Your top 5 (or so) apps you use and recommend



  • Reply 21 of 52
    Nope, I have the latest version of both Launchbar and Quicksilver. Switched back to LB as of the latest version because of speed but will still follow QS. It's a known fact, even on the QS forums, that QS is not all that speed optimized. I'm not saying it's bad, because it's not, just slow unfortunately....
  • Reply 22 of 52
    I agree Launchbar is faster, I've used both. I prefer QS because of the things I can do with it. It ultimately saves time in many more ways than LB does. Plus I really like the Bezel interface. With the news plug-ins like Constellation and being able to launch commands from the Menu Bar I've been using more often.

    QuicksIlver is the first thing I install on any Mac I use and the first thing I recomend.
  • Reply 23 of 52
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Most comonly used:

    Safari (I use firefox on occation)


    Adium (agreed. kills ichat except for av conferencing)


    MS Office (Word/Excel) really
  • Reply 24 of 52
    i do not have too much new stuff here but i will tell you mine





    FirstClass Mail Client (for my school's mail)


    Adium - definitely the best IM client out there

    Fetch - IMO, Transmit is better but, being a student, fetch is free for me


  • Reply 25 of 52
    My favourite apps (all free)



    America's Army


  • Reply 26 of 52
    Audio Hijack Pro: Is this a pre loaded application with pro machines now? It's too slick.

    iCooked: Over-clocking for my 800 MHz G3 iBook. It's OK though because my new favorite widget Apple Order Status lets me know when my new MBook pro will be shipping

    Coconut Battery: Handy for keeping an eye on battery age/lifespan. Believe it or not the battery in my iBook is 37 months old and still holds a 48% charge, luck I guess.

    Easy WMA: I use V2.2.1 I believe the newest version is no longer free. Easy MP3 conversion for those annoying WMA's

    WMV Player: Awesome app...unless you love Windows Media Player for some weird reason?
  • Reply 27 of 52

    ConceptDraw MindMapPro

    VoodooPad (cool wiki)



    Curio (also as a launch pad)

    iLife (the whole suite is great for my needs)

    SketchUp (is there any other way to design??)

    InDesign - maybe soon to be replaced by Pages...
  • Reply 28 of 52
    One program that I forgot to put in my list is Transmit. I do not use the full application on a daily basis, but it is very useful. I have their widget on my desktop setup to go to a particular directory on my FTP site. I can select several files in Finder, hit F12 to bring up Dashboard and then drop the files on the widget to have it just send them up using Transmit and then quit... all automatically.
  • Reply 29 of 52
    ajayajay Posts: 117member
    on my G3 (800) iBook, with 640MB RAM, these just work like a breeze!

    1) Adobe Photoshop CS (don't have to explain!)

    2) iGetter (downloads faster than Safari) link

    3) Mozilla Thunderbird (somehow Mail can't just find our mail server!)

    4) Stellarium (cool astronomy software!) link

    5) Taco HTML edit (lite & sweet!) link

    6) Office Mac 2004 (Office X sucked, iWork05 still sux, no money for iWork06!)

    7) Transmit FTP (eccentric, but IT WORKS!) link

    8) 4peaks (DNA sequence & sequence-histogram viewer & editor)link

    9) Smell-o-mints (an interactive periodic table of elements)


    10) Lasergene (biological sequence analysis) link

    that's all that i use the most. these i use infrequently:

    11) toast 6 titanium

    12) stuffit dlx 9

    13) adobe acrobat 7
  • Reply 30 of 52

    I will have to try out QuickSilver, which seems to be gaining in favour.

    Camino, then OmniWeb, then occasionally FireFox, for browser




    Mellel, or Nisus
  • Reply 31 of 52

    Originally posted by krisneph

    Well honestly anything you want it to do. It is very good at launching apps but you can set it up to do lots of things.

    For example:

    I select text in Safari > Press F1 > Type "MT" (for Mail To)

    The Type "JJ"(For James Johnson for example) and hit enter

    it launches Mail for me and I can just press send or type some more stuff.

