Anyone else afraid of disappointment come Monday?



  • Reply 21 of 43
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I'm prett sure Apple will announce some great things on Monday, but I'm afraid that they won't be great enough for some people and the press will start bashing them and stuff.
  • Reply 22 of 43
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    My biggest fear is that Apple uses a 14 inch LCD in the new iMac instead of a 15 inch. I got this info from G02Mac. If true, my fears will come true. Why, oh why, would Apple use less than a 15 in LCD? Because Jobs is clueless. I won't say anything more till after the show, but a G4 tower for $1700 is absolutely ludicrous. A iMac for more than $1299 with any less than a 15 in LCD is equally ludicrous. Check this out and prepared to be depressed if its true:

    An anonymous reader sent along the following specs for Jobs' product introductions Monday. Do we believe them? Well, SpyMac apparently received the same e-mail, believing they were the only ones who got it. What's intriguing is the "CompUSA price" listed at the bottom and the part numbers: could this be another trademark Jobs misinformation campaign? Only time will tell. For Entertainment Purposes Only, here it is.

    G4 Mac M9541LL/A

    1200 MHz PPC G4

    256 MB PC DDR ram

    60 GB HD

    nVidia MX2 32mb

    24x CDRW


    56K Modem

    Wireless Ready (Airport)



    Mac OS X.2

    Options: Airport/Gigawire

    CompUSA Price $1699

    G4Mac M9571LL/A

    1400 MHz PPC G4

    512 MB PC DDR ram

    80 GB HD

    nVidia MX2 32mb



    56K Modem

    Wireless (Airport)



    Mac OS X.2

    CompUSA Price $2499

    G4Mac M9591LL/A

    1400 (2X) GHz PPC G4

    1024 MB PC DDR ram

    120 GB HD

    nVidia MX2 64mb/TWIN



    56K Modem

    Wireless (Airport)



    Mac OS X.2

    CompUSA Price $3499

    iMac M8545LL/A

    750 MHz PPC G3

    256 MB PC 100 SDRAM

    20 GB HD

    14î CRT

    ATI Rage 128 (16MB)

    24x CDROM


    56K Modem

    Wireless Ready (Airport)



    Mac OS X

    Options: Graphite, Indigo and Classic

    CompUSA Price $799

    iMac M3731LL/A

    1 GHz PPC G3

    256 MB PC 133 SDRAM

    40 GB HD

    14.1î LCD Display

    ATI RADEON 7000 (16 MB)

    8x DVDROM


    56K Modem

    Wireless Ready (Airport)



    Mac OS X

    CompUSA Price $1299

    iMac M3732LL/A

    1 GHz PPC G3

    256 MB PC 133 SDRAM

    40 GB HD

    14.1î LCD Display

    ATI RADEON 7000 (16 MB)

    8x CDRW


    56K Modem

    Wireless Ready (Airport)



    Mac OS X

    CompUSA Price $1299

    IMac M3733LL/A

    1 GHz PPC G3

    512 MB PC 133 SDRAM

    60 GB HD

    14.1î LCD Display

    ATI RADEON 7000 (16 MB)



    56K Modem

    Wireless Ready (Airport)



    Mac OS X

    CompUSA Price $1499

  • Reply 23 of 43
    fluffyfluffy Posts: 361member
    [quote]Originally posted by steve666:

    <strong>Check this out and prepared to be depressed if its true:</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Depressed? Sounds much better than I was hoping for. The dual G4 almost doubles in MHz with DDR RAM? 1GHz iMacs? I don't believe it though. I think if this were the case Apple would keep a slower G4 tower in the lineup, say an 867 for $1299. The bottom end jump to 1.2 seems a bit over the top. It would be more believable also if the dual were a 1.3 or 1.2 GHz system, instead of using the 1.4 which would seem to be in shorter supply (I would think).

    Overall I would not be disappointed by these specs.
  • Reply 24 of 43
    Disappointment is driven by expectation.

    The key is not to get rid of expectation, but rather to not hinge your satisfaction on the outcome of those expectations.

    Hoping for a G5 or whatever and not getting it is as silly as being upset because you wanted Nebraska to win the Rose Bowl (brought to you by AT&T).

    When the time and cash comes, make the best decision you can, and be happy, even if that decision is to wait a little while longer.

