any petitions to keep apple CS in US?
I was very dismayed to read the headlines today....moving customer service to India is a disaster in the making...anyone that has dealt with dell or any other company with customer service in India will tell you it is horrible...speaking with people with barely a grasp of english pronuctiation with fake names like John. If there is a petition out there please post a link so I can sign it.
sad sad day
sad sad day
this time next year you will start seeing the result of this. Scott
Apple sets up tech support center in India
Apple has decided to set up a massive technical support centre in India, reports India Times. Apple will hire 1,500 people by the end of this year, and 3,000 by the end of next. The facility will be Apple's first support center outside of its Cupertino, California headquarters.
India has over 1 Billion citizens and over 300 Million middle-class professionals. This is larger than the population of the U.S. alone.
This is a smart investment to grow market share of Apple products for Indian citizens. It makes sense to have Indians support Indian customers.
(said with enough common sense to knock on wood afterwards...)
Originally posted by mdriftmeyer
Where do you get the idea that Customer service is being shipped to India?
India has over 1 Billion citizens and over 300 Million middle-class professionals. This is larger than the population of the U.S. alone.
This is a smart investment to grow market share of Apple products for Indian citizens. It makes sense to have Indians support Indian customers.
You don't get it. We believe Apple support is completely moving to india. Just like DELL.
So when some former PC lunkhead runs into a problem that could be solved with a little common sense calls in, they feel cofortable because they hear a familiar voice...
Originally posted by onlooker
You don't get it. We believe Apple support is completely moving to india. Just like DELL.
I might be concerned, but CFO Peter Oppenheimr at the Morgan Stanley conference (linky) seeemed to frequently point to Apple's strong cusstomer support ratings as the crux of their success, so I'ld like to believe that they wouldn't sacrifice quality.
Originally posted by wilco
Online petitions have shown to be slightly more effective than wishing on a star.
If someone started one I would sign it in blood if I had to. If that's what it took to keep CS here - so be it.
Originally posted by dansgil
Just because they're in India, it doesn't mean that they can't speak English, or aren't as helpful.
Yes it does
Originally posted by dansgil
Just because they're in India, it doesn't mean that they can't speak English, or aren't as helpful.
Have you ever dealt with HP?? It is an absolute nightmare. And it is primarily because they do not speak English well. It is about communication, not location. The locals at the Customer Service desk need not only be able to speak the language, but also need to understand it. That is why CS in India is a bad idea.
As long as Apple keeps up its high level of service, I'll be happy.
Also Apple has specifically said these will be Apple employees - not outsourced.
Perhaps the petition should be renamed to "I want Apple products to be more expensive."
You guys don't get that Apple needs to be competitive, especially now that they are trying to expand their market share.