I hope so. If so, then in the autumn one of the students here will be the winner of a trip to an Apple Store where you will buy a MacBook Pro Merom to me with my money, when I cash in a free trip to US won a year ago
yes, I have received my Education discount on multiple occations at the Apple Store just by flashing my school ID.
So have I. Used it twice in the past two years for computer and software purchases. I think when the retail stores first opened they didn't do the educational discount. However, since then they have added the option.
The process was really simple. All they did was make a copy of my ID. Not sure if they do any kind of follow-up work later on to see if you are actually enrolled. My college ID doesn't have an expiration date, so there is no visible way to tell if you are still in school or not.
I go to a school in Canada, and I plan on going to the US pretty soon, do you think they will give me the education discount?
- Noah
I snooped around the apple.com/ca site and there seems to be education discounts for you crazy people too. (heres the link ) Not sure if that will work.
Anyway, your canadian school ID should work. Like corkurk said, they're pretty lenient.
Though I've never had the pleasure of shopping in a physical store, I don't see why they wouldn't allow it. I wish I had a store near me; the closest one is six to eight hours away.
I've taken advantage of my student discount on every purchase I made at the online store. I love it. Thanks for caring, Apple!
As tacojohn said, they do it for hardware, but not for software. They will direct you to their online store if you want to buy software. Hardware, on the other hand, they sell you gladly.
Originally posted by AWAL
yes, I have received my Education discount on multiple occations at the Apple Store just by flashing my school ID.
So have I. Used it twice in the past two years for computer and software purchases. I think when the retail stores first opened they didn't do the educational discount. However, since then they have added the option.
The process was really simple. All they did was make a copy of my ID. Not sure if they do any kind of follow-up work later on to see if you are actually enrolled. My college ID doesn't have an expiration date, so there is no visible way to tell if you are still in school or not.
- Noah
I tried to purchase Tiger on release day and they wouldn't sell it to me for education price. URG!
Originally posted by noah93
I go to a school in Canada, and I plan on going to the US pretty soon, do you think they will give me the education discount?
- Noah
I snooped around the apple.com/ca site and there seems to be education discounts for you crazy people too. (heres the link ) Not sure if that will work.
Anyway, your canadian school ID should work. Like corkurk said, they're pretty lenient.
I've taken advantage of my student discount on every purchase I made at the online store. I love it. Thanks for caring, Apple!