Cholesterol and Statins



  • Reply 21 of 24
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by rumki8 View Post

    Hi, I am 19 years old. I have very low cholesterol. I remember having it checked and my total cholesterol was 85. The HDL/ LDL ratios were fine. The doctor seemed surprised and asked if I ran marathons. I'm just a vegetarian who eats reasonably well. Should I be trying to raise my cholesterol? Should I eat eggs and fatty food?

    85 is way too low, thats not healthy. Add whole eggs and maybe some ice cream also. Low cholesterol is just as bad as high.
  • Reply 22 of 24
    Originally Posted by steve666 View Post

    85 is way too low, thats not healthy. Add whole eggs and maybe some ice cream also. Low cholesterol is just as bad as high.

    A total cholesterol of 85 is unhealthy, and so are statins.

    I was athletic, healthy and content before taking a statin drug seven years ago. I am now 35 lbs heavier, lethargic, my joints ache, my muscles have atrophied; my memory, once good, is now spotty; I have little staying power, and I KNOW the statins, which I have not taken for over two years, are to blame. In restricting the mevalonate pathway to decrease the production of cholesterol, statins affect other vital functions utilizing the mevalonate pathway, such as the synthesis of CoQ10, dolichol and selenoprotein, and normal Glyceryl-glyceryl phosphorylation. These processes are not simply necessary for health, they are necessary for life. This is not only a dangerous, but for some, a potentially lethal medication.

    Here's a link to an informative paper on statins - how they work and how they harm. Remove the ** before you link.



  • Reply 23 of 24
    terry11terry11 Posts: 1member
    The nutrition part with statins is very important, there is some nutritional deficiencies that are from taking statins. If you increase the amount of the depleted nutrient then you can probably do ok with statins. But always do your research before making an informed decision.

    Hope this helps!

  • Reply 24 of 24
    I've read that a combination of Glycolic Acid peels and Emu oil is supposed to be good. Now if I only could remember where I read this Anyhow, Emu oil sure is awesome stuff!!!
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