Discovery Channel content arrives on iTunes

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Discovery Communications on Tuesday announced that content from its family of networks is now available for purchase on Apple Computer's iTunes Music Store.

The offering includes more than a dozen series from the Discovery Channel, as well as TLC, Animal Planet, Travel Channel, Discovery Health Channel and Discovery Kids.

"Now, new possibilities are opened for people who want to use Discovery's high-quality knowledge-rich content on the go, while we also promote Discovery's television networks," said Don Baer, Senior Executive Vice President, Strategy & Development, Discovery Communications. "Wherever they are and whenever they want, consumers can use the iPod to learn and be entertained with Discovery's content about people, places, cultures, science, health and much more."

Focused on providing informative and compelling content that people can use to enrich and improve their lives, the Discovery programming available on iTunes includes: "World's Best" travel series, "Nation Parks Short Films" and "Passport to Europe" from the Travel Channel; "Amazing Babies" and "Pregnancy for Dummies" from Discovery Health; and "Kenny the Shark" and "Save-UMS" from Discovery Kids.

Additional series will include "Mythbusters," "Extreme Engineering" and "Shark Week" from Discovery Channel, as well as "Most Extreme" and "Breed All About It" from Animal Planet.

Discovery will also offer "vignettes" through the free podcasting feature on iTunes. These will include behind the scenes footage from Discovery Channel's "Deadliest Catch" and parenting and family relationship tips from TLC's "Shalom in the Home."

The announcement follows a series of new media initiatives by Discovery aimed at delivering content to consumers wherever they are.

Last month, the company launched the first of its U.S. broadband channels, Discovery Channel Beyond and Travel Channel Beyond, as well as Discovery Mobile, a 24- hour mobile programming network designed specifically for portable platforms, which will debut in the third quarter of 2006.


  • Reply 1 of 13
    Problem is, it ISN'T "now available for purchase on Apple Computer's iTunes Music Store", muppet.

    It's available on Apple Computer's iTunes Music Store (US). Get your facts right.

    If your advert things can tell both that there's an Interweb available outside the United States AND that I'm in Denmark - so can you.
  • Reply 2 of 13
    icibaquicibaqu Posts: 278member
    I don't watch TV, but this is the first offering on Itunes that has really raised my eyebrow. Very cool.
  • Reply 3 of 13
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    100 Zoboomafoos in your pocket?
  • Reply 4 of 13

    Originally posted by nagromme

    100 Zoboomafoos in your pocket?

  • Reply 5 of 13
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I like the reverse bait and switch:


    Focused on providing informative and compelling content that people can use to enrich and improve their lives, the Discovery programming available on iTunes includes: "World's Best" travel series, "Nation Parks Short Films" and "Passport to Europe" from the Travel Channel; "Amazing Babies" and "Pregnancy for Dummies" from Discovery Health; and "Kenny the Shark" and "Save-UMS" from Discovery Kids.

    Eyes..... why did they.........bother........


    Additional series will include "Mythbusters," "Extreme Engineering" and "Shark Week" from Discovery Channel, as well as "Most Extreme" and "Breed All About It" from Animal Plane

    (Eyes snap open, consciousness comes flooding back...)
  • Reply 6 of 13
    doh123doh123 Posts: 323member
    purchase? I'd love to hav emost of all the Mythbusters this way, but they are purchase only? They need to set up the season type subscription thing like they have with other shows.
  • Reply 7 of 13
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by doh123

    purchase? I'd love to hav emost of all the Mythbusters this way, but they are purchase only? They need to set up the season type subscription thing like they have with other shows.

    I thought those were package buy options, so you are buying them either way.
  • Reply 8 of 13
    doh123doh123 Posts: 323member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    I thought those were package buy options, so you are buying them either way.

    kind of, yes, but its still cheaper per episode
  • Reply 9 of 13
    blue2kdaveblue2kdave Posts: 652member

    Originally posted by Racing Ape

    Problem is, it ISN'T "now available for purchase on Apple Computer's iTunes Music Store", muppet.

    It's available on Apple Computer's iTunes Music Store (US). Get your facts right.

    If your advert things can tell both that there's an Interweb available outside the United States AND that I'm in Denmark - so can you.

    God I am sick of these responses. Apple is a US based company, and AppleInsider is based in the US. When Apple announces anything, expect it to come out later in other parts of the world. Other companies constantly put out things in Japan first, or hell even Europe, but Americans don't complain. Not to mention that often times (in your case Europe), there are incredible legal hurdles to go through. Look how long it took to get music done.

    I rarely take the 'ugly american' position, but if you're so pissed ask yourself why doesn't someone in your country create radically inventive technology? Then you'd get it first.

    And what the hell is an Interweb?
  • Reply 10 of 13
    anichanich Posts: 9member
    ?Racing Ape? wrote:


    Problem is, it ISN'T "now available for purchase on Apple Computer's iTunes Music Store", muppet.

    It's available on Apple Computer's iTunes Music Store (US). Get your facts right.

