The Duh factor



  • Reply 21 of 31
    krispiekrispie Posts: 260member

    Originally posted by jackbauer

    Yeah, bad choice of words. I really meant the TV networks - ie: ABC,CBS,Fox,HBO,etc.

    Sky IS a network (it also happens to own a few satellites). It's part of the NI group along with Fox.
  • Reply 22 of 31

    Originally posted by jackbauer

    Yeah, bad choice of words. I really meant the TV networks - ie: ABC,CBS,Fox,HBO,etc.

    Sky is owned by Fox.
  • Reply 23 of 31
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    BT ipod get real this is a no brainer

    ipod video with wifi and mini browser coooool

    entertainment hub

    iphone only if it has industry award winning user interface (all phones suck and is a total pain to navigate)

    safari for windows

    safari mini for cellphones like mini opera

    mac office

    ipods in color again please

    mac personal electronics

    ipod multi media device like the palm

    itunes that allow multiple libraries for each user

    .mac with at least 1GB free
  • Reply 24 of 31
    "Newton" smart phone.

    Think Windows Mobile 2005 done right: 640x480 screen, 2GB HD, iSync & ActiveSync support, 3mb camera, built-in iSight, Airport, Bluetooth, USB2.

    Software: iCal, Addressbook, Mail, Safari, iPhoto, Quicktime, iTunes, plus the ability to run mobile Cocoa apps.

    All in a SE P910 sized device. I've just got an XDA Mini S (HTC Wizard) and although it's nice, it's terribly Windowsy - it took me 4 days to get Wifi going. Apple could do well here.
  • Reply 25 of 31
    hxc04hxc04 Posts: 145member
    I want a OS X based smartphone, I don't care about Ipod phones and stuff just a smart phone that doesnt suck
  • Reply 26 of 31
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    if it was the size of the ipod video but with a screen taking up most of the face, click wheel something like this

    " target="_blank"><br />

    or have a miniclick wheel like the shuffle and motion detection "click wheel" and soft keys like the mighty mouse.
  • Reply 27 of 31
    Really. I am still sure a pvr won't happen - although I could see the mini get some sort of video store integration.

    Apple seems to be willing to let others sell iTunes phones, which makes me think they won't do it themselves. A wi-fi cell phone would be cool though.
  • Reply 28 of 31
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I know we've discussed this before, but as far as the iPod/iPhone thing being a "no brainer":

    Which carrier is going to offer it? They've all rolled out or are rolling out there own music stores, and the biggest, Verizon, clearly considers its "V Cast" offerings to be a direct competitor to iTunes.

    In fact, the carriers are licking their chops because they're convinced that they, not some damn computer company, are the rightful heirs to the digital content download crown. Never mind they want to charge more and offer "players" with some of the most hideous interfaces known to man; they make a shit load of money off ring tones and figure music and videos are just an extension of that model. They're banking on ubiquity and "always connected" convenience of handsets to make up for the poor value and crummy user experience.

    I think they're wrong, and I think that their greed and user unfriendliness will limit the growth of their download market until they let someone like Apple do it for them; but the point is that for the time being Apple could make the best damn iPod/iPhone thing imaginable and it wouldn't make any difference because nobody's going to offer it, at least none of the major players (and what's the use of having a great handset if you can only sell it to a small fraction of your market?).

    The Motorolas don't count because they're so crippled up they aren't really competition.
  • Reply 29 of 31
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member

    Originally posted by cubist

    And of course, the Tablet.

    Yeah, I dunno.

    To me tablets are bad industrial design and that is something that Apple tends to avoid. Tablets are one of those great ideas that in the real world doesn't make sense. Except for specialized applications like industrial and medical markets. And maybe some service industries like restaurants and the like. But as a computer to used everyday and for long periods of time by regular folk - no way. I just don't think that having the display also be the input device really works. Not for me certainly.
  • Reply 30 of 31

    Originally posted by addabox

    Which carrier is going to offer it? They've all rolled out or are rolling out there own music stores, and the biggest, Verizon, clearly considers its "V Cast" offerings to be a direct competitor to iTunes.

    Isnt disney a carrier of sorts?

  • Reply 31 of 31
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    to make iphone work, itunes work it has to have a fast network, can't they lease network like virgin does from sprint?? but not enough of the fast >300kbs are around the country to creat a dent. i don't think youll see iphone till many more fast networks reach a large percentage of customers.
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