Sadly, this is what we Mac users have to put up with..

in macOS edited January 2014
Taken from the BBC UK website:

"The big question is whether Tiger will be enough to persuade PC users to come into the Mac fold.

Paul Newman, the editor of iCreate magazine, has his doubts about this.

He says: "I don't think it's going to draw a massive amount of Windows users in. They are more likely to be attracted by the iMac G5, the iPod and the Mac Mini which will launch later this year."

No wonder we only have a marginal user base, when so-called educated editors have this understanding of the Mac market and then relay it to their readers. SAD.

Apologies if this is in the wrong forum.


  • Reply 1 of 21
    danielctulldanielctull Posts: 586member
    I saw Paul Newman demonstrate .Mac at the Apple Store London. I'm sure what he has said is out of context as that ".Mac Night" was the Tuesday before the launch of the Mac mini and Apple people from America had brought one along to show (and taunt!) people.

    If he has said this, it is particularly poor...
  • Reply 2 of 21
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    I found all the articles about Tiger very biased, check out this link. This program was very anti-Apple but did not mention Microsoft copying or the fact Spotlight was around before MSN search and google. The BBC in the past has been very positive maybe MS put some pressure on the beeb.

    They didn't even the mention the fact that Longhorn has many of the features of Apple's Tiger but Tiger is available now. Very poorly done.
  • Reply 3 of 21
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    I found all the articles about Tiger very biased, check out this link. This program was very anti-Apple but did not mention Microsoft copying or the fact Spotlight was around before MSN search and google. The BBC in the past has been very positive maybe MS put some pressure on the beeb.

    They didn't even the mention the fact that Longhorn has many of the features of Apple's Tiger but Tiger is available now. Very poorly done.

    You want bias, check this idiot out.

    "On Friday Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) released its "Tiger" operating system into the marketplace. Borrowing heavily from what we had seen in Longhorn (Microsoft's next version of Windows)..."

    Hmm. Apple has borrowed heavily from an operating system which for all practical purposes doesn't yet exist. Longhorn is vaporware and it still has a monopoly on mindshare.
  • Reply 4 of 21
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    The BBC have improved there response:
  • Reply 5 of 21
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    Extrct from Channel 4 website:

    Q. Why do you not support MAC users?

    A. Apple Macintosh machines do not support the latest version of Windows Media files that are used on this site. Apple may provide its users with this functionality at a later date.

    Sorry but I thought Microsoft was in charge at Windows Media Player - well I suppose WMP10 is a copy of iTunes!
  • Reply 6 of 21
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    Tiger is nothing. Longhorn has all of Tiger's features and more, and you can use it both at home AND at work. Apple is just copying Longhorn technology from Microsoft.

    Seriously, I heard something like this from some tech blowhard on the TeeVee. He also said that Mac users are libruls and the lap-dogs of Satan.
  • Reply 7 of 21
    brendonbrendon Posts: 642member

    Originally posted by Neruda

    You want bias, check this idiot out.

    "On Friday Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) released its "Tiger" operating system into the marketplace. Borrowing heavily from what we had seen in Longhorn (Microsoft's next version of Windows)..."

    Hmm. Apple has borrowed heavily from an operating system which for all practical purposes doesn't yet exist. Longhorn is vaporware and it still has a monopoly on mindshare.

    What I find amusing is that Apple has said that this is the last .x update on the 12 month cycle. The rest of the updates, as in 10.5, will be every 18 months. So it is possible for Apple to still have 10.5 out before Longhorn. At 18 months 10.5 should be ready sometime in September or October of 2006, well before December that Bill Gates says is the time to expect Longhorn.

    Humm... I wonder who will be copying who at that point?
  • Reply 8 of 21
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Brendon

    What I find amusing is that Apple has said that this is the last .x update on the 12 month cycle. The rest of the updates, as in 10.5, will be every 18 months. So it is possible for Apple to still have 10.5 out before Longhorn. At 18 months 10.5 should be ready sometime in September or October of 2006, well before December that Bill Gates says is the time to expect Longhorn.

    Humm... I wonder who will be copying who at that point?

    I hope 10.5 is out before Longhorn - I love looking smug but also new Apple products are always cool.
  • Reply 9 of 21
    cubs23cubs23 Posts: 324member
    Here is another article, about how the iPod battery can't be charged...(mentioned at the bottom)LINK
  • Reply 10 of 21
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    Well it's just plain stupid to suggest AA batteries make more sense. Also iPods are sealed for a reason.
  • Reply 11 of 21
    igrantigrant Posts: 180member

    Originally posted by Neruda

    You want bias, check this idiot out.

    "On Friday Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) released its "Tiger" operating system into the marketplace. Borrowing heavily from what we had seen in Longhorn (Microsoft's next version of Windows)..."

    Hmm. Apple has borrowed heavily from an operating system which for all practical purposes doesn't yet exist. Longhorn is vaporware and it still has a monopoly on mindshare.

