Apple says iPod nano flaw is limited

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Apple on Tuesday evening acknowledged that an issue exists with the iPod nano that could cause the player's screen to fail or crack, but said it only effects a small number of units.

The iPod nano, while garnering praise from reporters and analysts, has also become the subject of criticism after some users complained that their iPod nano's LCD screen had cracked or become severely scratched for no apparent reason.

"This is a real but minor issue involving a vendor quality problem in a small number of units," Apple said in a statement to Macworld UK regarding nano screens that have failed or cracked.

However, the company said its figures show the issue has affected less than 1/10 of 1% of the total iPod nano units that it has shipped over the last two and a half weeks.

"It is not a design issue," Apple said.

Customers with faulty iPod nano screens can call Apple to arrange for a free replacement unit, the company added.

Apple also responded to complaints that the iPod nano screens can easily scratch, but said there have been very few calls about the problem.

"A few vocal customers are saying that their iPod nano is more susceptible to scratching than prior iPods. We have received very few calls from customers reporting this problem, and do not believe this is a widespread issue," Apple said.

The company added: "The iPod nano is made with the same high-quality polycarbonate plastic as the fourth-generation iPod. We suggest concerned customers use one of the iPod nano cases that are coming to market to protect the music player


  • Reply 1 of 20
    A brief refernce to this story appeared on the BBC1 TV news this lunchtime, and there is an online 1.5 minute article in the Sci-Tech Section of BBC News website.
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  • Reply 2 of 20
    i would love to see stats about how many of the complaints regarding scratches are coming from black nano owners.
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  • Reply 3 of 20
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    That's just plain racist. I don't like your insinuation that black people complain more than other people!

    Sorry, for a split-second there I actually thought you were talking about black people and not black nanos. Thus, I couldn't resist...
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  • Reply 4 of 20
    The colour is on the back of the plastic, so the only difference colour would back is how visible the scratches are.

    Any device with a screen, that gets put in a pocket, will get scratched, be it a PDA, camera, phone oe media player. The only real solution is have something to protect the screens. There are plenty of after market solutions, including:

    - skins, such as from

    - decals (transparent or decorated), such as from

    - and some others:

    On the other hand if a screen is getting cracked too easily then that is an issue, but should be examined on a case by case basis.
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  • Reply 5 of 20

    Originally posted by Guartho

    That's just plain racist. I don't like your insinuation that black people complain more than other people!

    Is it possible that the black nano shows scratches more clearly. i have a white iPod with tons of scratches but it's not that big a deal... but maybe the black one shows them up better (? i mean worser).
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  • Reply 6 of 20

    Originally posted by Lincolnrozelle

    Is it possible that the black nano shows scratches more clearly. i have a white iPod with tons of scratches but it's not that big a deal... but maybe the black one shows them up better (? i mean worser).

    yeah that's what i've been saying. can we compare it to the black iPod U2 ?? anyone with a black iPod u2 or black nano? feeling scratched up lately??
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  • Reply 7 of 20
    jadejade Posts: 379member
    I have a black nano and a 3G iPod. The Nano seems to have more scratched, but I had the screen protector on the full size ipod soon after. But the scratches are minor. Not really concerned. My player doesn't seem to be "flawed."

    (I have carried it in my purse in a little back with chapstick and business cards and a cell phone.)
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  • Reply 8 of 20
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    yeah that's what i've been saying. can we compare it to the black iPod U2 ?? anyone with a black iPod u2 or black nano? feeling scratched up lately??

    I have the mono screen U2 model. I think the scratching is more apparent than it would be with white, and the screen wasn't affected much. Most of my scratching actually comes from dirt that got between the "protective" case and the iPod and sliding in and out of the case.

    That iPod was replaced by Apple when the drive died, so I have a new one. At the moment, I am currently keeping the iPod in a Zip-lock bag to protect against the dirt, with holes for headphones and dock, and that in a protective belt case. So far, it's working well though I get the bag dirty and wrinkled, so I replace it about once a week.

    I am looking for other options, I bought WriteRight screen protectors for my Palm, and I am thinking of puting one of the sheets on the front face of the iPod to see how well it protects. Those sheets are basically larger than they need to be, it is intended that the owner trim them to their Palm's screen size.

