Microsoft steals yet another element from MacOSX



  • Reply 21 of 67
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    Apple should REALLY run an actual ad for OS X showing Expose, widgets, and of course, mention there are no viruses or adware.

    That way when Vista comes out next year it will look old. In fact Apple should have the announcer say "Do you want to have Windows Vista, this year? Buy a Mac." Or allude to it if they can't say it because of copyright.

    Instead, they have the same old abstract shit that only appeals to fuckin art majors, from Shit/Day I mean Chiat/Day.

    They really needs some ads that actually sell Macs...

    The iPod artsyfartsy ads actually work, but then again, they're selling music players, a little less complex than computers.

  • Reply 22 of 67

    Originally posted by Aquatic


    Apple should REALLY run an actual ad for OS X showing Expose, widgets, and of course, mention there are no viruses or adware.

    That way when Vista comes out next year it will look old. In fact Apple should have the announcer say "Do you want to have Windows Vista, this year? Buy a Mac." Or allude to it if they can't say it because of copyright.

    Instead, they have the same old abstract shit that only appeals to fuckin art majors, from Shit/Day I mean Chiat/Day.

    They really needs some ads that actually sell Macs...

    The iPod artsyfartsy ads actually work, but then again, they're selling music players, a little less complex than computers.


    See, here's the thing. 90-95% of computer users only want their computer to work. In order to sell it to them, it needs to either be cheap or have sex appeal.

    Macs aren't cheap, so it's good thing they have lots of sex appeal. But you can have all the sex appeal in the world and it won't matter if you're campaign sounds like an infomercial (what you described).

    In other words, I agree that Apple needs to advertise more, but the advertisements should be more inline with the iPod ads. That IS what sells Macs.

    (The other 5-10%, by the way, does research, and they'd find out that Macs are better by going to, eventually).

    (Also, for a much better explanation of this than I could do in 2 minutes, go here: )
  • Reply 23 of 67
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    Apple should REALLY run an actual ad for OS X showing Expose, widgets, and of course, mention there are no viruses or adware.

    Exactly! I just don't get why Apple isn't disseminating the hell out of this.


    Originally posted by gregmightdothat

    See, here's the thing. 90-95% of computer users only want their computer to work. In order to sell it to them, it needs to either be cheap or have sex appeal.

    I disagree. 90-95% would be totally pissed off at M$ if they knew how crappy Windows is compared to Mac OS X. They just don't know.
  • Reply 24 of 67
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    Originally posted by iPeon


    I disagree. 90-95% would be totally pissed off at M$ if they knew how crappy Windows is compared to Mac OS X. They just don't know.

    Fairy tales can come true,

    They can happen to you

    If you're young at heart....

    Sadly, you are terribly mistaken. There are numerous Windows users who are perfectly aware of the problems with the Microsoft OS. Afterall, they use it everyday. They even know that MacOS X doesn't have these problems. Despite that, they are not going to switch. There are exceptions, of course, but if knowledge of MacOS X's virtues and Windows's vices were all it took, Apple would have garnered 90% of the market long ago.
  • Reply 25 of 67
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Yes, most Windows users are perfectly aware of the problems with the Microsoft OS, no doubt. I'm not saying that the population is that stupid. However, there is a great deal of ignorance and misinformation about the Mac, most are NOT aware that there is a better alternative to Windows. They may have heard about the Mac, but are completely clueless regarding what the Mac can do. I run into them all the time. All I'm saying is that Apple isn't doing a great job at spreading the word. Obviously!! This has always been the problem.
  • Reply 26 of 67

    Originally posted by iPeon

    Yes, most Windows users are perfectly aware of the problems with the Microsoft OS, no doubt. I'm not saying that the population is that stupid. However, there is a great deal of ignorance and misinformation about the Mac, most are NOT aware that there is a better alternative to Windows. They may have heard about the Mac, but are completely clueless regarding what the Mac can do. I run into them all the time. All I'm saying is that Apple isn't doing a great job at spreading the word. Obviously!! This has always been the problem.

