Citigroup lifts Apple with new product predictions



  • Reply 21 of 48
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member

    Originally posted by solsun


    Apple just introduced the leather cases for the fifth generation iPod that ARE NOT EVEN SHIPPING YET!

    Do you really think they will roll out the 6th gen iPod before the cases for the fifth gen even hit the shelves?

    Analysts are schmucks...

    The 5th gen and 6th gen iPods will be the same size.
  • Reply 22 of 48
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member

    Originally posted by mdriftmeyer

    In short, we do their job for them and they get paid handsomely to regurgitate it in a more finanical approach.

    Ah, but they do the job for us. By regurgitating our upbeat speculation, they move buyers from the mainstream into Apple stock, which raises the stock price, which allows us (who bought in earlier) to take our profits. When the speculation doesn't pan out, those buyers hastily depart, which allows us to buy back in.

    Without analysts, we'd never be able to buy low and sell high.
  • Reply 23 of 48
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member

    Originally posted by mark2005

    The 5th gen and 6th gen iPods will be the same size.

    And exactly how do you think they are going to fit a battery large enough to power a 3.5 or 4 inch screen in a case that thin?

    Short answer: You can't. Even if the iPod face is the same size it would have to be significantly thicker.. The leather cases are specifically tailored for the fifth gen.
  • Reply 24 of 48

    Originally posted by sjk

    Argh! They try to get ...

    Written English - Glossary of Correct Usage:

    8. sure and try are not followed by and.

    Wrong: Be sure and study for the test.

    Right : Be sure to study for the test.

    Wrong: Try and get some rest.

    Right\t: Try to get some rest.

    Same as the VersionTracker BSM?

    Ahh, a grammar watcher. If you were to correct all of the grammar and spelling errors on these pages, you would be busy for quite a while and not fix everything correctly. There are several versions of English present, as well as various levels of formality and usage. There are also quite a few people here who do not speak English natively, and yet do a magnificent job, better than most native speakers of English do at foreign languages.

    These pages tend to follow spoken English more than written, as they are taking the place of conversation. The communication here is also informal (sometimes extremely so), so people can speak (or write) as they please. Let it go, and focus on what is being said.
  • Reply 25 of 48
    kroehlkroehl Posts: 164member
    There should not be a comma before the "and" in either of the two occurences above. 8)
  • Reply 26 of 48
    You passed the grammar test. However, you did not do so well on the comprehension part. Now, back to the topic of this thread.

    The initial story suggested that there was a gap in Apple's notebook lineup. What will they fill it with? A lower-end MBP or a higher end iBook replacement?

    I hope it is a smaller MBP.
  • Reply 27 of 48
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member

    Originally posted by sjk

    Argh! They try to get ...

    Written English - Glossary of Correct Usage:

    8. sure and try are not followed by and.

    Wrong: Be sure and study for the test.

    Right : Be sure to study for the test.

    Wrong: Try and get some rest.

    Right\t: Try to get some rest.

    Same as the VersionTracker BSM?

    Actually, that is correct english.

    They try and they get as much information as possible.

    Therefore, rephrased, they try and they get as much information as possible.

    I type in a hurry.


    Happy birthday!!

    edit edit:

    Also, the very thing that you object to is called False Coordination. It is used in informal English. Which I believe we practice here as this forum is more like a conversation than a treatise.

    False Coordination


    False Coordination:

    Coordinators are sometimes used without performing any strictly coordinating role:

    I'll come when I'm good and ready

    Here, the adjectives good and ready are not really being coordinated with each other. If they were, the sentence would mean something like:

    I'll come [when I'm good] and [when I'm ready]

    Clearly, this is not the meaning which good and ready conveys. Instead, good and intensifies the meaning of ready. We might rephrase the sentence as

    I'll come when I'm completely ready.

    Good and ready is an example of FALSE COORDINATION -- using a coordinator without any coordinating role. It is sometimes called PSEUDO-COORDINATION.

    False coordination can also be found in informal expressions using try and:

    Please try and come early

    I'll try and ring you from the office

    Here, too, no real coordination is taking place. The first sentence, for instance, does not mean Please try, and please come early. Instead, it is semantically equivalent to Please try to come early.

    In informal spoken English, and and but are often used as false coordinators, without any real coordinating role. The following extract from a conversation illustrates this:

    Speaker A: Well he told me it's this super high-flying computer software stuff. I'm sure it's the old job he used to have cleaning them

    Speaker B: But it went off okay last night then did it? Did you have a good turnout? [S1A-005-95ff]

    Here, the word but used by Speaker B does not coordinate any conjoins. Instead, it initiates her utterance, and introduces a completely new topic.

  • Reply 28 of 48
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member

    Originally posted by sjk

    8. sure and try are not followed by and.

    I was sure and I told everybody. General rules tend to bite you in the arse. As always it depends on the part of speech.
  • Reply 29 of 48
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    My mother was an english teacher.

    This was dinner conversation for years.

  • Reply 30 of 48
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    I predict that Apple will NOT release a grammar checker.

  • Reply 31 of 48
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member

    Originally posted by solsun

    And exactly how do you think they are going to fit a battery large enough to power a 3.5 or 4 inch screen in a case that thin?

    Short answer: You can't. Even if the iPod face is the same size it would have to be significantly thicker.. The leather cases are specifically tailored for the fifth gen.

    Perhaps it might be an OLED screen. They have them in that size.
  • Reply 32 of 48
    kroehlkroehl Posts: 164member

    Originally posted by Bergermeister

    You passed the grammar test. However, you did not do so well on the comprehension part.

    Your iSarcasm is on the blink.........

    Grammar flames is gonna be da bomb in 2007 I tell ya right now. I'm sure Richard Gardner is picking up on that trend too.
  • Reply 33 of 48

    The i's have it!

    The Grammar Wars ... could be a new movie... or eeality.... don't tell GW!
  • Reply 34 of 48
    lucidalucida Posts: 104member
    Bergermeister, while SJK had had "had", had had "had had". "Had had" had had a better effect on the teacher.
  • Reply 35 of 48
    For those of us living in the more distant reaches of the planet, who the heck is Richard Gardner?
  • Reply 36 of 48
    "is" cannot be followed by "Richard"

    you can tell i want to join in
  • Reply 37 of 48
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member

    Originally posted by Bergermeister

    For those of us living in the more distant reaches of the planet, who the heck is Richard Gardner?

    That's a rather odd question for you to have asked in this thread. Should I assume that you HAVE read the article, where it tells who he is, or have you just come upon the thread without first reading it?
  • Reply 38 of 48
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member

    Originally posted by Trendannoyer

    "is" cannot be followed by "Richard"

    you can tell i want to join in

    The use of the letter i should be capitalized when referring to yourself.

    Please join in, as this thread is officially off topic!

  • Reply 39 of 48

    Originally posted by TednDi

    The use of the letter i should be capitalized when referring to yourself.

    Please join in, as this thread is officially off topic!

    So sorry, i will attempt this again.

    'is' sound not be followed by 'rIchard'

  • Reply 40 of 48
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member

    Originally posted by Trendannoyer

    So sorry, i will attempt this again.

    'is' sound not be followed by 'rIchard'


    I'm not really "into" these grammatical and spelling debates, unless someone is doing so poorly that it becomes difficult to understand the post.

    BUT, if you are going to attempt to make a point, then at least spell check, and re-read first!

    Your correction to your last post, in response to TednDi, contains another error.

    Please try to prevent a downward spiral. Otherwise, posts will continually be corrected by other posters, and nothing else will get accomplished.

    Thank you.
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