Intel Mac's Performance? Anyone at Macworld?



  • Reply 21 of 22
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Yes but contrast that with the total amount of years he'll own the computer. CS2 should be universal by the end of the year and when that happens all the iMac dual core users begin to crush the performance of iMac G5.

    Maybe it will change because of the transition, but if you are willing to take hit, you can take advantage of the high resale value of Macs. I really didn't believe in it before, but I'm finding that there isn't much of a penalty for upgrading often.

    If you can stand to wait a few months, then try that. If you need a new Mac now, consider the iMac G5 now, and when Adobe makes a Universal version and you find you want more speed, sell the iMac G5 and buy the Intel version.
  • Reply 22 of 22

    Originally posted by NeutrixX

    Just a thought... I hope everyone realises how large a step this is for any given company... including Apple. I'm pretty impressed for the video on the MacBook I found. Check it out....

    That video was very informative. It's amazing how much the Apple guy didn't even know about the MacBook Pro or the new iLife software.
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