    But see, that's the thing. You can't just tell people something is better in a commercial, because they tune it out.

    Yes, more people should know about this stuff, but it's the kind of thing that can really only be spread by word of mouth.
  • Reply 27 of 67
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    Originally posted by iPeon

    Yes, most Windows users are perfectly aware of the problems with the Microsoft OS, no doubt. I'm not saying that the population is that stupid. However, there is a great deal of ignorance and misinformation about the Mac, most are NOT aware that there is a better alternative to Windows. They may have heard about the Mac, but are completely clueless regarding what the Mac can do. I run into them all the time. All I'm saying is that Apple isn't doing a great job at spreading the word. Obviously!! This has always been the problem.

    Not to beat a dead horse, but many of these people are not clueless. I often show MacOS X to my colleagues. They are amazed. I explain to them that it has no viruses. They are astounded. I present the work that I produce on my Mac. Spectacular. Then they go back to their miserable little Windows machines.

    P.S. Here's one that I noticed years ago--many Windows users are intimidated by the fact that the Mac gets out of the way and allows its users to do their jobs. They are no-talent droids who need the excuse for producing cruddy work.
  • Reply 28 of 67

    Originally posted by Mr. Me

    Not to beat a dead horse, but many of these people are not clueless.

    Many...maybe. Most are clueless though.

    If your colleagues were amazed when you showed them OS X, chances are it was because it was the first time they ever saw it. They were clueless. they know something else exists. But give it time...not everyone's gonna switch instantly.
  • Reply 29 of 67
    kalikali Posts: 634member

    Originally posted by Mr. Me

    P.S. Here's one that I noticed years ago--many Windows users are intimidated by the fact that the Mac gets out of the way and allows its users to do their jobs. They are no-talent droids who need the excuse for producing cruddy work.

  • Reply 30 of 67
    The problem I get most often is that people remember OS 8.6. At least at my school, we used to have a whole bunch of G3 iMacs until maybe 2-3 years ago, and let's be honest, pre-OSX was approximately as bad as Windows 2000. Now, of course, its a totally different matter with MacOS, but they wouldn't know...
  • Reply 31 of 67
    I know that stealing is bad and it should generally make people angry. But I like hearing when Microsoft steals another apple idea. It just makes me more proud to be a Mac freak.
  • Reply 32 of 67
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member

    Originally posted by mynamehere

    The problem I get most often is that people remember OS 8.6. At least at my school, we used to have a whole bunch of G3 iMacs until maybe 2-3 years ago, and let's be honest, pre-OSX was approximately as bad as Windows 2000. Now, of course, its a totally different matter with MacOS, but they wouldn't know...

    Windows 2000 smokes any pre-X MacOS. OS9 and earlier had sucky memory management and the multitasking blew as well. I never would've bought a Mac if it weren't for OS X.
  • Reply 33 of 67
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    You can't tell any body anything in an ad about an OS. Period.

    People tune out of these things or just know they are lies. Look at that crazy AOL ad. The AOL guy is being quizzed by a bunch of users something like this:

    spyware: blocked

    virus: knocked out

    spam: no way

    Or the IBM ad where they make it seem that the system can instantly and magically repair itself from problems.

    PC users mostly just associate problems with computers in general. They have learned to live with it. If you tell them of the beauties of the Mac, they look at you like you are either drunk, mad a fanbois or just like the people in the ads above.

    Who cares about this attitude? How does it make your enjoyment of using a better system any different? Are you so insecure that you need the majority of people to use the same OS as you? Haven't you learned by now that you have bought into a system that is used by a much smaller group? A group of people that are generally more enthusiastic about their experience and willing to help and share with others?

    What is the problem?
  • Reply 34 of 67
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member

    Originally posted by kcmac

    Are you so insecure that you need the majority of people to use the same OS as you?

    That is not the issue. The issue is that developers will stop making apps for the Mac OS all together. As it stands those still making apps for the Mac are doing it out of favoritism, they make a LOT more money selling apps to Windows. That is the danger the Mac OS is facing unless it gets more users using it.

