Imagine the Possibilites---90 Inch ACD



  • Reply 21 of 22
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by Fran441

    First, you would most likely become physically ill staring at a screen that large for any real length of time.

    My projector screen is 120", and I sit 13 feet from it - it is just about perfect (except for some 1st person video games with a lot of rapid motion).
  • Reply 22 of 22
    appelappel Posts: 69member
    Yeah, I don't think using a screen of this size would be too bad.

    In Glasgow,(there is a guy from Glasgow on here so he can check for himself) the Dixons has a 60" at the rear of the store, and my little brother sat about 50 cm away from it watching The Terminator. I also watched it, and I wasn't feeling queezy. Some people are more prone to sickenss than others.
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