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  • Reply 9 of 20
    There are also these:

    I bought a pack for my camera. Since you can cut them to the approrpiate size, you can used them for more applications than simply cameras.
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  • Reply 10 of 20

    Originally posted by jiggz

    i would love to see stats about how many of the complaints regarding scratches are coming from black nano owners.

    just to clarify... i did mean black people

    (just joking i meant the glossy black ipod nanos)

    and the reason i am interested is because i want to show that there is nothing flawed about the nano... it is just that the black background shows scratches more than the white background people are accustomed to.
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  • Reply 11 of 20
    i say dont worry about the scratches.

    you will only care about them for a few weeks or months

    then you will realize it is impossible to keep an immaculate iPod

    and the price you paid will slowly drift away from your mind

    in the long term everyone will feel happier if they just use the damn things

    cases aren't sexy and cases are annoying.
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  • Reply 12 of 20
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    iPods look so nice, I'd be upset too if mine were accidentally scratched--especially if it happened soon after purchase. So I don't totally blame the people who have overreacted--but nor do I blame Apple.

    The Nano uses the same plastic as my iPod Photo. Which looks nearly new after a year. (Cheap screen-protector film + Podsleevz case). That's all I ask.

    The complainers almost had me hesitating to recommend the nano, and believing they were somehow more scratchable than other iPods. I'm glad that's not the case. They're like my current iPod--and that means I can recommend them without hesitation.

    Treat common electronics with care. If you care about scratches, then don't leave glossy plastic exposed.

    A cheap cling-film screen protector could protect the whole face of the Nano without adding thickness. One pre-cut with a hole for the wheel would be nice, but I made do with covering just the screen on my Photo.
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  • Reply 13 of 20
    i believe makes some specifically for iPods. idk about nanos though. they are really nice though
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  • Reply 14 of 20
    I'm happy to see that the guy who started that has removed the pictures and letters from his site, and the only thing left is the guy saying that Apple did the right thing and that we should move on to something else. This guy didn't do this to hurt Apple, as I almost suspected. Could he have obtained the same results without a website? I'm not sure...

    Anyway this is very different from the site, where it took weeks before the two ***holes admitted on their site that there were third-parties selling and replacing batteries, and that Apple did have a replacement battery program before they even registered the name of their site. Someone graciously gave them bandwidth for their site, in exchange of the promise that they explained that there were solutions for changing the battery. The guy that gave them the bandwidth had to struggle to make them fulfill their promises, and even when they did, it was only small links at the bottom of the page.

    Still today the myth about iPod batteries is still around, thanks to those two jerks. (as you can see, I love them!)
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  • Reply 15 of 20
    well its the whole power of the blog and the internet and all that. all in all this will look good for apple's christmas sales. and for third-party nano case manufacturers:

    schmoe1: hey, check out this nano

    schmoe2: oh, i heard the screen cracks and stuff

    schmoe1: nah, i read somewhere apple is replacing it

    schmoe2: man, this nano looks scratched up

    applesalesschmoe1: hello, can i help you

    schmoe1: hey, check out these nano cases

    applesaleschmoe1: yeah, we're offering 20% of all nano cases if you buy it at the same time as the nano

    schmoe2: ooh, i want the black one and this case.... i heard these nanos get scratched easily

    applesaleschmoe2: well, a lot of our customers are going for this case and their happy with it

    schmoe2: what about cracked screens?

    applesalesschmoe1: only two incidents out of hundreds that we've sold, anyway applecare will replace it no problems

    and thus is the essence of the october-december christmas madness that will fuel yet another record financial quarter for AAPL...
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  • Reply 16 of 20
    iPod Nano really nice!
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  • Reply 17 of 20
    hey, a fellow Malaysistani vincent where you buy ipod nano from? which apple/ipod place? how much in RM?
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  • Reply 18 of 20
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    I went back to Best Buy last night to see, flexible...the plastic above the screen is. I put a fair amount of direct pressure with my thumb right on top of the screen. It seemed like if I pressed hard enough that I would have done some damage, and at one point I even heard an ever-so-tiny crack, so I stopped.

    Maybe that was one of the affected ones, but I'm not so sure this issue is resolved.
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  • Reply 19 of 20
    hey cosmonut i hear best buy put out an APB on all ipod nano 'testers' like yourself

    "sir, PUT IT DOWN and STEP AWAY from the nano slowly..."
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  • Reply 20 of 20
    I've got a new black nano, and after a few days of owning it, I've resorted to carrying it around in a sunglass bag. It does seem to scratch easily, but I think it's just the fact that it's black, and the scratches are more noticable. I find that I don't notice the scratches so much on the screen, more on the black body of the iPod.
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