Why is Apple going to be at E3?



  • Reply 21 of 79
    mr. dirkmr. dirk Posts: 187member

    Originally posted by TednDi

    make macks [sic] boot windows games natively.

    by using the win XP api's that he got from the infernal microsoft bailout of apple.

    Mmmmm... DirectX on Mac OS X.



    Or maybe not. I have no idea how these things work--I only know the names of OpenGL and DirectX, and I know DirectX doesn't work on Macs...
  • Reply 22 of 79
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Please, Epic. Please show Unreal Tournament 2007 because it's superior to anything Bungie could ever make.

    You got that right Placebo.


    quoted Mr. Dirk

    Or maybe not. I have no idea how these things work--I only know the names of OpenGL and DirectX, and I know DirectX doesn't work on Macs...

    Sure it does. It just doesn't run under OS X. You use Boot Camp.
  • Reply 23 of 79
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member
    Tablet with Motion Controls Sensors
  • Reply 24 of 79
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,392moderator

    Originally posted by e1618978

    - Nintendo game library running on OSX, buy the games from an online store like iTunes, including older games.

    - combo iPod / gameboy DS

    - seamless iPod/Wii integration

    Interesting suggestions. I hadn't thought of that. However, I don't think the DS is as popular as the ipod and Apple are more into stylish practicality. Nintendo seem to care nothing about style nor practicality juding from the DS and Wii controller.

    The only thing keeping Nintendo afloat is their legacy which fades more and more as time goes on. Beyond the SNES, they have made nothing remotely appealling to the vast majority of gamers.


    Originally posted by e1618978

    - The Wii would become a mac at a lower price point than the mini - it would be the "mac nano", and run Mac OS X on its powerPC processor. People who want "the best nintendo that money can buy" would upgrade to higher level macs - all the nintendo games would be in universal binary format.

    Nah, games consoles typically have too low spec to run a major OS. Rumours suggest the Wii will have a spec similar to the first XBox. To quote:

    "on paper Revolution's CPU falls performance-wise somewhere well beyond GameCube and just shy of the original Xbox."

    Obviously the GPU should be faster but for running an OS, it's nowhere near powerful enough.


    Originally posted by e1618978

    Halo 3...shown on Mac first. Exclusive Xbox 360 release. Yeeeehaw!

    I doubt it. Remember, M$ own Bungie and they have already stated Halo 3 will be Vista-only. If they won't release it for XP or lower, there's no way in hell they will let a Mac port get out.
  • Reply 25 of 79
    kossikossi Posts: 5member
    I took a look at the floorplan, all Apple has booked is a conference room, no boothspace. However, the conference room is right next door to Intel's, which could possibly mean something. What? I don't know.
  • Reply 26 of 79

    Originally posted by Marvin

    I doubt it. Remember, M$ own Bungie and they have already stated Halo 3 will be Vista-only. If they won't release it for XP or lower, there's no way in hell they will let a Mac port get out.

    Actually they said they are considering a Mac port. I'm a Halo guy...lol (Still think Halo 1 is much better than Halo 2 though...)
  • Reply 27 of 79
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member

    Originally posted by rongold

    Tablet with Motion Controls Sensors

    Looks like they are next to Intel AND THQ based on the newly updated floor plan. THQ is the game publisher that is putting out "Cars", that driving game that will have a release coinciding with Pixar's movie of the same name.

    Here's one screen shot:

    Limited invitation-only (absolutely no reporters or media of any kind) session.

    Probably demoing a new tablet with motion control sensors used to drive the cars.

  • Reply 28 of 79
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Shadow Slayer 26

    Actually they said they are considering a Mac port. I'm a Halo guy...lol (Still think Halo 1 is much better than Halo 2 though...)

    Once an ambitious project, what we ended up with was a me-too FPS. The real Halo was last seen in a Macworld demo years ago...

    Bungie is dead.
  • Reply 29 of 79
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Once an ambitious project, what we ended up with was a me-too FPS. The real Halo was last seen in a Macworld demo years ago...

    Bungie is dead.

    Yeah, I would've loved it to have been a knockoff RTS or unpolished third-person shooter. Microsoft saved it.
  • Reply 30 of 79
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by Marvin

    Interesting suggestions. I hadn't thought of that. However, I don't think the DS is as popular as the ipod and Apple are more into stylish practicality. Nintendo seem to care nothing about style nor practicality juding from the DS and Wii controller.

