Brokeback Mountain hooplah
I'll stick my neck out here...
I keep hearing guys refer to this movie-- in passing conversation, on the news, on the radio. One conversation on the radio (Glenn Beck show) revolved around whether a guy would fool around with another guy for money and one guy's response was not unless it involved an eight figure pay off. To save your brain a moment of thought, that's at least ten million dollars.
Maybe I'm cheap, but...
So, I launch an informal poll and apologize if I am crossing into unwelcome territory. I really am just curious.
So, gay for pay? If so, what would it take?
I keep hearing guys refer to this movie-- in passing conversation, on the news, on the radio. One conversation on the radio (Glenn Beck show) revolved around whether a guy would fool around with another guy for money and one guy's response was not unless it involved an eight figure pay off. To save your brain a moment of thought, that's at least ten million dollars.
Maybe I'm cheap, but...
So, I launch an informal poll and apologize if I am crossing into unwelcome territory. I really am just curious.
So, gay for pay? If so, what would it take?
This is a decent forum!!
I found this thread on the penguin thread. You might ask the poster this thread:
What amazes me is how the thermodynamics of a creature living on 'nothing' for going on three months at -40 C etc.
Why stop at mere men, when others are warming to penguins?
Just wondering what's going on there. Don't infer anything just because someone asks a question.
Anyway, I prefer poultry.
Wow. That sounds very extreme, or maybe a bit more like reality t.v.....
Anyway, I prefer poultry.
What sort of birds are you in to?
*don't answer that!*
Your father is a turkey and your mother is a cornish game hen!
So there!
Your father is a turkey and your mother is a cornish game hen!
Then why wasn't I informed!! Social Services could at least have let me know. All this time, I've been masquerading as a human. I knew it. We is ducks!
Actually, no man knows his father except whom mother says it is......
Take a bow Rick! Although on this thread, that might be a dangerous thing.........
Have a good night
Check out his other stuff - I've only discovered what a great producer he is, albeit provocative especially in his own country. His Wedding Banquet Series, Eat Man Drink Woman are utterly humourous.
Now, would I make out with a guy for an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict, that's a tough one.
That would really make President Bush happy. Gosh. Two happy men then - no beating around the bush there.
Alternatively, Ariel Sharon could possibly be attractive in traditional costume although I don't think he'll take to Ang Lee's satirical style. Global solutions for all on Apple Outsider Forums..
?the sum in question
?how broke I was
?the guy in question.
Let's be pragmatic. I'd consider second base, perhaps, with someone young and attractive before an old man with, say, bad teeth, a big belly, poor hygiene, or similar. Or if I had to pay for, say, a hip operation, or a new PowerBook, or something.
[Obligatory heterosexual disclaimer: I speak as someone with no personal physical experience in matters gay. And I don't think I could let anyone near my prostate, if you get my drift. Although all of a sudden I see the need for the Tension Relief Clinic.]
Originally posted by Placebo
Yeah, being the "giver" rather than the "reciever" is a very important element of this.
I'd think that would depend heavily on which sex act you're talking about. I'd rather be the giver on one I can think of, but the receiver on another.
OK, with that post, I think this thread has officially jumped the shark.