PortalPlayer could make wireless iPods a reality in 2006



  • Reply 21 of 25
    I would love to see a wireless iPod. However, I don't know if we'll see it in '06. Alledgedly, Apple's coming out with a true video iPod with larger screen and virtual clickwheel (touchscreen patents). I'd like to see this first and then a wireless version or both simultaneously. And I think a wireless iPod would need the features of this future video iPod.

    You could purchase music directly from iTMS via iTunes app that is loaded on the iPod. iTunes fulfills its 2 goals: manage your music library and browse/purchase new music. You would need the larger screen real estate and virtual clickwheel to browse the iTMS. Apple could also have a virtual keyboard to search for music on both the iPod and the iTMS.

    I'm not too excited about Bluetooth headphones. They're expensive and bulky and lessen battery life. I've got nice chorded headphones now that I plan on using for a while.

    Speaking of battery life, this new iPod would have to be much better in order to watch more than one full length movies on a charge (current iPods can only muster 2 hrs of video playback).Apple would have to sell this at the same price points of the current iPods. I can't see anyone spending much more for entertainment.
  • Reply 22 of 25

    Originally posted by zunx

    This wireless iPod can make true the ultimate presentation tool project:

    1. Make your presentation on a Mac or PC using Keynote or PowerPoint.

    2. Save it to the wireless iPod.

    3. Boot Mac OS X from the iPod and use it as a wireless remote control to the wireless videoprojector.

    The halo effect of this presentation tools will be tremendous in the corporte, educational and domestic markets.

    Argh, I don't even want to think about how slow it would be to boot OS X from an iPod's hard drive over 802.11g.
  • Reply 23 of 25

    Originally posted by dypeterc

    You could purchase music directly from iTMS via iTunes app that is loaded on the iPod. iTunes fulfills its 2 goals: manage your music library and browse/purchase new music. You would need the larger screen real estate and virtual clickwheel to browse the iTMS. Apple could also have a virtual keyboard to search for music on both the iPod and the iTMS.

    I like the iTMS the way it is, because that way, I can buy music, it goes on my computer for whenever I want to listen to it on the computer, and then i can basically back it up* to my iPod for listening.

    *Really, the only way to get the music off the iPod is to use an app like Senuti to extract the music files, but you can always think of it the other way around: There's always a chance that if you DO buy music off the iTunes store and download it directly to your iPod, (not saying it's very probable) it could break and you'd lose your brand new songs. UNLESS it automatically makes a link to your computer the next time it can and syncs the songs.
  • Reply 24 of 25
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member

    Originally posted by mark2005

    But a version of iTunes would run on the iPod and connect directly to the iTMS. I don't see why a PC would still be needed, except for music backup and CD ripping. And both of those functions could be done in a dock, instead of a PC.

    A computer will still be needed, I mean what about photos, contacts, and calenders? The iPod needs to sync those from somewhere... And scrolling through 10,000 songs with a click wheel is fine, but I don't know about scrolling through 2,000,000 songs in the iTMS .

    I'm not saying wireless won't happen, but I don't believe that the iPod will ever become completely indedpent of the computer.
  • Reply 25 of 25
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    can't wait for a wireless ipod, and SJ probably has features in that thing that we are not thinking about, as far as the battery there has been great stides in fuel cells that use alcohol, now that would be cool. i just want the wireless ipod to also have a browser capability so we can take the internet anywhere and have a reasonable screen. now if apple or google or someone grows the development of online/server based office apps.

    also i wish apple had a program that you could store your purchased music online incase your HD crashes, or remembers your purchases so you have a backup
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