Apple introduces Soundtrack Pro

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Apple today introduced Soundtrack Pro, a revolutionary new application that gives audio and video professionals the easiest and most flexible way to create, control and fix audio.

Soundtrack Pro features a waveform editor with flexible Action Layers that allow users to instantly re-order, bypass or change any edit, effect or process. Intelligent Find-and-Fix features quickly identify and repair common audio problems such as background noise, pops, clicks and hum. With full multitrack editing and mixing, over 50 professional effect plug-ins from AppleÂ?s Logic Pro 7, and more than 1,000 professional quality sound effects, Soundtrack Pro provides the most intuitive, yet precise way to create stunning audio.

"In an HD world where production values are high, Soundtrack Pro ensures that the audio sounds as good as the picture looks,Â? said Rob Schoeben, AppleÂ?s vice president of Applications Marketing.Â* Â?Just as Final Cut Pro revolutionized the world of non-linear editing, Soundtrack Pro will do the same for audio editing and sound design.Â?

Action Layers in Soundtrack ProÂ?s innovative waveform editor let audio and video professionals quickly re-order, bypass or change any edit, effect or process. Integrated Action Lists deliver a complete history of edits and audio processing tasks, enabling users to revise decisions at any time while experimenting with sound design. Effect parameters can be tweaked spontaneously long after an effect has been applied to the audio waveform. Intelligent Find-and-Fix features quickly identify and repair common audio problems such as background noise, pops, clicks and hum and can be set automatically or manually for complete control.

With over 50 professional plug-ins including Space Designer, Match EQ and Linear Phase EQ from AppleÂ?s Logic Pro 7 music creation and production software, Soundtrack Pro provides a powerful set of tools for audio and video professionals to sculpt the perfect sound for their productions. Soundtrack Pro comes with over 5,000 Apple Loops that add depth to the action and emotion of pictures with musical elements and sound effects ranging from earthshaking explosions and whooshes, to subtle ambient effects.

An integrated mixer in Soundtrack Pro with control surface support enables audio pros to interact with audio tracks using a familiar interface. Audio pros can apply common effects to multiple tracks and group common tracks using busses. Support for Mackie Control surface protocol allows sound editors to use hardware faders and knobs for tactile control over mix parameters to delve deeper into creating the perfect mix.

Soundtrack Pro offers seamless integration within AppleÂ?s Final Cut Studio, a new HD video production suite which allows professional editors to work in any format from DV, SD, HD to film, and elevate production values with powerful editing tools, revolutionary sound design, real-time motion graphics and next generation DVD authoring.Â* Users can seamlessly move between other Final Cut Studio applications and Soundtrack Pro for quick audio touch-up and creation.Â* Entire sequences from Final Cut Pro 5 can be taken to the Soundtrack Pro multitrack editor for larger scale, audio post production.Â*

AppleScript capabilities built into Soundtrack Pro simplify and accelerate the video production process by automating common and repetitive audio tasks. Audio and video professionals can execute complete Soundtrack Pro scripts directly from within Final Cut Pro 5 any time they need them. Automator, an application integrated in Mac OS X version 10.4 Â?Tiger,Â? helps streamline more complex tasks without any programming.

Pricing & Availability

Soundtrack Pro will be available in May through the Apple Store, AppleÂ?s retail stores and Apple Authorized Resellers for a suggested retail price of $299 (US). Soundtrack Pro is available as part of Final Cut Studio, AppleÂ?s ultimate HD video production suite which includes Final Cut Pro 5, Motion 2, DVD Studio Pro 4 and Soundtrack Pro for a suggested retail price of $1,299 (US). Full system requirements and more information on Soundtrack Pro can be found at Apple's Web site.


  • Reply 1 of 9
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Very nice! From what I've seen so far Apple's done a damn good job here.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    Finally! I've been waiting a long time for something like this; a post audio app designed with video editors in mind. To me, definitely the most exciting announcement today. I can't wait to dive into Soundtrack Pro.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    4fx4fx Posts: 258member
    It sounds like FCP Studio will be ditching Peak Express...

    Oh well, Ive been considering buying Bias's new Peak Pro Bundle, but it looks like Soundtrack Pro will do the majority of what I need(Waveform editing, EQ & simple audio restoration). And it will save me a crap load of money to boot!

    It looks to me that Soundtrack Pro will do more than Soundsoap(eliminates pops and crackels). I wonder how it compares to Soundsoap Pro...

