The look of the new macs

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
sorry if this has already been beaten to death elsewhere, i had a quick look through and couldn't see anything similar.

Are apples new intel macs going to be complete redisgns (style-wise) or are they going to look the same?




  • Reply 1 of 61
    Wellll... nobody knows for sure! Some changes are in order, but I don't believe they'll be radical ones.

    Here's what I think will happen:

    1. No more G5, G6, G7 naming. They'll just have PowerMac P4, PowerBook M, etc.

    2. Cases will look the same. After all, you don't want to throw all those great designs away. And you want people to see some continuity.

    3. I can see Apple doing the "Intel jingle" in their TV ads tho. That sounds so Dell, I know... but my gut feeling is they'll play it.
  • Reply 2 of 61
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    What was the PowerMac, PowerBook, and eMac will probably change for sure being that they are getting old, but there is a good chance that Apple would like to update everything with it being a new transition, so maybe we'll see updated Apple designs across the board. Actually, now that I think about it I would be pretty surprised if they didn't update everything.
  • Reply 3 of 61
    Here are two lines of thought:

    1. PowerMac and PowerBook came from "PowerPC" processors... but since we have no more PowerPC processors coming, the name doesn't make sense anymore. Is a new name coming?

    2. PowerMac and specially PowerBook are strong brand names now (like IBM's ThinkPads) and it would be foolish to change them. Are they keeping the name?
  • Reply 4 of 61
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    Here are two lines of thought:

    1. PowerMac and PowerBook came from "PowerPC" processors... but since we have no more PowerPC processors coming, the name doesn't make sense anymore. Is a new name coming?

    2. PowerMac and specially PowerBook are strong brand names now (like IBM's ThinkPads) and it would be foolish to change them. Are they keeping the name?

    I don't see a reason to change the names.
  • Reply 5 of 61
    esxxiesxxi Posts: 75member

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    Here are two lines of thought:

    1. PowerMac and PowerBook came from "PowerPC" processors... but since we have no more PowerPC processors coming, the name doesn't make sense anymore. Is a new name coming?

    2. PowerMac and specially PowerBook are strong brand names now (like IBM's ThinkPads) and it would be foolish to change them. Are they keeping the name?

    I'd guess they'd keep them, because of brand recognition. I'd expect Apple to be slimming down Macs where available (maybe smaller PowerMacs? Thinner iMac?), but not radically changing the looks of the Mac mini or iMac. Perhaps Apple already have organized what type of look they want for the next iBooks, PowerBooks and PowerMacs.
  • Reply 6 of 61
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    The first Power Macintosh had a PowerPC chip in it but the first PowerBooks had Motorola 68000 series chips in them. I see no need for name changes except, obviously, dropping the G4/G5 moniker.

    I do expect (some) new enclosures for Intel Macs, starting with the iBook. Chances are, Power Macs will no longer have to be the big honkin' boats that they are, if indeed Intel chips will be cooler.
  • Reply 7 of 61
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member

    Originally posted by iDave

    Chances are, Power Macs will no longer have to be the big honkin' boats that they are, if indeed Intel chips will be cooler.

    That would be nice. I would like a mini but would opt for a smaller Power Mac box any day. I like my equipment to be tucked away out of sight.
  • Reply 8 of 61
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    As mentioned, the first PowerBooks didn't have PowerPC chips in them. In fact, the PowerBook line was available before the PowerMac line. So I expect these brands to remain, although the naming scheme will likely change. No more PowerBook G4, PowerMac G5, etc. I don't think Apple will switch to a number based scheme (PowerBook 2600 just doesn't have the same panache) nor an intel CPU-based scheme. Perhaps it will revolve around a yet undisclosed technology... PowerBook Septron?

    As far as designs go, I expect the most change from the PowerMac line. The G5 case is designed the way it is because the processors and cases were hot and Apple wanted to maximize cooling. If the CPUs don't need gigantic heat sinks / liquid cooling, the case itself will shrink down. The mac mini is good example of what can be done when heat is reduced.

    I'd expect the iMac to remain the same for a while. It may just converge with the laptop lines, getting thinner and the like. The key for its cooling is, unlike laptops, the iMac is vertical rather than horizontal.
  • Reply 9 of 61
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by aplnub

    That would be nice. I would like a mini but would opt for a smaller Power Mac box any day. I like my equipment to be tucked away out of sight.

    No, that would be stupid. The Powermac is a workstation. They'll use the extra space for expansion bays and Crossfire/SLI compatibility.
  • Reply 10 of 61
    stustanleystustanley Posts: 236member
    i don't think apple should really change their naming schemes, especially to something related to the processor name. One of the good things about the current naming scheme is the simplicity.

    ie minimum resquirements, any g3,g4 or g5 mac.

    with the new scheme it would be more and semptron, xeon or petium - m processor. It would become to confusing for non techcial compputer users.

