Eminem iTunes ad airs on network television



  • Reply 41 of 48
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by melgross

    ...I'm just not sure that he is someone that coincides with Apple's image.

    i feel it's a challenge many companies face when their target markets start to diverge.

    for example: a major environmental nonprofit i was working for in australia did some good research and we found that the "activist, web-viewing" base was 15-25s while those that actually ended up contributing say $20-$30 aud per month, were in the 35-55 age range.

    eminem may not be good for the mac side of the apple business but may be good for the ipod side of the apple business. that eminem ad would be IMHO super-excellent for the PRO side of apple business. creative guys and gals would dig that ad.
  • Reply 42 of 48
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    Originally posted by melgross

    ...I'm just not sure that he is someone that coincides with Apple's image.

    i feel it's a challenge many companies face when their target markets start to diverge.

    for example: a major environmental nonprofit i was working for in australia did some good research and we found that the "activist, web-viewing" base was 15-25s while those that actually ended up contributing say $20-$30 aud per month, were in the 35-55 age range.

    eminem may not be good for the mac side of the apple business but may be good for the ipod side of the apple business. that eminem ad would be IMHO super-excellent for the PRO side of apple business. creative guys and gals would dig that ad.

    Sure, I agree that he would be good for the iPod business. I said that earlier. It adds to their "edge".

    It won't have any affect on the pro business because we don't care about that kind of thing. Cool or edgy ads don't affect the purchases pro's make.

    We buy Mac's because they are more reliable, we have to fuss with them less, and apps seem to work more smoothly on them.
  • Reply 43 of 48
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    maybe the younger girls and gals starting to break into the pro creative business would dig that ad**... the older more cynical people like yourself well, care about other things i suppose. i know i'm getting old when i'm looking at creative projects and thinking about cash flow and productivity and project management and stuff like that instead of "how cool can i make this look" or "if i finish this project 1/2hr early then i can go chat up that girl in the office i've seen around..." \

    **edit: as in be more motivated to purchase powermacs instead of high-end dells or something... for photoshop, after effects...
  • Reply 44 of 48
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    maybe the younger girls and gals starting to break into the pro creative business would dig that ad**... the older more cynical people like yourself well, care about other things i suppose. i know i'm getting old when i'm looking at creative projects and thinking about cash flow and productivity and project management and stuff like that instead of "how cool can i make this look" or "if i finish this project 1/2hr early then i can go chat up that girl in the office i've seen around..." \

    **edit: as in be more motivated to purchase powermacs instead of high-end dells or something... for photoshop, after effects...

    Nah, It just wouldn't be that important. I'm sure a lot of young pro's will say "cool commercial", and then go out and buy Dells' because that's what they're used to.

    That's why Apple's older ads never worked. Maybe if Apple showed someone making the ad on a Mac it would help. You sway consumers with this type of ad.
  • Reply 45 of 48
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by melgross

    Nah, It just wouldn't be that important. I'm sure a lot of young pro's will say "cool commercial", and then go out and buy Dells' because that's what they're used to.


    That's why Apple's older ads never worked. Maybe if Apple showed someone making the ad on a Mac it would help. You sway consumers with this type of ad.

    you know, mel, you continue to surprise me. i've said it once i'll say it again. a lot of you appleinsiders' are damn l33t. been around the traps, so to speak.

    my experience freelancing in a few marketing/ ad places in sydney and when working with some web design peoples in san francisco, and a short stint guest lecturing at an art college here in malaysistan, all in the past several years, you're actually right about the Dell thing, i have to admit.

    i don't know. maybe as a very impressionable youth i visited the 'multimedia dept' of some place i was doing work experience with and saw quadras around and was like, anybody who's doing any "real pro creative" work would be using mac.

    then i see a few talented guys and gals in an ad studio in sydney enjoying themselves with an IBM and i nearly fainted. another ad studio in sydney, the web peoples are all Dell'in it up and the creative director whispers to me, yeah, i'm the only mac user here, and again, i was like wtf

    had a very talented student i was teaching say to me a few months ago, i hate mac! as she turned away from the beautiful and functional emac in front of her, and pulled out some generic pc laptop and did her Flash assignment on that instead. i was crushed

    i think my experience at the creative pro places in the past few years really opened my eyes to the "real world" and how it kinda works.

    i tell ya though, it's like growing up catholic and going to the vatican and then realising most of them were worshipping the instead all along
  • Reply 46 of 48
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by melgross

    At least they weren't talking avout violence to wonen and other groups.

    You're telling me you consider that "Panties round your knees, your ass in debris." isn't talking about violence to women??
  • Reply 47 of 48
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member

    Originally posted by Flounder

    You're telling me you consider that "Panties round your knees, your ass in debris." isn't talking about violence to women??

    Not quite the same as the kill thing, is it?
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