Apple rolls out new iMacs, Mac Book Pro, iLife '06



  • Reply 41 of 114
    anybody think that these things might have tight availability when apple starts to ship? if so, might they go for over list price on ebay? (like the xbox 360 recently did)
  • Reply 42 of 114
    Article about dual booting windows on the new Intel Macs:
  • Reply 43 of 114

    Originally posted by Catman4d2

    YAY no stickers! no pentium or other meaningless names no G just the item name "YES I love asthetics" but the sleep indicator is now a ugly hole in the front,a blight on what Otherwise is a perfect design victory!!!!!!

    No Firewire 800? Seems Bizzare. \

    COOL $200 less for 2 gigs of ram... yay.

    cant wait for the 17 and 12 inch

    no firewire 800 because if you notice the lack of it in the intel chipset world. They don't want things that compete with their own usb.
  • Reply 44 of 114
    Ach, wish I had the 4x faster speed and the isight. <sigh> Oh well, I knew that would happen.

    for those with Windows on their minds... keep in mind that the linux world has been doing this type of thing for ages, and with the bsd underpinnings, the ability to do this fairly easily on the new machines will most likely come in no time flat. It'll be interesting to see how that works out in the end... I know MS has been throwing stones at the Wine community for years (changing items and removing files which are in wine and not in windows etc.) No need to reinvent the wheel here, it'll come.

    Well, anyone want to put together a small bluetooth remote for everyone that wanted one when we thought that it was coming our way at MWSF? I've let Griffin and Kensington know that we'd like one... we'll see if that flies.

    So, in less than 2 months, my PB15" became out of date to the tune of 4x as slow.
  • Reply 45 of 114
    sjksjk Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by auxio

    I have a FW HDD, but it only supports 400, and I don't use it on a regular basis (simply for multi-boot testing), so it's not a big deal.

    Not for your PB backups?
  • Reply 46 of 114
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member

    Originally posted by archer75

    Now that the intel imacs are out, has anyone installed windows xp on one and dual booted with OSX?

    Apple had stated last year that they would'nt do anything to prevent windows from being installed on one.

    yea baby yea.....this is the meat of the matter
  • Reply 47 of 114
    It is gratifying to see a new Mac power(ful) Book. I don't mind the new name, but I like PowerBook. Perhaps there still can be a PowerBook, when the Merom cpu arrives. I suppose that may be wishful thinking. You have to wonder why there is the one FireWire port, and that it is FW 400, in stead of 800. The part of me that is hoping for a PowerBook yet says look, Apple has room for a FireWire 800 port, there is hope.

    I am having a tough time thinking which one I want to get for business purposes, a capable new iMac, or the portable Apple Book Pro. Well, it is nice to have that to think about.
  • Reply 48 of 114
    I'm not against the name. In fact, there's a lot in the name:

    MacBook Pro

    Implies Apple already has another product lined up: MacBook without the 'pro'. I wonder what'll be missing, aside from titanium casing? Maybe no dual-core? Maybe no cam?

    BTW, rumor is these things have a 3 hour battery life w/the brightness all the way up.

    I have a couple of big questions. Speculation is welcome:

    1.) Is the IR for receiving only -- will we be able to use iSync with our infra-red cell phones? I know, most cells are bluetooth now, but it's a thought.

    2.) Any thoughts on a 13" $1500 MacBook Pro or $1000 13" MacBook? Considering Apple already has two options on the 15" Pro, how likely does it seem that they'll introduce yet MORE options?

    3.) What about the G4? Any speculation as to how long they'll be supported for? How about a price decline -- currently Apple's store still lists the 15" PowerBook at $1999. $1999 is a bit steep for a new laptop, and I don't think I need one quite as fast and certainly don't need the camera. Front Row would be nice, but I don't need a remote for a notebook... I won't lie - I've been desparate to Switch for a long time now and I am considering a 12" PowerBook (currently an 80gig G4 SuperDrive refurb from Apple for $1200). One wise friend suggested I try to wait out a little while longer and see if (a) prices of the G4s are lowered and specs are upped slightly (b) a 13" model of either MacBook or MacBook Pro is introduced or (c) refurbs of the MacBook Pro appear.

    Any thoughts?
  • Reply 49 of 114
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,752member

    Originally posted by sjk

    Not for your PB backups?

    No, my FW HDD isn't big enough for backups. I use a network file server for storage and backup (which doesn't have RAID yet, but soon will).
  • Reply 50 of 114
    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned that the MacBooks aren't 2+Ghz

    A lot of the other Windows Yonah based laptops out at CES last week were over 2Ghz.

    Oh, and the usual 'The consumer iMac is faster than the Pro PowerBook/MacBook' - How dare they!