    They should either:

    A) go straight to a higher number Ie start all the petium macs off as G6's so they could say g6 and above for petium macs


    B) change to a different letter, but hopefully not p as that would get confusuing, mayb D cos that also rhymes.

    so the power pc macs are g3,g4,5 and the petium macs start a d1

  • Reply 11 of 61
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    No, that would be stupid. The Powermac is a workstation. They'll use the extra space for expansion bays and Crossfire/SLI compatibility.

    I expect Apple will further split the Desktop line, into a slightly smaller PowerMac and a beefier workstation-class machine. Some people will pay an arm and a leg for the biggest baddest machine(s) and the workstation class will give it to them, for a price. The rest of us get PowerMacs that are similar to today's G5 as far as features, just in a smaller form factor.

    If Apple dropped features, dropping 1 of the 2 HD bays or limiting RAM or PCI cards, many existing Pro users would bitch a lot. Mainly whining actually, as most of them wouldn't actually use those precious features anyhow.

    What's really interesting is that depending on the internal components, the differences could be fairly minimal. Through the use of personality cards (the ultimate MacIntel dongle?) like those found in the beige-G3 machine, perhaps the biggest differences between the lines is the size of the case and the BTO options.
  • Reply 12 of 61
    mariusmarius Posts: 23member
    ...Apple always wants us to buy new products, and we all want the latest - that means it must look latest, so it will look different, all the lines
  • Reply 13 of 61
    quambquamb Posts: 143member
    I dont see why we'd get a new line of workstation macs. Unless for intel cpu reasons.

    mini, imac and powermac cover the whole spectrum imo - a straight forward and non-confusing lineup- apple just really need to pull of a kick ass top of the line powermac to hit that pro-workstation market.

    the current pm cases are big, but not huge- ie most standard pc cases are a similar size. it'll probably shrink, but not by much.

    am guessing we'll see streamlined versions of all designs- but not drastic changes. but enough to be fresh and make current hardware look 'outdated'.

    also am thinking droping the "power" moniker is unlikely simply due to marketing reasons.
  • Reply 14 of 61
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by quamb

    the current pm cases are big, but not huge- ie most standard pc cases are a similar size. it'll probably shrink, but not by much.

    Really? While I've seen pictures of giant PC towers, most of those I've seen are about two thirds the size of the Power Macs. Admittedly, I don't see a lot of PCs, so maybe there are lots of big ones out there.
  • Reply 15 of 61
    wingnutwingnut Posts: 197member

    3. I can see Apple doing the "Intel jingle" in their TV ads tho. That sounds so Dell, I know... but my gut feeling is they'll play it.

    Maybe. From what I understand, Intel actually pays for an OEMs advertisement, so long as they mention Intel and play "the Jingle." I don't know if Apple will take such a deal. Probably so.
  • Reply 16 of 61
    I wouldn't be surprised if Imtel subsidized advertisement; but usually the split is 50/50 or something along those lines in the cases I've seen (in other industries, granted). If I were Apple, in order to capitalize on the Intel angle and possibility of a new market segment opening up, I would make damn sure the first Intel machines were it's best, most user centric, whiz bang designs ever. If only for the simple idea of first impressions of those on the fence between Macs and PCs.
  • Reply 17 of 61
    jms698jms698 Posts: 102member

    Originally posted by Wingnut

    Maybe. From what I understand, Intel actually pays for an OEMs advertisement, so long as they mention Intel and play "the Jingle." I don't know if Apple will take such a deal. Probably so.

    Maybe this will mean we will finally see some Mac TV ads? Promotional carpet bombing
  • Reply 18 of 61
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    2. Cases will look the same. After all, you don't want to throw all those great designs away. And you want people to see some continuity.

    There is absolutely no way the powermac cases will stay the same. No body really likes them unless they have dual g5's in them. And that's only because its necessary. Those cases are WAY too big and fit WAY too little to keep that design. I guarantee this will be a change. There isn't any reason to have that much airflow on a pentium. The newer ones (630's and 530js) run extremely cool (have a p4 3.6 530j running at 38deg underload at 3.96ghz with air cooling).

    Apple WILL change this case... I have a feeling the first thing they will change is the height and storage capacity.
  • Reply 19 of 61
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    If anybody seriously thinks that Apple adverts will have the 'Intel Inside' sticker and jingle you must be out of your frickin' minds. Jeez
  • Reply 20 of 61
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    The PowerMac case reduced to the proportions of the 'El Capitan' case would be very sexy and there should be room to more drive bays in there without the G5 cooloing. The styling won't change.

    I would love to see the fabled rack mounted X-Station at last - there is a market for such a machine.
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