  • Reply 25 of 43
    gfeiergfeier Posts: 127member
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:

    <strong>I expect :

    14,1 inch LCD iMac under 1 Ghz

    G4 just breaking the 1Ghz barriere

    And one more thing (could be anything from iPhoto to the PowerPod-in-screen thingy)

    So I don´t expect to be disappointed


    Exactly! Those are my predictions too, except I expect both iPhoto AND a hardware thingy. I don't expect to be disappointed, but I think I stand a fair chance of a pleasant surprise. Maybe more people here should cultivate a little pessimism. It's easier on the digestive tract.
  • Reply 26 of 43
    toofeutoofeu Posts: 73member

    No comment

    We're hearing rumblings that the same thing could happen Monday with Motorola announcing the availability of the PowerPC 7445 or 7455 chips, but our sources are giving us conflicting signs. At the same time, CNET is reporting Apollo processors won't be available "...until sometime later in the first half of the year." It's a toss up. Just don't look for product announcements from Apple on Monday. Watch Motorola too.

    ........But if CNET sources hold true, Apple would have to announce some G4 speed-bump(s) now to avoid "megahertz myth" ambarrasement. If not 1GHz, what speeds would they announce? A good guess (and it's only a guess) is Apple keeps the lower-end 733MHz and adds two dual-processor models, faster than 800MHz at the high-end.

    Until Apple breaks 1GHz on professional, G4-based systems, you'll never see iMac's move from the G3 processor family - and then maybe never as the G3 family continues to expand thanks to IBM. Numerous reports are surfacing this weekend that new iMacs will include 1GHz G3 processors made by IBM. That would be nice - if only IBM were shipping such a chip! Our sources confirm that no such chip is available and at most is currently only available as samples to Apple and other users. Unlike Motorola, IBM announces G3 chips once sampling starts and not when it already is in the hands of Apple in mass quantity.

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Toofeu ]</p>
  • Reply 27 of 43
    danbdanb Posts: 23member
    [quote]Originally posted by steve666:

    <strong>Check this out and prepared to be depressed if its true:

    An anonymous reader sent along the following specs for Jobs' product introductions Monday. Do we believe them? Well, SpyMac apparently received the same e-mail, believing they were the only ones who got it. What's intriguing is the "CompUSA price" listed at the bottom and the part numbers: could this be another trademark Jobs misinformation campaign? Only time will tell.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Nope, not time - AI! The answer is right here at the AI Forums. In the "Apple Hypes MWSF" thread I found this :

    [quote]Originally posted by cowerd:


    Four steps to a better tomorrow:

    1. Go Apple Store.

    2. Order OSX 10.1.

    3. Check Apple Product Code number.

    4. Realize you are victim of hoax.


  • Reply 28 of 43
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    Well I've had an iMac DVSE since sept 2001, I LOVE it, its a great copmuter, for the person I WAS back then, I used to do simple 3-d work(that I could handle on the iMac, simple games(Diablo 2 and UT being the most risky)

    and hardly any audio stuffis at all, but things have changed for me, and now I'm doing much more intensive grpahics work(i'm currently on my 4th render session for an image that has taken over 4 hours to render)I would like to do a bit more gaming, but thats not serious, there are a few games that I want that I don't think my iMac can handle, and I'm getting heavily into pro-audio stuffis, because up unti l recently I haven't had access to anything but now I do,

    bottom line I want a bitching tower now, and if apple doesn't deliver a super awesome tower(ddr,geforce3(or radeon 8500)FAST system bus, and over ghz)then I will be dissapointed, I mean I COULD settle for a g4 something along the lines of what we have now, just slightly improved, but I wouldn't be happy with it, I'm ready for a computer that I won't need to replace for 4 years at least, and I think the g5 would be that computer...also after that REALLY early macnn report on Motorola fabbin upto 2.4 g5s, coinciding with the even earlier rumors that now would be the time for the g5, and that alot of signs are pointing to it..I've gotten really hopeful that its true, that motorola has large quantity of 1.2 and 1.6 ghz g5s...oh how wish that were true...

  • Reply 29 of 43
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    No, I'm not afraid of being let down. I still think the G5 will be released. If it is not released, I think there is a reasonably good chance that the new powermac line will come with dual G4's, DDR and all running at over 1GHz.

    - Mark
  • Reply 30 of 43
    alexisalexis Posts: 82member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:

    <strong>Everyone here knows that Apple can't live up to the expectations that we are setting for the show.

    I doubt we'll see the G5s people want so badly, and that will make it impossible for it to be a good keynote to most people here.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Agreed. I've come to the conclusion that G5's are now a near impossibility until midyear at best...

    Yes that's a change from my previous opinion yesterday...

    I read more today...

  • Reply 31 of 43
    Apple seems to breed cynicsm among its users and those who follow it. Even my most lowball, underwhelming guesses have been proven to be too optimistic in the past.