    WOW, that has to be the absolute dumbest and funniest thing I have seen all night long, actually that might make my week. I mean how stupid of a comment is that. That is like saying "Apples Macintosh SE(that came out in 83) copied the features and technology we have seen Microsoft developing for Windows 1.0 or Windows 3.0. . ." Seriously, I never thought I would hear someone willing to say yet alone write something that stupid.
  • Reply 12 of 21
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by iGrant

    WOW, that has to be the absolute dumbest and funniest thing I have seen all night long, actually that might make my week. I mean how stupid of a comment is that. That is like saying "Apples Macintosh SE(that came out in 83) copied the features and technology we have seen Microsoft developing for Windows 1.0 or Windows 3.0. . ." Seriously, I never thought I would hear someone willing to say yet alone write something that stupid.

    It is possible though - if it was the other way round. If Apple say ____ will be next big thing I guarantee Microsoft will try and introduce it first. Has anyone noticed how Microsoft still doesn't offer RSS feeds - but it's just started mentioning them! Go back a year at the WWDC Apple introduced Spotlight and then within a few months before Spotlight came out MSN and Google both had these searches. Now when Tiger is released people say that Apple copied them! That's what the BBC said - but remember their both in beta and nowhere near as fast - google is quick because it only displays a few results.
  • Reply 13 of 21
    igrantigrant Posts: 180member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    It is possible though - if it was the other way round. If Apple say ____ will be next big thing I guarantee Microsoft will try and introduce it first. Has anyone noticed how Microsoft still doesn't offer RSS feeds - but it's just started mentioning them! Go back a year at the WWDC Apple introduced Spotlight and then within a few months before Spotlight came out MSN and Google both had these searches. Now when Tiger is released people say that Apple copied them! That's what the BBC said - but remember their both in beta and nowhere near as fast - google is quick because it only displays a few results.

    Hey at least we did not copy Windows XP Pro's sercurity problems also or Microsoft might want to sue Apple for that Joking!!! I read in a Mac magazine recently (can not remember the title) where Steve Jobs said that Microsoft copied Apple OS with Windows 95 and now Microsoft is doing it again with LongHorn. Microsoft made no comment to that statement.
  • Reply 14 of 21
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by iGrant

    Hey at least we did not copy Windows XP Pro's sercurity problems also or Microsoft might want to sue Apple for that Joking!!! I read in a Mac magazine recently (can not remember the title) where Steve Jobs said that Microsoft copied Apple OS with Windows 95 and now Microsoft is doing it again with LongHorn. Microsoft made no comment to that statement.

    Yeah but Jobs said it in a jovial way - not as a serious accusation.
  • Reply 15 of 21
    kwsanderskwsanders Posts: 327member

    Originally posted by iGrant

    WOW, that has to be the absolute dumbest and funniest thing I have seen all night long, actually that might make my week. I mean how stupid of a comment is that. That is like saying "Apples Macintosh SE(that came out in 83) copied the features and technology we have seen Microsoft developing for Windows 1.0 or Windows 3.0. . ." Seriously, I never thought I would hear someone willing to say yet alone write something that stupid.

    Don't you just love it when these Microsoft zealots try to spin the success of Apple as though they are the ones who are frantically trying to catch up? Let's see... didn't that lawsuit so long ago end up showing that Microsoft copied the look of the Apple operating system. Unfortunately, it was found that they did not do anything illegal. However, Microsoft did not run with th at and they have had the same old bland, stale look all these years.
  • Reply 16 of 21
    igrantigrant Posts: 180member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Yeah but Jobs said it in a jovial way - not as a serious accusation.

    Ah but Steve Jobs did say it .
  • Reply 17 of 21
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Why are people surprised at this? Mac OS X is never advertised by Apple. For decades Windows apologists have been taking shots at Apple/Mac OS and Apple has never done anything about it. It's no wonder why Apples' marketshare is at 3%.
  • Reply 18 of 21
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Dave K.

    Why are people surprised at this? Mac OS X is never advertised by Apple. For decades Windows apologists have been taking shots at Apple/Mac OS and Apple has never done anything about it. It's no wonder why Apples' marketshare is at 3%.

    There is apparently a Microsoft agreement with Apple. Apple can not advertise the OS, just computers, and MS will still make Office.
  • Reply 19 of 21
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    There is apparently a Microsoft agreement with Apple. Apple can not advertise the OS, just computers, and MS will still make Office.

    That is an urban myth isn't it? I can't imagine Jobs agreeing to that.
  • Reply 20 of 21
    igrantigrant Posts: 180member

    Originally posted by Dave K.

    That is an urban myth isn't it? I can't imagine Jobs agreeing to that.

    Is that really an agreement between Microsoft and Apple, Microsoft will continue to port Office for OS X as long as Apple does not advertise their os????? Wow, I say Apple and Mac users got the short end of the bargin.
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