iTunes 4.9 riddled with iTunes phone references



  • Reply 21 of 41
    mike12309mike12309 Posts: 135member

    Originally posted by andrewr1701

    Outside of a city (particularly in the NYC area) the only real service is Verizon. ATT as soon as you exit the 5 boros is horrible and the others are worse. Maybe they should rank them on customer

    I have had VZW for years, switched to ATT for 1 month (cause of the cool phones) and completely regretted it. Lost calls, missed calls, you name it I had it...


    i believe verizon wants to sell songs over its network for $1-3 a song... verizon likes to squeeze every bit of money out of its customers -- I must admit though, the service has been good.
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  • Reply 22 of 41
    lungarettalungaretta Posts: 194member
    Blimey, it's 2005 and you guys over the other side of the pond still haven't sorted out your telco network.

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  • Reply 23 of 41
    itsamacitsamac Posts: 20member
    It really depends on how far you are from the base station, how much concrete you are surrounded by, etc. Generally coverage ranges up to 35km (roughly 22miles) but also depends on the number of customers in the region.

    It suprising you mention T-mobile as having good coverage. Here in London, T- coverage is "okay" because there is not as many base stations as the other three networks and being the cheapest, have loads of customers. Outside of London, T-Mobile can't be relied upon.
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  • Reply 24 of 41
    ct77ct77 Posts: 49member
    I'll add my 2 cents.

    I think it's extremely unlikely that an iTunes-enabled phone will be able to download songs directly over the cell phone network.


    I work for a company that sells and supports mobile software devices for the beverage industry. A common task at the end of the day is for our customers' users to "TCOM" their orders and other data back to the main server.

    We are talking relatively small file sizes to transmit over a cell phone network connection -- 50 KB max in most cases.

    You would NOT BELIEVE how many support calls we field about our software "not working" for cell-phone TCOMs. It's a lot. And 99% of the time, the problem is that there is not a strong enough signal where the user currently is to complete the transmission of a very small file.

    It is for this reason alone that I think it's very unlikely people will be able to purchase iTMS songs directly from this new Apple/Moto phone.

    Cell phone networks are simply not stable enough.
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  • Reply 25 of 41
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    I also think the amount of bandwidth overhead necessary to "verify" all of the bits and bytes of a song would take forever on a cell infrastructure or else it would be bad quality. But it would give them a money stream of people trying to use it.

    I think it would make more sense to see "iTunes" references on the phone stuff than "iPod" references. iTunes would be the software sitting on the phone, right? Why is an iPod even mentioned?
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  • Reply 26 of 41
    snipesnipe Posts: 97member

    Originally posted by MacGregor

    I also think the amount of bandwidth overhead necessary to "verify" all of the bits and bytes of a song would take forever on a cell infrastructure or else it would be bad quality. But it would give them a money stream of people trying to use it.

    I think it would make more sense to see "iTunes" references on the phone stuff than "iPod" references. iTunes would be the software sitting on the phone, right? Why is an iPod even mentioned?

    downloading songs from a cell carrier seems a non-starter at 3 bucks a pop and the cell carriers comparing them to ring tones is plain stupid. The carriers wnat some cash for including iTunes and that could be PODCASTS downloading over their networks. If SJ convinces Cingular or another carrier to forego revenue from music but grab airtime for podcasts it might be a win/win deal. When podcasts carry commercials (and they will) its possible that the carriers will have some input. Putting music on an iPod phone will through iTunes at 99 cents each
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  • Reply 27 of 41
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member

    Originally posted by snipe

    downloading phones

    So that's the secret plan!
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  • Reply 28 of 41
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Is all this "one device to end them all" thing realy such a good idea? If your MP3 player dies, that is not realy a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but if you are using your phone as an mp3 player, and that goes dead, you are screwed, I don't know about you, but the 2 color LCDs, camera, and vibrator (as opposed to a gawd damn head-ache inducing downloadable (but over priced at $2.99) ring-tone) drain the battery fast enough for my taste, one re-charge every 2-3 days is enough for me, thanks.

    One other question: can it be loaded via iTunes with MP3s ripped from CDs or will that still requier something like BitPim?
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  • Reply 29 of 41
    At $3 per pop...they can keep their phone, mp3 player, camera, and ringers...I work sales...and I need my phone...but I am not crazy enough to spend $30 for 10 songs...I like the idea of downloading podcasts onto the phone though...

