iTunes 6 Sucks (if you have a 3G iPod)



  • Reply 21 of 42
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Xool

    My mini works fine with iTunes 6 and all other versions of iTunes I've used, although after the 6.0 upgrade I had to re-authorize my machine for use with iTunes Music Store tracks.

  • Reply 22 of 42

    Originally posted by Xool

    My mini works fine with iTunes 6 and all other versions of iTunes I've used, although after the 6.0 upgrade I had to re-authorize my machine for use with iTunes Music Store tracks. .

    exactly the same here, cept with a 3G ipod and 5G iPod

    jade you're the only one, are are probably making it up to make apple look bad, i've seen it before, a lot
  • Reply 23 of 42
    yup he is right.
  • Reply 24 of 42
    zoranszorans Posts: 187member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    You think?

    XP Pro crawls on those spec's, I tried.

    When I state crawls I mean not useable.
  • Reply 25 of 42
    zoranszorans Posts: 187member

    Originally posted by L'Angelo Misterioso

    who's the judge of that?

    XP Pro crawls on those spec's, I tried.

    When I state crawls I mean not useable.

    You'll get the same canned response I gave Gene Clean, at least he went to the trouble of digging up the Syst. Req's. My MAME/C64 rig is an old Pent 300, XP is not useable at all for even common tasks let alone playing a emulated 20 year old game. Back to Linux I went.
  • Reply 26 of 42

    Originally posted by ZoranS

    XP Pro crawls on those spec's, I tried.

    When I state crawls I mean not useable.

    You'll get the same canned response I gave Gene Clean, at least he went to the trouble of digging up the Syst. Req's. My MAME/C64 rig is an old Pent 300, XP is not useable at all for even common tasks let alone playing a emulated 20 year old game. Back to Linux I went.

    "canned response"

    how rich. do you want a prize for saying nothing?

    I find OS X unusable on its minimum requirements as well. And it's minimum requirements are actually much higher than what it will actually run on unlike Windows.
  • Reply 27 of 42

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    [B]On paper, yes, MS supports old hardware.

    Same as Apple. On paper.


    The difference is that Apple's software can actually run decently on older Macs.

    Not from my experience. Try running GarageBand on a 400Mhz G3 with 256 MB of RAM. And then get yourself 3 cups of coffee...
  • Reply 28 of 42
    jadejade Posts: 379member
    Some more feedback............I reset my ipod and reinstalled the firmware. That worked...but that is annoying. (And I know many people in mac-land like to say it is a cakewalk..but you can have issues that are annoying and difficult to troubleshoot..but not all of us have perfect experiences all the time)

    On to Apple's support for old sucks....

    If you don't want to upgrade your mac you will be supported. How about Apple dropping support for firewire with iPods.

    Have you tried to run GarageBand on a sub-1Ghz G4. It is so slow it like watching paint dry. (Estpecially after 5 tracks). I have used it on a PB with 867, 1Ghz, and other systems with 750MB+ RAM

    I agree you can use Apple hadware longer, but Apple is no better than anyone else about extended support.

    On my blog: I don't offer criticism of Apple on every post. Just when I think it is deserved..and my other comments reflect that. Stop being judgemental based on reading one post. Don't you need a pool of evidence to form an opinion. Based on the comments I saw here, most you decided I made a rash decision on deciding to purchase music elsewhere and being disappointed with my ipod/itunes experience.
  • Reply 29 of 42
    jadejade Posts: 379member

    Originally posted by i-am-an-elf

    exactly the same here, cept with a 3G ipod and 5G iPod

    jade you're the only one, are are probably making it up to make apple look bad, i've seen it before, a lot

    Wow you must be paranoid if you think my one post will have any affect on iTMS/iPod adoption.
  • Reply 30 of 42
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    i'm not sure if this is related to my 3g iPod, but i do have a problem with it relating to iTunes 6. If the iPod is sitting in the dock, and iTunes is open under my user account and then my wife opens up iTunes, the computer freaks out. iTunes refuses to force quit, making logging out of the computer or safely shutting it off or switching users impossible. after pulling out my hair, i realized that unplugging the iPod dock firewire connection does the trick.

    anyone else experience this bizarre bug?
  • Reply 31 of 42
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    oh yeah, and i think the stuff about windows not running well on older computers isn't exactly true. i used a machine with 64MB ram and a 450mhz celeron processor and ran Windows XP, Office 2003, and Firefox with no problems. Granted, I could only use one program at a time.

    I think PC users just upgrade more cause it's just plain cheap.

    Run Windows XP on a 450mhz computer with 256MB can do all internet & word processing stuff and MP3s just fine...seriously.
  • Reply 32 of 42
    jadejade Posts: 379member

    Originally posted by tonton

    I wasn't aware that a 300MHz Wintel can run Garage Band... or are we comparing Apples and... uh... lemons?

    When talking about using the most up-to-date OS, browsing the internet and running the usual non-intensive applications, a 5 year-old Mac can beat the crap out of any 5 year old PC, hands down.

    Oh, and about the iPod/FireWire thing...

    I bought a generic USB 2.0 Cardbus card for $12 (didn't list Mac support on the box). It works like a charm connecting my PowerBook and the iPod Nano at full USB 2.0 speed. I think Power Mac users can get an internal USB 2.0 card for even less than that.

    The only sufferers are the old G3 iBook and iMac users, and even they can always use USB 1.1 with the newest iPods.

