First look at Apple's new iPod nano (images)

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
A first look at Apple's new iPod nano digital music player

Apple's new flash memory-based iPod nano has been available to the public only for a matter of hours. Most Apple retail stores are reporting stock of the new digital music players but say they expect sell through their first shipments by evening. According to our checks, the average retail store received less than one thousand units.

The black iPod nano is expected to become scarce over the next few days, as it appears that Apple is only shipping one black nano for every five to eight white nanos. In the few hours the players have been on the market, the black nanos appear to be outselling the white models in some stores.

We'll have a lot more to say about the new iPod nano in the coming days. In the meantime, below you will find our first look at the players in the form of a 32 image gallery.



  • Reply 1 of 49
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Mine's been dispatched, a black 4GB, I can't wait to get it.
  • Reply 2 of 49
    I really don't like complaining, especially since the service the Apple Insider staff renders is free. The information provided is usually accurate and we all have fun in the forums. BUT I must say some of the photographs you guys took of the iPod nano are, I'm sorry to say, unacceptable. Part of my job is to take photographs of aircraft and all kinds of components in the aircraft's cockpit, engine, electrical and navigation systems, among many other things, as well as crew activities and if I used a photo like some of the ones I saw in that set (and you always get at least a couple of blurry ones), all of my coworkers and my boss would mock me to no end. Sometimes it really sucks, 'cause you end up having to reshoot.

    And I understand there can be deadlines and all kinds of crap that can hinder us from doing a good job sometimes, but COME ON!!! If you can't do a good job for any reason, don't show it to anyone until you can! Let alone post it on a website! When I saw the thumbnails I got all excited and immediately clicked, but then I was dissapointed to see the poor photography on some of those. I know you guys can do a much better job than that, I've seen you do it. Don't let up!!!

    BTW if you guys send me those as gifts I'll gladly photograph them for free Even if it's just the black one.
  • Reply 3 of 49
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    So, has the black iPod nano black headphones?
  • Reply 4 of 49
    The pictures must be from a cell phone, no? The quality is pretty low. I'm not complaining, just observing.
  • Reply 5 of 49
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    Shorter RANSOMED: Man, the RDF is so strong it's now bending light!

  • Reply 6 of 49

    Originally posted by sCreeD

    Shorter RANSOMED: Man, the RDF is so strong it's now bending light!

    Pardon my ignorance... What's RDF?
  • Reply 7 of 49
    Sorry Guys but I have to agree with RANSOMED.

    If RANSOMED reshoots the black one I would be happy to reshoot the white one. Or vice-versa, or something.

    I have no idea what RDF is either. *shrug*
  • Reply 8 of 49
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member
    It's Jobs' Reality Distortion Field. Read about it at wikipedia.

    Either that or they were referring to the UK group Radical Dance Faction.

  • Reply 9 of 49
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    OK, some of the photos are blurry.

    But what a beautiful little thing it is. (Especially compared to that ghastly ROKR.) Must... resist...
  • Reply 10 of 49

    Originally posted by bergz

    It's Jobs' Reality Distortion Field. Read about it at wikipedia.

    Either that or they were referring to the UK group Radical Dance Faction.


    Very interesting...
  • Reply 11 of 49
    That dock adaptor, what does it adapt it for? Is to use with a normal iPod dock?
  • Reply 12 of 49
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by RANSOMED

    ...I must say some of the photographs you guys took of the iPod nano are, I'm sorry to say, unacceptable.

    I have to agree. In particular, the photographer totally missed the boat on showing the nano's thinness. Yeah, there's a picture of the nano next to a #2 pencil, but the picture should have been taken from TABLE LEVEL. The current pic only shows from ABOVE what a #2 pencil looks like sitting next to a nano.

  • Reply 13 of 49

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    I have to agree. In particular, the photographer totally missed the boat on showing the nano's thinness. Yeah, there's a picture of the nano next to a #2 pencil, but the picture should have been taken from TABLE LEVEL. The current pic only shows from ABOVE what a #2 pencil looks like sitting next to a nano.

    Yes the isometric views are crap but the sharpness/crispness with better ambient lighting would help most of all.
  • Reply 14 of 49
    Thinksecret has some crisper pics. However your pics give good impressions of the packaging - including the nano shopping bag!
  • Reply 15 of 49
    fngfng Posts: 222member
    Small correction for this article. This is not a flash memory iPod. It has Microdrive in the form of a compact flash card.
  • Reply 16 of 49
    I just ordered a 4GB Black model for my wife. It's a present, I hope she likes it
  • Reply 17 of 49
    On a retail note, my local Apple Store in Salen NH is saying that they have a large supply of iPod nanos. The only version they don't have is the 2GB black model. This REALLY suprised me because The Rockingham Park store is relatively old and small compared to the larger newer ones, and to get a large supply of all models the second day of introduction and to still have some in stock at the days end was shocking!! Will head down this weekend to try it out and possibly BUY!
  • Reply 18 of 49

    Originally posted by fng

    Small correction for this article. This is not a flash memory iPod. It has Microdrive in the form of a compact flash card.

    That's correct. Checked the specs "2MB or 4MB flash drive". How does it qualify as a drive, as opposed to being flash memory?
  • Reply 19 of 49
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Unfortunately the photography is poor.

    But I have some impressions.I/m cross posting this from another thread here because it seems to fit.

    "I just came back from my Mac User Group meeting which is held in the NYC SoHo Apple store.

    During the meeting our Apple rep showed us the new products. He passed the new black and white Nano's around.

    They look and feel better than I had expected from the pictures. Despite the fact that they only weigh 1.5 oz. they feel surprisingly heavy, due to the fact that they LOOK lighter than they are. My daughter (just turned 14) had expressed doubts as to its durability, but when she held it, she changed her mind. He plugged it into the sound system on the stage, and it sounded pretty good. The screen, though noticeably smaller was bright, colorful, and sharp, making it very easy to read. The higher rez really does help.

    I think it's a winner, even though I wish that the 6GB Mini was kept in the line-up. They tell me it's been selling like hot-cakes, and I'll miss that jewel-like look."
  • Reply 20 of 49
    maniamania Posts: 104member

    Originally posted by coolfactor

    That's correct. Checked the specs "2MB or 4MB flash drive". How does it qualify as a drive, as opposed to being flash memory?

    doesn't mean anything - says the same thing for the shuffle.
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