PC vs console gaming

in General Discussion edited January 2014

Originally posted by lundy

As far as Mac game developers, they can bite me. All their blathering over the last 20 years about the market being too small, and their insistence on porting Windows games instead of actually designing anything should come back to haunt them. If they had possessed any sense of vision, they might have seen that developing native games would have increased Mac hardware market share and in turn made their market larger.

Gamers can bite me. If you really want to play games, get the x-box. It rocks.


  • Reply 1 of 74
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by backtomac

    Gamers can bite me. If you really want to play games, get the x-box. It rocks.

    Why, when I can play PC games on my Intel Mac now?
  • Reply 2 of 74
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Why, when I can play PC games on my Intel Mac now?

    Because it sucks compared to the x-box.
  • Reply 3 of 74
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by backtomac

    Because it sucks compared to the x-box.

    That's where you're wrong. Because gaming with a keyboard and mouse is better than playing Xbox titles.
  • Reply 4 of 74
    sulo28sulo28 Posts: 5member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    That's where you're wrong. Because gaming with a keyboard and mouse is better than playing Xbox titles.

    <as he sites huddled in his dark windowless corner, eating potato chips and dreaming about the release of UT2006.... all the while keeping a close eye on his soaking retainer>
  • Reply 5 of 74
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by sulo28

    <as he sites huddled in his dark windowless corner, eating potato chips and dreaming about the release of UT2006.... all the while keeping a close eye on his soaking retainer>

    It's UT2007.


    Originally posted by backtomac

    You should leave this symbol when you're joking

    It's okay, Intel Macs can play PC games now, you don't need to pretend PC gaming is dead to feel good about yourself anymore.
  • Reply 6 of 74
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    It's okay, Intel Macs can play PC games now, you don't need to pretend PC gaming is dead to feel good about yourself anymore.

    It doesn't make me feel anything. If you want the best gaming experience I say go xbox. Hell I played COD2 recently and now need valium for post traumatic stress disorder. That shit was freaky real.
  • Reply 7 of 74

    Originally posted by backtomac

    It doesn't make me feel anything. If you want the best gaming experience I say go xbox. Hell I played COD2 recently and now need valium for post traumatic stress disorder. That shit was freaky real.

    If you played Call of Duty 2 on a PC, you'd realize that the shit looks more freaky real then it does on an xbox.
  • Reply 8 of 74
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Can the PC-vs-console wang comparison please go elsewhere? Forum title: Mac OS. Thread title: Apple's "Boot Camp" beta runs Windows XP on Macs

    If you want to talk about running a PC game with BootCamp on an Intel Mac, feel free, but otherwise, find another thread.

    Thenk yew.

    --Your friendly neighborhood Mod
  • Reply 9 of 74
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member

    Originally posted by theapplegenius

    If you played Call of Duty 2 on a PC, you'd realize that the shit looks more freaky real then it does on an xbox.

    I would get it for my wife's pc but it requires a hardware accelerator, whatever the hell that is. I have King Kong and it's good but not as good as the xbox with cod2.
  • Reply 10 of 74
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by backtomac

    I would get it for my wife's pc but it requires a hardware accelerator, whatever the hell that is. I have King Kong and it's good but not as good as the xbox with cod2.

    "whatever the hell that is" = that little chip inside your computer that makes games run.
  • Reply 11 of 74
    sulo28sulo28 Posts: 5member

    Originally posted by james808

    As far as Mac gaming goes, lets be honest -- it doesn't exist. We get about two decent games a year ported over, along with an endless stream of crap and hopelessly outdated titles ("Fish Tycoon" anyone? Scheduled for release in April! I'm sure you all share my excitement over that one).

    I'd love to have OS X versions of games, but since they don't exist, I will be playing the Windows versions, and now I don't have to buy another machine to do it. Thats great, and I think it is a good move for Apple.

    If you want to be honest, why the hell are you using a computer to play games? Gaming is great and all, but the whole idea behind the Mac is production. How productive are you playing Quake or someother ridiculous title? Not very. You're consuming air and space, thats about it. Congrats.
  • Reply 12 of 74

    Originally posted by sulo28

    If you want to be honest, why the hell are you using a computer to play games? Gaming is great and all, but the whole idea behind the Mac is production. How productive are you playing Quake or someother ridiculous title? Not very. You're consuming air and space, thats about it. Congrats.

    You win 'Worst Post Of The Thread'!

  • Reply 13 of 74
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by sulo28

    If you want to be honest, why the hell are you using a computer to play games? Gaming is great and all, but the whole idea behind the Mac is production. How productive are you playing Quake or someother ridiculous title? Not very. You're consuming air and space, thats about it. Congrats.

    I'm sorry I have been using my computer in a way not approved by Apple. I was deceived that my activities were accepted by the fact that they have a games page on their website and install graphics cards in their computers.

    I will try to better serve the republic of fun-free drudgery in the future.
  • Reply 14 of 74
    sulo28sulo28 Posts: 5member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    You win 'Worst Post Of The Thread'!


    Well that was original. Way to rationalize your own mediocrity. MOVING ALONG to other, more intelligent minds.....
  • Reply 15 of 74
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by sulo28

    If you want to be honest, why the hell are you using a computer to play games? Gaming is great and all, but the whole idea behind the Mac is production. How productive are you playing Quake or someother ridiculous title? Not very. You're consuming air and space, thats about it. Congrats.

