Tick-tock...How long before 10.4.4 is running on a Dell?



  • Reply 21 of 22

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    Heh, OS X on a Dell would be pretty cool, just because it would probably piss Mike Dell off. Because of course OS X would make a Dell into a pretty good computer.

    If I could be guaranteed that I could run the latest version of OS X on a Dell tower for 4-6 years, then I'd buy a Dell. They're cheaper than Macs and Dell will likely use faster versions of Intel CPUs, like they do now in laptops.

    Michael Dell is a business man. He will do what it takes to make money for his business. If that includes licensing OSX, he'd do it. As for making it a better computer, to a certain extent, yes. OSX would have advantages of XP, but to make a truly better computer, they'd have to have a better quality computer. I'm talking higher quality parts here, not wacky designs like Apple.
  • Reply 22 of 22
    I don't think it's going to happen. While there may be some obvious hurdles like EFI there will probably be some that are very well hidden. One easy one would be to check for a parallel port (or some other PC only bit of hardware) and refuse to load, or continually crash. Limiting it to specific Intel chips is another approach. I'm just a simple non-tech Mac user. If I can figure out little things like this then Apple's programmers can figure out some more difficult challenges. In the end it will more trouble and cost than it's worth.
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