    I mean, there is no way in hell I would have forseen the Cube's price, or that Apple would launch the second generation of iMacs in 1999, and then still be shipping esentially the same machine in 2002. I joked that after the fire sale, Apple would raise PowerMac prices back to where they were, and then add an extra $100 only to end up losing money on computer sales for the second quarter in a row. But I didn't take it seriously. Flower Power? Blue Dalmation? Didn't believe it until I got to Wouldn't believe it.

    The only pleasent surprise recently has been the iBook2 line. Everything else has fallen far short of even my modest expectations.
  • Reply 32 of 43
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Toofeu:


    No comment

    [i]We're hearing rumblings that the same thing could happen Monday with Motorola announcing the availability of the PowerPC 7445 or 7455 chips, but our sources are giving us conflicting signs. At the same time, CNET is reporting Apollo processors won't be available "...until sometime later in the first half of the year."

    Why does Thinksecret say the new G4 chip is going to be the 7455 instead of the 7460? I thought the Apollo was the 7460.
  • Reply 33 of 43
    al-hal-h Posts: 7member
    Hi Everyone- this is my first post but I have been lurking around AppleInsider for a couple of years. I went to the underwhelming MacworldNY last summer and it was really dissapointing. OSX 10.1 was great to see but that was really the big surprise, along with iDVD 2. Since then I no longer believe the hype i.e. iPod. I think the single greatest thing Steve and Apple have done to this point is introduce a GUI interface to the masses. Of course I always hope that something that great will happen again and I will be there to witness the unveiling. On the other hand Jonathan Ives has been designing some really great products in the past couple of years. Here are my predictions with some comments.

    1. New LCD iMac-a no brainer prediction but I hope that it has a G4 to go along with OSX. Using a G3 is almost inexcusable even at 1Ghz when OSX has been optimized for the G4. I don't consider a G3 Mac with a 14" LCD earth shattering or groundbreaking in any way except it will be designed better than a PC. A tablet would also not be a first in the PC world.

    2. Faster clock speeds in the PowerMac G4's. Why does it continue to amaze people that computers get faster?

    3. Hopefully iPhoto Professional!

    4. My ultimate wish: the "iWalk" or "Newton 2.0" with built in GPS and 3G cellular phone, color screen, great handwriting recognition, web access, etc... Who cares if the PDA market is slumping if Apple built something that cool everyone would get one.
  • Reply 34 of 43
    Yeah I sure am. I don't know what I'll do if this MW isn't kickass enough. We've had really high expectations so far, and at every MW we all end up disappointed or so.

    Anyway, I'm sure Apple does have something really amazing to show us, otherwise they wouldn't dare hype this MW. On the other hand, this could be something like the iPod...
  • Reply 35 of 43
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I'm usually good at keeping expectations low before these things, but I really have a good feeling about this one.

    I mean, Apple has NEVER hyped anything like they are right now. I don't think they're stupid enough to get everyone whipped into a frenzy to release 600 MHz LCD iMacs and 933 MHz G4 PowerMacs...

    I believe them when they tell us to be prepared to be blown away. I've got this big wad of cash sitting here. It's yours if you can deliver, Steve.
  • Reply 36 of 43
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    Kind of makes sense. If the processor to be introduced only incorporates SOI and NOT 0.13µ. It wouldn't be Apollo, according to all the rumor sites, the Apollo chip will use both SOI and 0.13µ.

    Disclaimer: Not that I know anything that will be released or what spec's are real.
  • Reply 37 of 43
    No pessimists here. Go to <a href=""; target="_blank"></a> and tell me if you really think yo will be unhappy come monday.
  • Reply 38 of 43
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    The original question should be posed in another way... that is, who *isn't* worried about being disappointed, given all the hype. I think it's fair to say a vast majority of people here and Mac users elsewhere will be severly pissed if Apple doesn't walk the walk (no Segways, please).

    Apple has really set themselves up for a fall if they don't produce a serious improvement to the power mac lineup. Everyone knows about the new iMac by now, and probably expects some more digital hub gizmos or wares...but Apple knows damn well what everyone is clamoring for - and it ain't about the digital hub.
  • Reply 39 of 43
    I'm excited and hyped for this Macworld, but at the same time I'm almost terrified to try and check Apple or watch the keynote in fear.

    Those Comp USA things are so fake. No G4 goes up to 1400 MHz. Perhaps they are G5s instead? Also I think its stupid for apple to have bitchin G4s with lame GeForce MX cards, but this is Apple we are talking about so could be true.

    I think these sites are just trying to rain on our parade.

    T minus 1 day till lift off.......roger copy that do we have G5?

    Will this be Apple's year? I hope so.
  • Reply 40 of 43
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong> Also I think its stupid for apple to have bitchin G4s with lame GeForce MX cards, but this is Apple we are talking about so could be true. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You think Apple would actually put a decent graphics card in? I wish.
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