    When will the network providers figure out that a happy customer is willing to pay a reasonable mark up for a good service...
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  • Reply 30 of 41
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by andrewr1701

    At $3 per pop...they can keep their phone, mp3 player, camera, and ringers...I work sales...and I need my phone...but I am not crazy enough to spend $30 for 10 songs...I like the idea of downloading podcasts onto the phone though...

    When will the network providers figure out that a happy customer is willing to pay a reasonable mark up for a good service...

    The iTunes stuff will be $0.99 as the online store is according to the rumors. My $3 comment was in referance to my current provider
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  • Reply 31 of 41

    Originally posted by snipe

    yes. I have more faith in Apple quality than Moto

    So if you could pick between these 2 phones:



    -Made by Motorola

    -Designed by Motorola

    -iTunes Software installed

    -Motorola symbol on it



    -Made by Motorola

    -Designed by Motorola

    -iTunes Software on it

    -Apple symbol on it

    You would chose the second one over the first?

    What people dont realize is that when the rumor fiirst came out, it was that Appple was making the cell phone and people called it the iPhone. But its not an iPhone! (I've said this before and I'll say it again) Its a Motorola phone with iTunes software on it which you sync with your computer (Mac or PC)

    iTunes Software, motorola phone

    itunes software, motorola phone

    Now say it 50 times.

    and forget about iPhone!
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  • Reply 32 of 41
    snipesnipe Posts: 97member
    That's some Hobson's choice. The only phone that could pass as Apple inspired

    is the RAZR which is cool but closer to $500.

    Licensing software to another company and putting your name on their product are two different things. Apple is the #1 BRAND IN THE WORLD, ahead of Google, Coca Cola and Sony. And for good reason because when they stamp their logo on a product you know it will work as advertised. Their products scream quality from the box inward.

    So that you understand:

    Apple software, design and Logo

    moto phone

    and yes I would pay $199 for that
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  • Reply 33 of 41
    Change your monitor to 256 colors and see this:

    Looks like a MOTO phone to me, and not the crap green one...
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  • Reply 34 of 41

    Originally posted by Atomic Media Fonts

    Change your monitor to 256 colors and see this:

    Looks like a MOTO phone to me, and not the crap green one...

    Interesting way to hide an icon!
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  • Reply 35 of 41
    celebi23celebi23 Posts: 23member

    Found them using ThemePark and looking in the iTunes rsrc file. Not sure what the purchase movie icon is for though
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  • Reply 36 of 41
    kishankishan Posts: 732member

    Originally posted by afalkner

    Here is a senario...

    Im at home and i just downloaded a new album from iTMS i copy it over (not to my ipod, but...) to my ipod phone, because im just going out for a little bit and dont need the 40gigs on my ipod. Throw it in my pocket and I'm out the door. I hail a cab and on the radio is a new song by some artist that I'm really diggin. I go onto my phone and go to iTMS mobile find the song and download it to my phone. Now I'm back home and I plug in my phone and iTunes syncs with my phone and adds any new songs I purchased on the go to my computer that I can then add to my iPod for my upcoming vacation.

    Anyone think this is how it will go? or will the phone only use itunes to manage its music. Not allowing me to download on the go. Also, will this phone have a camera on it? And will it sync the photos I take on it with iPhoto?

    more realistic might be something like the old audiogalaxy setup. In that old setup, you left a small program running in the backgroud of your computer. Then from any computer you could log onto a website and queue music to be automatically downloaded to your home machine. Maybe you will be able to preview clips and search for music from your phone and then when you find something you like "queue" it up to be downloaded to your computer at home. Maybe it will be done automatically or maybe it will just be added to the shopping cart.
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  • Reply 37 of 41
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member
    ignore this post
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  • Reply 38 of 41
    afalknerafalkner Posts: 76member
    I miss Audio Galaxy.

    Here's an idea...the "News Event" is tomorrow...why dont we just wait and see. Im sure it will deal with the new phone. whatever its called or looks like. Also I think we'll see new ibooks at MacWorld in July.
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  • Reply 39 of 41
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by afalkner

    ...the "News Event" is tomorrow...

    NEXT Thursday, July 7.
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  • Reply 40 of 41
    afalknerafalkner Posts: 76member
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