IBM unveils dual-core PowerPC chips up to 2.5GHz



  • Reply 261 of 279
    mellomello Posts: 555member

    Originally posted by melgross

    It's the "Never Ending Story".

    Hey; My cousin wrote the music for that!

    What was the name that kid Sebastian gave to the princess? That happened to

    be on a couple of weeks ago & I caught that part where he screams the name

    out the window. Even with Tivo, I can't make out what that kid said.
  • Reply 262 of 279
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by mello

    What was the name that kid Sebastian gave to the princess? That happened to

    be on a couple of weeks ago & I caught that part where he screams the name

    out the window. Even with Tivo, I can't make out what that kid said.

    You would have to ask Sunilraman. I haven't seen it for years.
  • Reply 263 of 279
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Why don't we have these chips in Powermacs yet, Apple?
  • Reply 264 of 279
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Why don't we have these chips in Powermacs yet, Apple?

    Which chips?
  • Reply 265 of 279
    nepy05nepy05 Posts: 10member

    Originally posted by melgross

    You have it backwards. Apple doesn't need to have the chips optimized. The dev kits already show that the current chip works fine. Even better in some areas. The new lines of much better chips will only work better as well.

    Screw AMD. They are getting a lot of press in the hobby forums, but the performance difference isn't that big. Do you seriously think that it will last? Amd is on a roll now as Intel put the ball down. But don't count on it for the long haul. AMD can go back to the old days and fail to deliver. That's been most of their history. This could be an abberation.

    There's no evidence that the "war" with MS will be any hotter with Macintel then it is now. It could be just the opposite. If Apple continues to pick up marketshare with the PPC machines, MS loses. If Apple picks up marketshare with x86, and can run XP and Vista at full speed, MS might see more Macs being sold, but more of them might also be running MS OSes. Plus, Office sales won't suffer.

    What make my PowerMacs gun down the Intels by 4 to 10 times faster on Photoshop? Namely, compare the things that the PCs don't want, the real sell-buy point, as what Apple said. Because simply Apple is one of the boss of PPC, IBM and Freescale must do something Apple wants, and the trouble in between is simply a dog-fighting.

    There will be a completely different story when Apple follow the millions to put the 'Intel inside' banner on the forehead and labor in Intel's camp -- You must follow their discipline: CPU (must), chip-set (better), MB (best), in order to edge the top-of-line PCs.

    But you still can't equal the top-of-line PCs in terms of performance as long as you are running MacOX. The reason is straightforward: Bill Gate is the great boss who commands Intel as well, Intel must do what he wants -- as a smart guy had figured out when A-I-M made the first PPC.

    And ...... and ...... and our poor Apple just can make the case for the MacTel?!
  • Reply 266 of 279
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Why don't we have these chips in Powermacs yet, Apple?

    Introducing chips doesn't mean that they are actually ready.
  • Reply 267 of 279
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by nepy05

    What make my PowerMacs gun down the Intels by 4 to 10 times faster on Photoshop? Namely, compare the things that the PCs don't want, the real sell-buy point, as what Apple said. Because simply Apple is one of the boss of PPC, IBM and Freescale must do something Apple wants, and the trouble in between is simply a dog-fighting.

    There will be a completely different story when Apple follow the millions to put the 'Intel inside' banner on the forehead and labor in Intel's camp -- You must follow their discipline: CPU (must), chip-set (better), MB (best), in order to edge the top-of-line PCs.

    But you still can't equal the top-of-line PCs in terms of performance as long as you are running MacOX. The reason is straightforward: Bill Gate is the great boss who commands Intel as well, Intel must do what he wants -- as a smart guy had figured out when A-I-M made the first PPC.

    And ...... and ...... and our poor Apple just can make the case for the MacTel?!

    There is NO Powermac that will "gun down the Intels by 4 to 10 times faster on Photoshop" Period.

    I don't know why you are bothering to make up those numbers, but these days it's pretty much a draw.