    Actually let me add a side note. When Garageband came out these were current (read new machines) that were shipping with Garage Band Preinstalled.

    Sorry but I expect my new out of the box computer to do everything speedy (with of course appropriate RAM) if the application is preinstalled on if Garage Band wasn't preinstalled I wouldn't have had a problem with the performance.

    Do Macs lasty longer or Windows machines? Well today it is virtually a moot point. Any computer made in the past 7-9 years can handle the basic functions of web, email, word processing and looking at pictures. At that point it is just a matter of proper maintenence.

    On another note...this wasn't a conversation on the relative speeds of Windows applications and Mac applications. It doesn't matter of Windows search is slow compared with Tiger. Not related. We are talking support of older hardware.
  • Reply 33 of 42
    jadejade Posts: 379member

    Originally posted by progmac

    i'm not sure if this is related to my 3g iPod, but i do have a problem with it relating to iTunes 6. If the iPod is sitting in the dock, and iTunes is open under my user account and then my wife opens up iTunes, the computer freaks out. iTunes refuses to force quit, making logging out of the computer or safely shutting it off or switching users impossible. after pulling out my hair, i realized that unplugging the iPod dock firewire connection does the trick.

    anyone else experience this bizarre bug?

    I believe this is related to how the OS handles external disk drives. Basically when your user switches it probablly tries to disconnect your ipod and reconnect it. But the file system probably has a hold on it and the disk doesn't get properly ejected.

    The easiest way to crash a mac is to plug in an ipod (I imagine this would work with any external disk, but I have seen it with iPods). Remove it without ejecting. Plug it in again. Remove with out ejecting. After about the third will get a kernal panic....

    This may seem like an odd scenario, but in the event you go to screensaver or something, you might unplug your ipod..and you will experience the same.
  • Reply 34 of 42
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by jade

    Some more feedback............I reset my ipod and reinstalled the firmware. That worked...but that is annoying. (And I know many people in mac-land like to say it is a cakewalk..but you can have issues that are annoying and difficult to troubleshoot..but not all of us have perfect experiences all the time)


    Stop being judgemental based on reading one post. Don't you need a pool of evidence to form an opinion. Based on the comments I saw here, most you decided I made a rash decision on deciding to purchase music elsewhere and being disappointed with my ipod/itunes experience.

    YOU made a rash decision ripping Apple in your blog after having one poor experience and not seeking any alternatives.

    We're not saying we have "perfect experiences" all the time. Any computer system will have issues now and then. But we'd argue that Apple, by far, makes its products much easier to work with and upgrade than others out there.
  • Reply 35 of 42

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    Same as Apple. On paper.

    Not from my experience. Try running GarageBand on a 400Mhz G3 with 256 MB of RAM. And then get yourself 3 cups of coffee...

    iThink the minimum system requirements for garageband are 600+ G3. check your info before posting.

    i am correct.

    from apple: Macintosh computer with a PowerPC G3 (600MHz or faster), G4, or G5 processor

    G4 or G5 required for GarageBand software instrument

    so you are wrong.
  • Reply 36 of 42
    amoryaamorya Posts: 1,103member

    Originally posted by MagicFingers

    iThink the minimum system requirements for garageband are 600+ G3. check your info before posting.

    i am correct.

    from apple: Macintosh computer with a PowerPC G3 (600MHz or faster), G4, or G5 processor

    G4 or G5 required for GarageBand software instrument

    so you are wrong.

    True. It actually runs and is fairly usable on a 500mhz G3 (Pismo) too... as long as you stay under about 8 tracks it's pretty good. Which I'd call a bonus for Apple - it runs and fairly well on something below the minimum system requirements!

    Oh, and it does support software instruments in real time on that config, although only one or two at once. I can certainly connect up a keyboard and play using a grand piano software instrument, without noticable latency. That's a feature that supposedly requires a G4!

  • Reply 37 of 42
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    You're lucky Apple still supports it.

    It is ONLY a year or so old... If the support window to encure iTms compatibility is 18 months, then something is defenately wrong.

    If apple were to take that kind of stance, it would legitemize tools like jHymn in a huge way (more than just us guys who use linux).

    Apple does want the thing to work -- run update again, that fails call apple or hit up the Genius Bar.
  • Reply 38 of 42

    Originally posted by MagicFingers

    [B]iThink the minimum system requirements for garageband are 600+ G3.


    Try running GarageBand on a 400Mhz G3 with 256 MB of RAM.


    check your info before posting.



    i am correct.


    so you are wrong.

    Uh oh...
  • Reply 39 of 42

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    But we'd argue that Apple, by far, makes its products much easier to work with and upgrade than others out there.

    If you're talking about OS upgrades, then perhaps, out of commercials vendors, Apple is the best. But don't forget that there are non-commercial OSs that are pretty good about upgrades (Linux, comes to mind).

    If you're talking about hardware... well, let's just leave it at that.
  • Reply 40 of 42
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    (The 3G iPod) is ONLY a year or so old...

    Well, if you go from the last time it was sold, yes, I suppose. All iPods just feel a lot older than they really are. It seems like I bought my 2G iPod 4 or 5 years ago, but it hasn't been that long. It seems like it's been 2 or 3 years since the 3G iPod.

    Okay, so I was a little off in my guesstimation of how old the 3Gs are. Leave me alone.
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