    I think Apple has hit the mark on this one. Many video editors dont really need all that Logic has to offer, but didnt feel that Peak + Soundtrack was an elegant solution. Soundtrack Pro seems to be that elegant solution.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    dave jdave j Posts: 84member
    Just curious as to which audio interfaces this will support. Also bit rate and frequency. - 24/192? (There was mention of 24/192 on Apple's web site but below this was 24/96 - confusing.) Asteroid was supposed to do this job and you all know what happened with that. Guess that story isn't over quite yet though. Thoughts?
  • Reply 5 of 9
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Most modern interfaces will suppor 24/96. You have to spend some money to get 24/192 which is total overkill really.
  • Reply 6 of 9

    "In an HD world where production values are high, Soundtrack Pro ensures that the audio sounds as good as the picture looks,? said Rob Schoeben, Apple?s vice president of Applications Marketing._ ?Just as Final Cut Pro revolutionized the world of non-linear editing, Soundtrack Pro will do the same for audio editing and sound design.?

    Gawd am I sick of marketing-speak.

    In the world where production values are high, people don't pay picture editors to mix their sound. For one thing, a true uncompressed t!t$ out HD editing rig is too expensive a workstation to be tied up with audio work. For another, edit suites are notoriously noisy acoustic toilets. And lastly, a lot of picture editors aren't that good at it, or don't care to do it.

    The term "digital" was long ago drained of all substantive meaning by the marketing hacks. "HD" has been heading down the same path (witness HD cable & satellite, HDV, HDTV, Pro Tools HD, etc. ad nauseum).

    I just hope that either directly, or via a pipe to FCP, Soundtrack Pro users can generate usable OMF's so I can make money fixing things. The phrase spoken early and often in studio's around the world by filmmaker/writer/director/editor/nascent sound editors upon loading up their FCP pre-mixes: "I never heard that in the track before."

    hmurchison sez:


    You have to spend some money to get 24/192 which is total overkill really.

    192k is total marketing numbers hype. Note that Digi went there last after taking incredible amouts of shite about not offering it. 192k demonstrably underperforms 96k given even the best convertors. It's a clocking issue.

    Digi should combat Soundtrack Pro with a kick ass update to ProTools Free. All I need is an 8 to 12 track editor with a few bells & whistles to hack rough things together without having to carry a DigiDongle piece of hardware around with my PowerBook. I'll buy STP just for that and the plug-in (if they're any good) will be gravy.

  • Reply 7 of 9
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Hear Hear!

    My thoughts exactly Gordon. I wanted someone to shove a cork in Rob's mouth. Are these guys trained to sound like complete morons? I mean hey it's kinda cool to see Jobs at a keynote working the crowd but now every Apple yahoo thinks they can make grandiose statements like they're fact.

    I still think Apple needs a higher end bundle that includes a 3D app tailored for video. Better audio editing on par with Pro Tools LE and better compositing.

    Yes basically I'm asking for AvidXpress Studio HD. I love the new updates to Final Cut Pro Studio but as always there's always room for improvement. :P
  • Reply 8 of 9
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    The sound editors I know are pretty excited about Soundtrack Pro. Its still a 1.0 release, but compared to the previous non-Pro version, its a major step forward. In fact we do some work with Walter Murch and Sean Cullen and I was surprised to seem them up on in a promo video.

    As 3D become more and more prevalent, I think a new type of 3D compositing app will be needed. Its sorta like Shake+Maya, with support for environmental and positional audio. I dunno if anything like this will come out, but I'd think that this is where things are going. If nothing else, this would be a great Pre-viz tool, as long as its pretty simple to use and move the camera around in the scene.
  • Reply 9 of 9

    Originally posted by Xool

    The sound editors I know are pretty excited about Soundtrack Pro.

    I'm excited about it. I'm just not thrilled with the "you can buy this cookware set and be a great chef" approach to marketing it. Like many things, in experienced hands it could well be a wonderful tool; in the hands of a deluded dilletante it will mean one more one man band convinced that the production values are now "high" since STP is in the loop.


    In fact we do some work with Walter Murch and Sean Cullen and I was surprised to seem them up on in a promo video.

    #1. Who wouldn't want to be in an Apple promo video?! It's a who's who list.

    #2. Walter Murch is the exception that proves the rule. 1 of a kind.

    I've read that Apple's demo of STP includes a proud decalaration of "noise removed!" as the track plays with that familiar underwater gurgling. Ack!!

    Doesn't anyone find this to be a pretty ballsy remark on a couple of fronts?


    ?Just as Final Cut Pro revolutionized the world of non-linear editing, Soundtrack Pro will do the same for audio editing and sound design.?

    Akin to Al Gore "inventing" the internet and claims of the second coming.

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