    Back in 1999 the Powermacs were about 40% faster than x86's on integer and about twice on floats more with Altivec. but that slowly disappeared as Moto failed to keep up with Intels blazing advances. The G5, at first caught up, but then failed to advance. So here we are today.

    As far as the rest of your post goes; I don't know what you are talking about.
  • Reply 268 of 279
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member

    Originally posted by mello

    What was the name that kid Sebastian gave to the princess? That happened to

    be on a couple of weeks ago & I caught that part where he screams the name

    out the window. Even with Tivo, I can't make out what that kid said.

    I'd like to know that too. Last time I watched it I got the impression he said "Katherine", but I think it's purposely obscured. It's supposed to be his (recently deceased) mother's name, IIRC.

    And melgross, that music is great.
  • Reply 269 of 279
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by cubist

    I'd like to know that too. Last time I watched it I got the impression he said "Katherine", but I think it's purposely obscured. It's supposed to be his (recently deceased) mother's name, IIRC.

    And melgross, that music is great.

    Thanks. I'll relay that to him during the holidays.
  • Reply 270 of 279
    dcqdcq Posts: 349member

    Originally posted by cubist

    I'd like to know that too. Last time I watched it I got the impression he said "Katherine", but I think it's purposely obscured. It's supposed to be his (recently deceased) mother's name, IIRC.

    And melgross, that music is great.

    It's "Moonchild," iirc. I forget what it's significance is...been so long...
  • Reply 271 of 279
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member

    Originally posted by DCQ

    It's "Moonchild," iirc. I forget what it's significance is...been so long...

    Because the kid was a really big Cat Stevens fan...?!?

    No, that was Moonshadow...

    Nothing to see here, move along...
  • Reply 272 of 279
    nepy05nepy05 Posts: 10member

    Originally posted by melgross

    There is NO Powermac that will "gun down the Intels by 4 to 10 times faster on Photoshop" Period.

    I don't know why you are bothering to make up those numbers, but these days it's pretty much a draw.

    Back in 1999 the Powermacs were about 40% faster than x86's on integer and about twice on floats more with Altivec. but that slowly disappeared as Moto failed to keep up with Intels blazing advances. The G5, at first caught up, but then failed to advance. So here we are today.

    As far as the rest of your post goes; I don't know what you are talking about.

    I think you just answered what you asked at the last.

    As long as you are smart in organizing your force to strike back, you still have the chance to catch up and overtake.

    However, MacTels will never equal or outerperform top-of-line PCs for a single reason: Bill Gates is Intel's Boss full stop.
  • Reply 273 of 279
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member

    Originally posted by nepy05

    However, MacTels will never equal or outerperform top-of-line PCs for a single reason: Bill Gates is Intel's Boss full stop.

    That's one of the least intelligent analyses I have ever seen. All sideways ass extraction and no meat. Have your opinion, don't be surprised that most don't agree.
  • Reply 274 of 279
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by nepy05

    I think you just answered what you asked at the last.

    As long as you are smart in organizing your force to strike back, you still have the chance to catch up and overtake.

    However, MacTels will never equal or outerperform top-of-line PCs for a single reason: Bill Gates is Intel's Boss full stop.

    That's nonsense. More companies are going to Linux, more companies are going to OS X. Intel wants to get out from the "WINTEL" straightjacket as much as anyone.

    One of the reasons given as to why Intel was courting Apple for 20 years was to be able to do just that. The idea that Apple would use advanced features that MS doesn't support is something that Intel is interested in. Intel has been trying to get companies away from the BIOS and to use their EFI, which is their equivilent to Open Firmware. They haven't had any success. It's thought that Apple will use it. Then others might follow.

    Think about the possibilities. This will benefit Intel as well as Apple. Those who think that just because Apple is not the biggest customer they will have no advantage. But that might be upside down. Intel might be looking for other advantages from this other than sheer sales numbers.
  • Reply 275 of 279
    the cool gutthe cool gut Posts: 1,714member

    Apple's first Mactel offerings are going to require ZERO backwards compatibility, I think we are going to see some hot stuff.
  • Reply 276 of 279
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by the cool gut


    Apple's first Mactel offerings are going to require ZERO backwards compatibility, I think we are going to see some hot stuff.

