crunching power if we're to deal with HD Steve.
  • Reply 16 of 126
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    How about Apple getting agressive.

    Make iMacs Dual Core 1.8 and 2.2Ghz

    The Powermacs can be



    2.8 Dual Core

    The only G4 based computers should be Mac mini, Powerbooks and eMacs full stop.

    I agree. I think this is much more interesting than Blu-Ray right now. Unfortunately, I don't see it happen this year. However, I believe that the pressure from the x86 makers and vendors will make the dual core chips to trickle down to consumer space (G5 iMac) sooner than later (hopes for next year).
  • Reply 17 of 126
    wmfwmf Posts: 1,164member
    I think the Blu-ray drive will be released no sooner than DVD Studio Blu, and Apple can't release that until the specs are finalized.
  • Reply 18 of 126
    I suppose we'll all know come Monday April 18.


    \ ?





    We'll have to wait and see.
  • Reply 19 of 126
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    I don't think we'll see blu-ray shiping, but I think Apple will make an announcement and probably show off a protoype.
  • Reply 20 of 126
    henriokhenriok Posts: 537member
    Blu-ray would be a must have feature for the same category of people that consider a 4x3 GHz PowerMac with 32 GB RAM and a dual Cinema Display 30" setup a necessity. These people (and they exist wheather the actually do need it or not) obviosly have too much money so a BTO Blu-ray, just to back up their HDDV-snippets from their new Panasonic <$10K HDDV camera, would hardly get noticed in their budget.

    Apple would sell tons of machines with Blu-ray drives and can proudly boast that they are first to ship Blu-ray as a standard addition and that they drive the evolution of HD video and technology in general. Sonds like Apple?

    I just hope that they will be first to ship dual core procesors too, but I'm not getting my hopes up on that one.
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