    Ads do work. Ads add confidence to consumers. Ads give the company a presence in the market place of which Apples has NONE in the OS division. A company that does not advertise will never get any bigger and will eventually die. This is basic management 101.

    Why do consumers shy away from buying a Mac? Because they don't see it anywhere. Where are the ads? Just what is a Mac anyway? Does Apple make other products besides the iPod? The Mac OS has been non-existent as far as the consumers are concerned for a very long time.

    Yet the consumers want an OS without viruses, one that is secure with no spyware nor malicious content. Kind of funny and sad at the same time. Apple has that OS right now. What is Apple going to do about it? That is what I'm wanting to see. Is Apple going to let this opportunity pass by as it did in the 80's?

    Apple is the only one who is stopping the Mac OS from expanding. There are no other forces preventing the Mac OS from expanding.
  • Reply 35 of 67

    Originally posted by iPeon

    That is not the issue. The issue is that developers will stop making apps for the Mac OS all together.

    Apple is DOOMED!
  • Reply 36 of 67
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    Originally posted by iPeon

    .... As it stands those still making apps for the Mac are doing it out of favoritism, they make a LOT more money selling apps to Windows. ....


    Favoritism? Do you have a lot to learn about business!
  • Reply 37 of 67

    Originally posted by gregmightdothat

    Apple is DOOMED!

    Any day now...

  • Reply 38 of 67
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member

    Originally posted by iPeon

    That is not the issue. The issue is that developers will stop making apps for the Mac OS all together.

    I guess you don't pay attention to all of the new apps added every day to the OS X platform. And all of the apps that are constantly being updated and improved. And the developers that have voiced their commitment to the Mac and universal binaries.

    You and Michael Dell appear to have talked at some point in time. Maybe you should talk to him again. I don't think he feels the Mac is dying any time soon.

    Apple is increasingly obtaining more free press where it matters...from the press. The lemmings appear to be lining up more behind Apple. I saw an article just yesterday that was blasting Gates and MS for coming out with XBox and then not making it available for months or with no future shipping in site. This article then said that Jobs at leasts ships as soon as he announces.

    Of course this thing is off the mark but this article would have never occurred a few years ago.

    The Chicken Little act is really just pathetic. \
  • Reply 39 of 67
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Geez. Get off me already. I never said Apple was doomed. Apple isn't doomed, but Apple sure as hell has been doing a lousy job marketing the Mac OS and a great job at allowing MS to stomp all over it. Apple has been MS's bitch since the 80's. Apple has been increasing it's market share as of late, sure, but it's pathetic. Mac OS X has been around since when? Right! And since that time how much has Apple's market share increased? Right! Pathetic.
  • Reply 40 of 67

    Originally posted by iPeon

    Geez. Get off me already. I never said Apple was doomed. Apple isn't doomed, but Apple sure as hell has been doing a lousy job marketing the Mac OS and a great job at allowing MS to stomp all over it. Apple has been MS's bitch since the 80's. Apple has been increasing it's market share as of late, sure, but it's pathetic. Mac OS X has been around since when? Right! And since that time how much has Apple's market share increased? Right! Pathetic.

    Market share is actually extremely hard to gain (or gain back) in a mature market. If you were expecting a 5% or 10% jump in 5 years, you were expecting the impossible.

    What Apple did to itself in the mid-90s will haunt itself for the rest of its life. They will have a very rough time getting back to 10% market share in the next 5 years.

    I don't know if Steve planned it that way, but Apple has been slowly gaining mind share using the iPod (without the iPod, Apple would have had zero chance increasing its computer market share.) Apple is slowly getting people hooked on iTunes, iPod and QuickTime. When the time is right, Apple could pull the plug or cripple these for those who are using Windows and force a migration to OS X. That's an extreme solution though...I think Apple will try to grab these users fairly and without force but you can't deny that possibility as a backup plan.

    The 'iPod revolution' was in its infancy 2 years ago. People that bought an iPod and are satisfied with it are probably still using a PC because it still works. But when the time comes to buy a new computer, they might consider a Mac much more than before when they didn't know iPods existed.
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