Apple Stock Observations
Well Apple's stock is again approaching $70 per share (likely to hit it today) and after three years of watching it's growth I dont see it slowing down any time soon. I am curious to see if anyone else sees another split in the near future? Additionally I am curious to see what you guys feel the next 3-6 months holds for Apple with the advent of intel macs and the holiday season. I am debating making some stock purchases and again Apple is on top of my list...any other suggestions?
anyways, i'm thinking of going in now. good idea? i mean the new mactels could be something to marvel at.
I had been a mutual funds investor until a few years ago when i decided to put some money into stocks. I got AAPL starting just under $15 and have purchased all along (dollar cost averaging). The growth has been shocking.
The tremendous growth this company has shown makes many skittish because they think it has to end soon. Nothing grows this much without stagnating after a few years, right?. I personally believe Apple's growth is nowhere near complete given the growing awareness and popularity its products are achieving.
I'm no professional (but my personally picked stock portfoio has done much better than my professionally managed funds) and I say AAPL is still a buy. I watch this company like a hawk, though. You should, too.
Don't take anyone else's word for it.
i know its a personal question... no one knows you in here personaly thogh so its ok
I'm pleased.
Originally posted by ricksbrain
I wanted to add that Piper Jaffray seems to have the best analysis of Apple's business. It just seems like they have a Mac user or something who knows the products inside and out. Other houses seem to make guesses, but don't know Apple at all.
I agree with you whole-heartedly.