    Sure, Apple will be using chip lines that aren't even out yet.

    Intel could put features in that might benefit only Apple at first. The point being that if Apple gets a benefit, then customers might demand those features as well. If that happens, MS might be forced to support them as well.

    Intel wins back control of its future. It hasn't been able to do this in the past because MS refused to support Intel's initiatives, and there was nowhere else for Intel to go. So now they go to Apple first, then Linux, and MS will follow behind.

    The interesting part here is that they would be offering Apple the same chips that they are offering everyone else. This is what they said that they would be doing. So this would fit right into that statement truthfully. The fact that only Apple, at first, would be able to use those features is a different story. No one could say that Intel is building special chips for Apple at a higher, possibly unprofitable expense, as IBM was hinting, because ALL the chips in that line would have the features.

    Of course, I'm not saying that it will happen, but from everything I've been reading about Intel's eagerness to get Apple, and why, it does make sense.
  • Reply 277 of 279
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by melgross

    Which chips?

    The 970FX dual-cores.

    As somebody else pointed out, they aren't in mass production right now. But, as many opther people pointed out, neither were the dual 2.5s when they were announced.

    Heck, even when they shipped.
  • Reply 278 of 279

    Originally posted by melgross

    Sure, Apple will be using chip lines that aren't even out yet.

    Intel could put features in that might benefit only Apple at first. The point being that if Apple gets a benefit, then customers might demand those features as well. If that happens, MS might be forced to support them as well.

    Intel wins back control of its future. It hasn't been able to do this in the past because MS refused to support Intel's initiatives, and there was nowhere else for Intel to go. So now they go to Apple first, then Linux, and MS will follow behind.

    The interesting part here is that they would be offering Apple the same chips that they are offering everyone else. This is what they said that they would be doing. So this would fit right into that statement truthfully. The fact that only Apple, at first, would be able to use those features is a different story. No one could say that Intel is building special chips for Apple at a higher, possibly unprofitable expense, as IBM was hinting, because ALL the chips in that line would have the features.

    Of course, I'm not saying that it will happen, but from everything I've been reading about Intel's eagerness to get Apple, and why, it does make sense.

    Yep, this exactly why the Intel deal makes sense for Apple, they dont have any x86 backward compatibility issues (sure they have plenty of software ones, but not hardware) so they can use anything and everything that Intel can offer them (except maybe itanium ) I see Intel Apple hardware being significantly different to a standard PC in the details.
  • Reply 279 of 279
    Well, I wait for a dual 3 gig and what do I get?

    A dual 2.7.

    ...then Apple do the Intel switch which I always felt would and should happen for marketshare reasons.

    Then we get dual core 2.5 chips announced. Disappointingly short of the 3 gig mark.

    Intel are already driving the Pentium D into the mainstream.

    It's far from the G4 debacle. But it is similar in that so much promise had gone unrealised. That seems to be the PPC: superior tech' without the will or muscle to make it succeed.

    Never mind. PowerMacs have been out for five months now?

    I wonder what the next update will bring?

    Another almost 'non' update? Of the Mac Mini type?

    I think I'm going to finally plump down for a tower of whatever they release next.

    High end? Dual Dual Core 2.5?

    Mid end? Dual Dual Core 2.0?

    Low End? Dual Core 2.5?

    ...with PCI Express?

    Given how abysmally PowerMacs perform at Open GL there barely any point putting in a decent card if Apple's GL implementation is so slack? Does anybody know when Open GL 2 will get off it's bacon and challenge Direct X?

    I'd probably just get a low end tower to tide me over until an Intel G6 hits in 2007...

    Eternally waiting for 'that' PowerMac.

    Lemon Bon Bon

    PS. Who said it? 'Hope Springs Eternal...'
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