    You can also move or copy items in the Finder very quickly.

    There are tons a plug-ins available and it's very customizable

    Ok so I downloaded Quicksilver and cannot figure it out for the life of me. How do you set it up in order to do Mail to for MT and find a person using their initials... I'm slow.
  • Reply 32 of 52
    mrsinmrsin Posts: 163member
    Thought I would join in and 'share' as well .

    Adium Instant Messenger - Adium

    Camino (Internet Browser) - Camino

    Ecto - desktop blogging client - Ecto

    EMACS (Text Editor) - Aquamacs EMACS

    FinderPop - FinderPop

    iClip Lite - iClip Lite

    LaunchBar 4 - LaunchBar 4

    MacJournal, Write & Calc - Mariner Software

    Mail App - Apple Mail App

    Mail Appetizer - Mail Appetizer

    Menu Meters - MenuMeters

    Smultron (Text Editor) - Smultron

    SubEthaEdit (Text Editor) - SubEthaEdit

    VLC Media Player - VLC
  • Reply 33 of 52
    ajayajay Posts: 117member
    downloaded Quicksilver.... damn i'm impressed!
  • Reply 34 of 52
    1. MENUMETERS - I love having all my system info always in view. When my computer starts crawling I instatntly can see that something is hoging the processor and I shut it down. indespensible for me.

    2. iTunes - it's always running.

    3. iChat - With 150 people in my office on rendevous/Bonjour network, this is the fastest way to communicate and send files.

    4. Entourage - I know, I know i need something better. But all my mail is stuck in that stupid database file. How can I export it to something else? Any thoughts? I'd love to switch.

    5. Toast Titanium - I burn. A lot.
  • Reply 35 of 52
    ajayajay Posts: 117member

    Originally posted by buckeye

    4. Entourage - I know, I know i need something better. But all my mail is stuck in that stupid database file. How can I export it to something else? Any thoughts? I'd love to switch.

    IMHO, the answer to that would be mozilla thunderbird.

    i moved all my mails from entourage to t'bird last year without any problems although i can't seem to remember how i did it. a simple google search had helped me back then & that's what i did just now & got these links.check out these pages & see if they help you:




    good luck!
  • Reply 36 of 52
    buckeyebuckeye Posts: 358member

    Originally posted by ajay

    IMHO, the answer to that would be mozilla thunderbird.

    i moved all my mails from entourage to t'bird last year without any problems although i can't seem to remember how i did it. a simple google search had helped me back then & that's what i did just now & got these links.check out these pages & see if they help you:




    good luck!

    Thanks, I'll give that a test. That database file really worries me. I always think one day it will corrupt and I'll lose 3 years of emails.
  • Reply 37 of 52
    ajayajay Posts: 117member

    Originally posted by buckeye

    Thanks, I'll give that a test. That database file really worries me. I always think one day it will corrupt and I'll lose 3 years of emails.

    the last page of this .pdf file should help you....

    link to .pdf download

  • Reply 38 of 52

    Ok so I downloaded Quicksilver and cannot figure it out for the life of me. How do you set it up in order to do Mail to for MT and find a person using their initials... I'm slow.

    Well the program (QS) can get a little complecated at first. I suggest you read the stuff at their website first

    Also to e-mail thing you need the Adressbook and Mail extension(plug-in). Also you might wanna set up a trigger like I did. Read up on some of those things and you'll be up and running in no time.
  • Reply 39 of 52
    love this thread! being new to macs i didnt really know about apps like adium or quicksilver - i was missing out!

    so keep it coming!
  • Reply 40 of 52
    I use most things on here... so I will try and list a few that haven't been listed.. and that I use constantly:

    Pagerspinner (HTML Editor)

    Interarchy (The best FTP program)

    Toast (The only cd/dvd burning program)

    WorkStrip (Awesome Dock Replacement)

    xScope (Tool every graphic artist/web designer should have)

    Xyle Scope (Tool every web designer should have)

    [edited for spellin mastakes]
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