    The only thing keeping Nintendo afloat is their legacy which fades more and more as time goes on. Beyond the SNES, they have made nothing remotely appealling to the vast majority of gamers.

    Nah, games consoles typically have too low spec to run a major OS. Rumours suggest the Wii will have a spec similar to the first XBox. To quote:

    "on paper Revolution's CPU falls performance-wise somewhere well beyond GameCube and just shy of the original Xbox."

    Obviously the GPU should be faster but for running an OS, it's nowhere near powerful enough.

    I doubt it. Remember, M$ own Bungie and they have already stated Halo 3 will be Vista-only. If they won't release it for XP or lower, there's no way in hell they will let a Mac port get out.

    The Revolution will be more powerful than the original xbox ("like a souped up xbox"), which will be good enough for the majority of computer users browsing the internet or editing documents.


    Have you seen the DS-lite? Very stylish. And Nintendo has tons of good games (Zelda, Metroid, Nintendogs,

    resident evil, animal crossing, etc).
  • Reply 31 of 79
    tacojohntacojohn Posts: 980member
    Apple is always at E3. They have a small booth in one of the conference rooms- I checked it out last year and was VERY unimpressed with their display...
  • Reply 32 of 79
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Yeah, I would've loved it to have been a knockoff RTS or unpolished third-person shooter. Microsoft saved it.

    Is that a knock at Myth and Oni?..

    I guess people prefer the art of resource accumulation to the realism of the Myth series. I guess a game that emphasized both shooting and hand-to-hand combat meant it was unpolished. I guess the ideal of simultaneous releases wasn't worth saving.

    Maybe Bungie couldn't bankroll the original Halo, but we'll never know because Seropian and Jason Jones took cash in exchange for their baby. Ever wonder why Seropian isn't even there anymore? MS enabled Bungie to move an amazing number of copies of Halo, but did they save actually save the game? Maybe, but they couldn't save Bungie.
  • Reply 33 of 79
    tick629tick629 Posts: 13member
    They could be there to show off the Macbook if it is released on the 9th. Maybe it will be able to play games?
  • Reply 34 of 79
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Yeah, I would've loved it to have been a knockoff RTS or unpolished third-person shooter. Microsoft saved it.

    Yeah...thank god for that repetitive library level or that game would have been an utter failure.

    Oh wait...

    Reason why Halo was somewhat a success:

    There just isn't a damn game worth playing on the xbox. :P Except maybe Halo...for the multiplayer aspect (which we have in Marathon.)
  • Reply 35 of 79
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,392moderator

    Originally posted by e1618978

    Have you seen the DS-lite? Very stylish. And Nintendo has tons of good games (Zelda, Metroid, Nintendogs,

    resident evil, animal crossing, etc).

    Did you write "Nintendogs", "animal crossing" and "good games" in the same sentence without laughing? Nintendo have some good games but the good ones they have are not originals, they are sequels to games they made years ago. Either that or they are games that are on either the Playstation or XBox anyway.

    I don't like the design of the DS-lite but I like the design of the Game-boy micro. However, I like the design of the PSP much much more and since I can get a PSP for £160 where a DS lite would be £115 or so, guess which one I'd get. That's right, the one that isn't hideous looking and could actually play Burnout fast enough to be enjoyable.
  • Reply 36 of 79
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I'll probably be buying a PSP2 when they come out before Christmas. 4GB of built-in flash memory is tasty.
  • Reply 37 of 79
    Bungie isn't dead. They are merely appealing to the masses. Halo 1 was amazing, Halo 2 was a game coming from a corrupt bungie...lets hope thats not the case w/ Halo 3.
  • Reply 38 of 79
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by Marvin

    Did you write "Nintendogs", "animal crossing" and "good games" in the same sentence without laughing?

    Good games are games that sell well, by definition. And both those games are supposed to be a lot of fun to play, unless you are an angst filled teenage boy - in which case stay with your DOA4 or Halo or whatever.
  • Reply 39 of 79
    I can't stand Nintendogs but Animal Crossing is alright for a few hours. I would much rather play a faster paced game though.
  • Reply 40 of 79
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I wanna play Top Gun DS.

    Must be a lot of fun with the stylus.
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