    And ?blue2kdave? replied:


    God I am sick of these responses. Apple is a US based company, and AppleInsider is based in the US. ? I rarely take the 'ugly american' position, but if you're so pissed ask yourself why doesn't someone in your country create radically inventive technology?

    While Racing Ape?s inflammatory comments might not have been the most judicious way of putting across his or her message, the message did contain a valid point, and blue2kdave?s knee-jerk response was unfair, in my opinion.

    True, Apple is a US-based company, but it does have an international market. I take blue2kdave?s word for it that AppleInsider is a US-based website (I?ve always assumed that it was, anyway), but it does have international readership and contributors. Indeed, because it uses a .com domain (rather than a .us domain), it?s not entirely obvious to the casual observer where in the world it is based. In any case, because the Internet is inherently international, I would be equally critical of any website that made (almost inevitably invalid) assumptions about its readers being located exclusively in the same country.

    Incidentally, blue2kdave, while ?pissed? is colloquial American English for ?angry?, that is not an international usage. For instance, in the UK, the equivalent expression is ?pissed off?; ?pissed? by itself means ?inebriated?. I?m sure you didn?t mean to cast aspersions on Racing Ape?s sobriety! And as for the ?my country is better than your country? jibe ? hmm.
  • Reply 11 of 13
    blue2kdaveblue2kdave Posts: 652member

    Originally posted by anich

    While Racing Ape?s inflammatory comments might not have been the most judicious way of putting across his or her message, the message did contain a valid point, and blue2kdave?s knee-jerk response was unfair, in my opinion.

    True, it was knee jerk. But I don't think he has a valid point. When Apple releases services for the international community, it is always under that banner. Any other announcement should be viewed as for the US.


    Incidentally, blue2kdave, while ?pissed? is colloquial American English for ?angry?, that is not an international usage. For instance, in the UK, the equivalent expression is ?pissed off?; ?pissed? by itself means ?inebriated?. I?m sure you didn?t mean to cast aspersions on Racing Ape?s sobriety! And as for the ?my country is better than your country? jibe ? hmm.

    Funny and true, learned this when my English nanny asked if "me mum had any fags in the house". So yes, pissed can be misinterpreted. However it doesn't negate the inevitable bitter comments from those who live outside the US about these things.

    And I wasn't saying my country is better than yours, because I don't know what country you live in (and btw, I am not a big fan of the way our government goes about things). I simply meant that in regards to technology and innovation, why complain that US companies aren't supplying you the with latest and greatest. Why don't you complain that the companies in your country aren't doing the same?
  • Reply 12 of 13
    anichanich Posts: 9member
    In response to my reference to a ?my country is better than yours? jibe, blue2kdave replied:


    I wasn't saying my country is better than yours, because I don't know what country you live in

    In fact, I was referring to his or her earlier comment


    ? ask yourself why doesn't someone in your country create radically inventive technology?

    which I took to be a slur on Denmark?s capacity for innovation (Denmark being the original poster?s country, not mine). But perhaps I was mistaken.


    I simply meant that in regards to technology and innovation, why complain that US companies aren't supplying you the with latest and greatest ?

    I don?t think anyone was complaining about that in the first place. All that Racing Ape was commenting on ? as far as I can tell ? was AppleInsider?s report, which ought to have made clear that this content was being made available only in the United States. I can use the iTunes Music Store from my computer here in Europe. It isn?t called the iTunes International Music Bazaar. So there?s no reason for a reader of an international website to assume that an article about the iTunes Music Store (without any ?international? qualification) would actually be referring to the iTunes Music Store in the US alone.

    This is just about reporting the facts unambiguously to an international audience (which AppleInsider has, whether it likes it or not ? and presumably it does like it, given that it carries international advertising!). I for one have no interest in any of the content that was mentioned in the article ? it?s of little concern to me that it isn?t (yet) available outside the US. That?s Apple?s (and the content providers?) prerogative, of course.
  • Reply 13 of 13
    blue2kdaveblue2kdave Posts: 652member
    Alright, I figured I was going to catch some heat for my comments. I should have been more nuanced. Yes the original post was about this particular article, but there are always complaints along the lines I was griping about when it comes to these things. Maybe the headlines could be more specific. But like I mentioned, given that Apple has always framed international announcements as such, shouldn't one assume that unless noted otherwise the announcement is for their primary audience, the US?

    And to all the other non US members, please don't take me as your typical American. I'm always grateful when I meet people from abroad who say I don't seem like an American. I take it as a great compliment. In my opinion, we are typically rude and arrogant when guests in other countries. But let me bitch about this one in reverse for a change, it just gets on my nerves for some reason. Trust me, there are many times I get sick of hearing about how awful, uncultured, or whatever the US is from foreigners.

    And, since I spoke of innovation, I guess I should point out that the WWW was born in Europe if I am not mistaken (CERN?). I do recognize that Americans do not have a monopoly on brains, ideas, or anything else for that matter.
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