    We had nothing to do with your troubled childhood, so don't take it out on us.

  • Reply 16 of 74
    Although the chances are relatively slim (although not completly out the door), My fantasy has for a while been to have a 'MacBox' or 'iGame' Because although I prefer the Xbox franchise, with 360 I'm starting to see some of Microsofts signature, "take something good and 'mess it up'"(for lack of a better phrase). And also because as a Mac Junkie, I have the natural disposition towards Microsoft and the desire to see Apple to succede.
  • Reply 17 of 74
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    F.E.A.R. is kinda freaky and cool. Is it available on consoles? HL2:Lost Coast was cool too, I'm waiting for HL2:Aftermath. HL2 was fun and intense. I just don't have an extra TV for console gaming and there's so many bloody titles to choose from. Plus it looks too addictive, console gaming...... Well that's my contribution. I guess I'm mainly into FPS on PC. A bit of CounterStrike with bots (my internet is crap) is kinda okay from time to time though I'm sick of CounterStrike by now. Also played too much UT2004 multiplayer so I guess waiting for UT2007. For the record, I got a nVidia 6600GT 128mb overclocked from 500mhz to 561mhz.
  • Reply 18 of 74
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    If you like gaming, all of the major platforms have their own exclusive titles. Plus, you don't have to upgrade your hardware every year, it's more like every 5 years that you get a new console.

    Some games that are successful on the consoles just wouldn't work without a controller, and some games that are successful on a PC/Mac just wouldn't work without a keyboard or mouse. Both consoles and computers have their advantages and their drawbacks, it's too easy to dismiss one or the other out of hand.

    Thankfully, I have a good HDTV for gaming and can get the full experience out of a 'next-gen' console. I'm not sure if I would have been nearly as quick to make the leap to get the Xbox 360 without the TV. I have heard (but still have not yet seen) that the 360 graphics are pretty much on par with the original Xbox when using a standard TV.

    The MMORPG I've been playing for the last 3+ years, Shadowbane, was a PC/Mac Hybrid. It just wouldn't work on a console. It's really the only computer game that I've wanted to keep playing for any length of time, the others kind of sit there and aren't played. Unfortunately, Wolfpack Studios, the developer of the game, is being closed by UBI Soft on May 15th as they are becoming console exclusive (no PC or Mac titles at all). So who knows what the story with Shadowbane will be after May 15th.

    I don't think Apple will throw their hat into the console ring, it just doesn't make a lot of sense. Consoles require a good amount of first party titles (meaning Apple would have to develop games). Take a look at what happened in the last generation of consoles with once successful Sega. They put everything they had into the Dreamcast and despite the PS2 launching with horrible titles and very few systems, it was enough to drive Sega under. Sega's games were better, they had an online service years before the PS2, and initially, their system had better graphics. But it couldn't play DVDs or old PS1 games and that's what ultimately killed it. Yes, Sega didn't have the warchest that other console makers like Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony had, but it's a really cutthroat business. Microsoft has lost money on the Xbox, Sony is going to have to take a bit loss, at least initially on the PS3, and Nintendo makes most of their money off of handhelds. Do you think Apple could really compete in that kind of market, and why would they want to?
  • Reply 19 of 74
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by Fran441

    Thankfully, I have a good HDTV for gaming and can get the full experience out of a 'next-gen' console. I'm not sure if I would have been nearly as quick to make the leap to get the Xbox 360 without the TV. I have heard (but still have not yet seen) that the 360 graphics are pretty much on par with the original Xbox when using a standard TV.

    That's the key issue about consoles. A regular TV would only give you what, 480x360 resolution max (and I'm being very generous here). You would really need a HDTV 720p (1280x720) to make the most of an XBOX360 and the graphics that's capable of.

    That's one advantage PC games have over consoles - resolution, if you're using your console with a regular TV.

    For the record, I'm not advocating PC over consoles or vice versa, just highlighting the resolution issue which still boggles my mind sometimes. That even the XBOX normal and PS2 can push out far more sharper, progressive pixels than a regular TV can display as interlaced lines.
  • Reply 20 of 74
    4fx4fx Posts: 258member
    As stated earlier, I think that while PC games and Console games do have some overlap, each has their own strengths and weaknesses.

    It would be virtually impossible to play a strategy game on a console, you need a keyboard and mouse (hence Starcraft for SNES failed).

    Also, First Person Shooters are much, much better on PCs. A controller joystick is simply not accurate or fast enough for hardcore competitive play. Some people might dissagree, but just try running, strafing, jumping, aiming and firing all at the same time on a controller, just doesnt happen.

    RPGs are probably equally good on either a PC or Console, depending on the game complexity, etc. Same for racing games.

    Flight Sims have more controller options on PCs. But a controller is far better than a keyboard and mouse.

    For "Mario type" games and 3rd person games, you definetly need a controller. Im really excited about the Nintendo Revolution. The old games were really the best.

    I dont understand why some people think the Xbox is so great. What games does it have that are better than the PS2 or PC? Halo? Dont make me laugh, it was one of the lamest FPSs Ive ever played. The story was actually pretty decent until it got to "The Flood", then it became so cheesy I couldnt stand it.

    In contrast, Final Fantasy X was the PS2s killer game, which rocked.

    But in reality, most games were/are available for both...

    So I think the advantages of the PC are:


    Flight Sim

    First Person Shooter


    3rd person

    Most RPGs

    Most racing games
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