Confirmed: School boards know nothing!

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014


At a special meeting held Monday night at the Greene County Board of Commissioners meeting, the Greene County Board of Education voted to refinance its lease from Apple Computers. The school system will sell its 2,041 existing laptops to MacWorld [sic] before the company announces its new product lines Jan. 9, 2006.


Students will receive updated 12-inch iBook notebook computers with smoother-running software, a faster processor and more memory.

Teachers will receive 12-inch PowerBooks, which include additional software and more sophisticated technology.

...he new computers will be readied for use by Apple over the holiday break.


The threat of bugs in newer-model computers the schools would have to purchase later in the year also made Greene County Schools move early to refresh laptops.



  • Reply 1 of 24
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Jobs's keynote is on the 10th.
  • Reply 2 of 24
    It's a community newspaper. It's gunna have some errors but its not going to be totaly crack-pot.
  • Reply 3 of 24
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    Reading too much MDN of late?
  • Reply 4 of 24
    lies lies lies YEAH.....
  • Reply 5 of 24
  • Reply 6 of 24
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by concentricity

    Am I the only one that actually read that? It clearly implies that there WON'T be new iBooks or PowerBooks until later in the year. It's saying that they're buying current models (which are faster, newer, better than the OLD ones they have) rather than buying NEWER models later in the year which might present bugs, etc, as in first rev intel 'books being potentially buggy.

    in other words, "hurry up and get the last of the G4 'Books to hold us over until the Intel transition is well ironed out."

    I think you're slightly misreading the story.

    They currently have aging laptops that were slated to be replaced Spring '06. The current models outperform what they have, so those would count as an upgrade that delivers smoother performance.

    They apparently know that by the Spring of '06 they would be getting new models with potential bug problems, presumably Mactels, but there is also a strong suggestion, in that they want to get things done before Macworld and the announcement of new models, that they need to get those "smoother performing" yet "not bug prone" machines now.

    If their understanding was that Macworld would simply be upgrades to the existing architecture I can't see why the emphasis on taking action "before Apple announces new models". In fact, it would only make sense to wait for those machines to ship and then do the swap, as that would get you the best G4 machines that will likely ever be, before the processor switch.
  • Reply 7 of 24
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    I think this doesn't confirm anything. It hints that new models will be introduced, but confirms nothing. The information reported could easily be based on speculation and a push by the Apple EDU rep.

    That said, we all expect new laptops and this just fans the rumor monger flames.

    No matter what's introduced, as long as its not a POS I'll probably get one to replace my aging rev A Ti PowerBook.
  • Reply 8 of 24
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally posted by JTBLQ

    lies lies lies YEAH.....

    Violent Femmes fan huh?
  • Reply 9 of 24
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member

    Originally posted by Relic

    Violent Femmes fan huh?

    "I dig the black girls, oh so much more than the white ones..."

  • Reply 10 of 24
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    I think a much more true reading is this.

    Sometime in October somewhere in Greene County

    Mac Guy at school board: Hey. I have read at Appleinsider that Apple is releasing new iBook with intel chips in then at MacWorld on the...ehhh....January 9...I think.

    Rest of school board: Huh? Appleinsider? Intel? Is intel a new department under the homeland security office? Is this part of the Glory Domestic Surveillance Program? Great. Lets buy them so we can rid ourselves of all the 9 year old terrorists. (Applause)

    M: Nono. Its bad news. Intel is the new producer of the chips that goes into Apples computers. It may affect the stability of the computers, we may have to buy a lot of new software and I am not sure Intel did handle the millennium bug right. The new computers may not work at all. And if they do they will catch fire.

    R: (panics) OH NO. What can we do? What can we do? At some point we have to replace the computers.

    M: We could buy the current version right now before the new are introduced. And besides they run smoother-running software, have a faster processor and more memory. And it won´t be so expensive. We can sell the old computers at a great price.

    R: To whom?

    M: Eh... Macworld?

    R: Sounds impressive. Mac...World. Mmmmm.

    M: But we have to act now. We have to buy them before Christmas/Holidays, so we don´t get the new ones.

    R: Make it so, Mac Guy.

    January 2006: Mac Guy gets his new complimentary Powerbook for the deal from Apple and moves out of the state.

    February 2006: The school board can´t understand why "MacWorld" won´t buy all their old iBooks.
  • Reply 11 of 24
    19841984 Posts: 955member
    "The school system will sell its 2,041 existing laptops to MacWorld before the company announces its new product lines Jan. 9, 2006."

    No matter how many times I read that it still doesn't make sense.
  • Reply 12 of 24
    dcqdcq Posts: 349member

    Originally posted by Anders

    I think a much more true reading is this.

    Sometime in October somewhere in Greene County


    Very funny.

    But I think you're underestimating how corrupt school board members are...and overestimating their intelligence.
  • Reply 13 of 24
    More fuel to the fire...

    The online Apple store are offering loads of "refurb" Macs. Normally they only open the refurb store on wednedsday and what they have left goes very quickly.

    They have loads of ibooks,powerbooks and mac mini's on there. Looks like they are clearing inventory

    The uk refurb store is also open every day from how and until 4th of jan.

    and if thats not enough.. They are offering interest free loans over 6 months. You can apply for them until 8th Jan 2006!
  • Reply 14 of 24
    I don't know if the school board were acting on a "guess" that the Mactel iBook was going to be announced in January or if someone had a quiet word in their ear.

    The software issue mentioned above might be a major factor in working a deal with Apple. If they are apps that are not ready for the Mactels (or won't be for quiet a while) then the move is a smart one. They certainly won't be caring if the kids in elementary school have dual core processors in their Macs.

    The fact that Apple worked with them on the deal is a reasonable indication that iBooks are changing in January - as is today's Hardmac article about the EOL ad in France.
  • Reply 15 of 24
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by Anders

    I think a much more true reading is this.


    February 2006: The school board can´t understand why "MacWorld" won´t buy all their old iBooks.

    I forgot about that part. I can picture the school AV guy with a huge cart of laptops wandering the show floor, asking where the purchasing department is.....
  • Reply 16 of 24
    OK -- let me run these specs and see what you all think.

    replacement for 12 inch Powerbook.

    13.3 inch WXGA.

    Weight -- 4 pounds even. Thickness, 1 inch even.

    Mini DVI out as the only significant modification to an otherwise stock Intel motherboard . . .

    . . . which means Intel integrated graphics

    Up to 2GB RAM, 1GB as standard

    Yonah dual core 1.66GHz

    80GB 5400 RPM hard drive. Upgrade to 100 for $50

    FireWire 400. Still no 800

    Maybe Intel finally gets around to putting external SATA on.

    Dual layer DVD burner



    1. If they go completely Intel stock, it probably means VGA out only and no DVI out.

    2. Might Apple, even in this model, put a proper graphics chip on there?
  • Reply 17 of 24
    any link to where it states jobs' keynote is on the 10th? i'm going to macworld this year and all signs point to the 9th...
  • Reply 18 of 24

    Originally posted by Trans9B

    any link to where it states jobs' keynote is on the 10th? i'm going to macworld this year and all signs point to the 9th...

    The 9th is a Monday, and I recall at least last year's keynote being on a Tuesday. (Why? Because I remember having to go through a slow two days of school before I could come home and watch it. XP)
  • Reply 19 of 24

    Perhaps this should clear things up...
  • Reply 20 of 24
    Wow, David Pogue has Nitrozac & Snaggy! Wish I could go.

    Thread title should be "School boards know nothing! Confirmed!"
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