    Anyway, looking forward to the benchmarks, particularly a Photoshop bake-off as then I can assess if it's worthwhile getting a new iMac and selling the old G5 or if the G5 is still faster for what I use it for.
  • Reply 51 of 114

    Originally posted by aegisdesign

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned that the MacBooks aren't 2+Ghz

    Er, they're dual core. Effectively, they're 3+Ghz...
  • Reply 52 of 114

    Originally posted by jdbartlett

    Er, they're dual core. Effectively, they're 3+Ghz...

    ok, so effectively that Asus laptop is effectively 4.66Ghz.

    Don't be an ass.
  • Reply 53 of 114
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member
    By the way, all developers got an email today saying that they could trade in their first-generation Intel Developer Transition Kit hardware for a new iMac.
  • Reply 54 of 114
    b3njb3nj Posts: 70member

    Originally posted by archer75

    Article about dual booting windows on the new Intel Macs:

    hmmm.. makes me wonder if Microsoft is going to make an Official Windows Version that can be installed on MacIntels.
  • Reply 55 of 114
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by aegisdesign

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned that the MacBooks aren't 2+Ghz

    A lot of the other Windows Yonah based laptops out at CES last week were over 2Ghz.

    Oh, and the usual 'The consumer iMac is faster than the Pro PowerBook/MacBook' - How dare they!

    The thinner MacBook (1" vs 1.1" 15" PBG4) might increase the demand on the cooling system such that they can't run a 2+ GHz chip, Asus will likely have a slightly thicker laptop. There may also be supply concerns. Or maybe Apple hates its users. Or they thought a 4x improvement enough and didn't want to release a 6x faster laptop to piss off the people that got suckered into the Nov. 2005 revision.

    I'm hoping that the MacBook Pro is basically an intermediate transition computer just to get them out and shaken down while the rest of the 'Books get full-line update, because it appears to be for early-adopter and developer types, lots of pro apps need to be updated for the Universal binary, so pros that aren't developers or early adopters would probably want to wait anyway.

    I wonder if maybe the lack of FW800 might actually be because of a lack of PCIe FW800 chips, when that chip is available it might be put on the next 15" and 17" laptop and roll out the complete line.

    From a Developer Connection email, Apple is offering to exchange the development machine with an Intel iMac for free, so they can develop and test on a production system:


    DTK Exchange Program. The DTK Exchange Program is for developers who have ordered a Developer Transition Kit. This program will put a new Intel-based Mac in your hands to help you finish and ship your Universal Binary. Each Developer Transition Kit you have may be exchanged for the new iMac at no charge.

  • Reply 56 of 114
    Microsoft has a special version of Windows for the new MacBooks, it's called Windows XP. It should install and run like any other system that is x86 based. Chances are if I bought one, I'd wipe the hard drive and just use Windows XP until more apps are native.
  • Reply 57 of 114
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by scavanger

    Microsoft has a special version of Windows for the new MacBooks, it's called Windows XP. It should install and run like any other system that is x86 based. Chances are if I bought one, I'd wipe the hard drive and just use Windows XP until more apps are native.

    XP doesn't support EFI AFAIK.
  • Reply 58 of 114
    Bluetooth is back in the box.. see here.

    DL disk's are readable but not burnable in this 'new" Superdrive.. This must be part of the plan to push the next media (BlueRay) when it comes out. Do many ppl. actually use DL disks (?). Too expensive for me + obvious absence of DL media players..

    Apart from the obvious concerns you just got to hand it to Jobs and Apple.

    There it is, a new PowerBook (OK sorry MacBook Pro). That was not foreseen until later in the year. Virtually no drop in sales. Plus, enough rabid MacHeads to keep the max possible production backdated for 6+ months. Plus - if you want a Intel Mac now you must pay the piper or wait 6+months for the (less profitable) iBook - absolute, undeniable genius.

    Same thing for iMac - Not foreseen = No drop in sales b4 release.

    Lack of Battery spec's are indeed suspicious to say the least.
  • Reply 59 of 114

    Originally posted by JLL

    XP doesn't support EFI AFAIK.

    It does on XP64. Unfortunately the iMacs/MacBooks aren't 64bit though.

    Nobody's established it's EFI based though have they?
  • Reply 60 of 114

    Originally posted by OfficerDigby

    DL disk's are readable but not burnable in this 'new" Superdrive.. This must be part of the plan to push the next media (BlueRay) when it comes out. Do many ppl. actually use DL disks (?). Too expensive for me + obvious absence of DL media players..

    DL disk play in any DVD player. Most commercial movies are at Dual Layer otherwise the movie wouldn't fit.

    The Powerbook had 8x Dual Layer writing. This one is Single layer only, 4x. Quite a step backwards.

    The new iMac is 8x Dual Layer, like the old one.
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