Google Talk instant messaging to work with iChat?



  • Reply 41 of 54

    Originally posted by sebaz

    I have some gmail invites, whats your email, i'll send one your way

    Cool Thanks.

    My e-mail is in my Profile, if you can't get it there I will send you a private message with it.


    [Edit] Sorry, my e-mail was hidden, it is available now.
  • Reply 42 of 54
    sebazsebaz Posts: 12member

    Originally posted by zonazag

    Cool Thanks.

    My e-mail is in my Profile, if you can't get it there I will send you a private message with it.


    shoot me a PM, it doesnt work through the board, Pm me ur email ill send u a gmail invite
  • Reply 43 of 54
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by dfiler

    The state of IM software is a perfect case study on how a entire genre of software can be complete crap. Until iChat, none of the clients even had a clean inteface suitable for most users. Standardization completely failed and the commercial protocols are flakey as hell.

    This isn't to say that certain projects haven't been impressive. I'm impressed at what developers have pulled off given how messy, different, and incompatible each proprietery network is. However, they all still leave much to be desired in end user experience. Things are just too convoluted in IM land for users' lives to end up being simple.

    If google can push a "standard" enough to make it standard... we'll all bennefit. *fingers crossed*

    Can you image if email was as incompatible and unreliable as IM? Only being able to email a select bunch of people from each program? Not being able to reliably send files or use 90% of the auxilary features? Nobody would stand for it.

    I agree entirely.

    It's an unfortunate reality for IM. If at least the 'core' of all IM clients was using an open standard (Jabber) to at least discover people and at least send text messages...I'd be really happy. The rest can be proprietary for all I care but discovery and text messaging (and perhaps audio and video) should all be on open and standard protocols.

    If all clients were using the same protocol for text, we'd have the IM equivalent of e-mail. If all clients were using the same protocol for voice, we'd have the IM equivalent of phones. And if all clients were using the same protocol for video, we'd have video phone.

    Then everyone could have a bluetooth phone that would tap into their computer and work like a landline phone (provided you're calling someone with a computer.)

    I don't see this becoming a reality until everyone's got a bluetooth capable computer (or some other form of wireless communication between device and computer) and fast internet but, hopefully one protocol will prevail (hopefully a standard one so clients can put in the core functionalities and add whatever they want beyond that).
  • Reply 44 of 54
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    I'm using Google Talk now, but most of my gmail buddies aren't using it yet. I love that Google is using the open Jabber standard so everyone can plug in their compliant chat app of choice. For me it's just one more buddy list in iChat, which is perfect!

    All my buddies are on AIM though, so Google Talk isn't really necessary at this point. I'm excited to see where Google runs with this ball though.
  • Reply 45 of 54
    sjksjk Posts: 603member
    Am I the only one who objects to e-mail addresses being required for IM handles?
  • Reply 46 of 54

    Originally posted by sjk

    Am I the only one who objects to e-mail addresses being required for IM handles?

    Probably not...that's why they should just be IM IDs...a handle should be allowed. But then again, I hate MSN because people on the MSN network change their names daily (although this is probably only because MSN doesn't let users be creative with customizable availability/away status). I'd much prefer just using the e-mail address as the handle and be allowed to change their names to what I choose.
  • Reply 47 of 54
    sjksjk Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    I'd much prefer just using the e-mail address as the handle and be allowed to change their names to what I choose.

    I'm uncomfortable giving active e-mail addresses (e.g. Gmail, .Mac) to everyone who I might want to have IM communication with. I may not know someone well enough to trust that they won't reveal the address/handle (accidentally or intentionally) to people I wouldn't want to have it. I became more sensitive about this after one of my e-mail addresses, stored in someone's Windows address book, became victim to some "Outlook-scavenger" virus (or worm, I forget) a few years ago.

    It's clear we're continually losing more control over how certain semi-private personal information (for lack of a better term) is becoming publicly exposed and propagated on the net. Even if resistance is futile I choose not to make it any easier.

    AFAIK .Mac allows five mail aliases but unfortunately they can't be used for IM handles. It would be useful if at least ONE alias could be reserved for IM usage, making it easy to handle any mail addressed to it. And to get similar functionality with Google Talk currently requires creating a new Gmail account that's dedicated to IM usage.

    For now I'm satisfied just using my non-email-based AIM handle.
  • Reply 48 of 54
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    If you got a gmail account, simply open up iChat prefs, go to the 'Accounts' pref pane, add an account, select Jabber Account as the 'Account Type', put in your gmail address as the Jabber ID, your gmail password for Password, and as the Server.

    How do you add an account in 10.3.9 iChat?
  • Reply 49 of 54
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member

    Originally posted by AquaMac

    How do you add an account in 10.3.9 iChat?

    iChat in Panther doesn't support Jabber and therefore Google Talk.

    Use Adium
  • Reply 50 of 54

    Originally posted by Jambo

    iChat in Panther doesn't support Jabber and therefore Google Talk.

    Use Adium

    Ugah! Shoot me now !
  • Reply 51 of 54
    HI: Fairly new mac user (love it). I have ichat and fire both chatting with google talk no problem. I just bought an iSight and it says I can one/way video to aol or jabber but the actual menu item in iChat to do that is not there. So, do I have a problem with ichat which the manual and help describes as there but is not, or is there another problem that aol and jabber do not support the appropriate protocols for video. Just a little confused and would like clarification.

    No protocol support would make sense but I should still see the "invite One Way Video Chat" in the Buddies menu (according to the doc) but its not there.

    Thanks in advance, I appreciate it.
  • Reply 52 of 54
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    As of a week ago, I started receiving errors when iChat connects to the Google Talk servers. I get the following error:


    Could not connect to Jabber

    An unexpected SSL error occured.


    This happens with all Tiger macs I've tried with no changes to my previously working config. I've double checked google's instructions to see if they've changed, but they are the same and my setup is correct.

    Anyone else have these problems?
  • Reply 53 of 54

    Originally posted by Xool

    As of a week ago, I started receiving errors when iChat connects to the Google Talk servers. I get the following error:

    This happens with all Tiger macs I've tried with no changes to my previously working config. I've double checked google's instructions to see if they've changed, but they are the same and my setup is correct.

    Anyone else have these problems?

    Google knows about the error, and they are working on fixing it.


    Please note:

    There are currently connection issues with the iChat client. We are aware of the problem and are working on it. Please expect a fix in the next few days. Thanks for your patience during our beta period!
  • Reply 54 of 54
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by sebaz

    Google knows about the error, and they are working on fixing it.

    Phew. Thanks for the link.
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