What will the Apple Media Center be?



  • Reply 41 of 94
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    The Populist, if you say it 1000 times I will still never believe that Apple is entering the console gaming industry until I see it. I just don't think it's going to happen OK. Your entitled to your opinion, and I respect that, but until SJ says SURPRISE! I just wont believe it's in the Apple plan. Not that I don't think it could be smart plan for Apple with Disney having SJ on the Board as the single largest shareholder, which could give Apple the entire Disney Games for small kids market. I just can't picture it because of Apples gaming (or lack there of) history.
  • Reply 42 of 94
    Fair enough Onlooker;

    I agree that it probably wont happen, but i still think it should.

  • Reply 43 of 94
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by The Populist

    Fair enough Onlooker;

    I agree that it probably wont happen, but i still think it should.


    If it's any consolation... (I said console in there) I wanted Apple, and Nvidia to Put a highend Quadro in a PowerMac for like 3 years, and I said it 100's of times, and even signed a petition. What happened? They have it.

    You know what else happened. I bought an Alienware with SLI for Dual Quadro's about 4 months before they announced it. lol Go figure?
  • Reply 44 of 94

    Originally posted by The Populist

    Microsh*t's Xbox 360 is foundering, it is expensive, it overheats, and there are still not many good titles for it. The new Mac Mini could have trumped the Xbox 360 and pre-empted the PS 3. Compare the size and capability of the Xbox 360 to the Mac Mini: The Mini is about the same size, and costs about the same, (of course Microsh*t sells the 360 at a loss).

    I think most people will agree that any media center must include TV, stereo, support for HDTV, a DVD player, and WiFi, in addition to being a computer. Any computer with the processing power to deal with all this will have the power to run graphics. So please dont forget to make the media center a game console.


    The 360 isn't floundering at all. Or have you just forgotten how many problems the PS2 was having when it first launched? Most people's 360 doesn't overheat (I know 10 people that have them, not one has had any problems yet). Mine hasn't had problems either and it gets heavy use. GRAW is an amazing game as well as Oblivion. It has all the major EA games as well. At E3 this year it just comfired Halo 3 which will sell big, Splinter Cell which I think will eventually replace the MGS series. Also they are getting an exclusive game by the original creator of FF. They will have GTA (I don't like it but it sells). By this holiday season they will have so many great games out that the PS3 won't be able to compete. O, I forgot Gears of War was well. That looks cool. I think I read Half-Life 2 will be coming to that and the PS3.

    The Mac Media Center could never survive as a console. That is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard. No one would make games for it. Also there is no way it could keep the price down to competative levels of ohther Mdeia Centers while competing with the power of the consoles.

    My 2 cents.
  • Reply 45 of 94
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    XB 360 will have over 160 titles minimum by the time the PS3 comes out. Read that somewhere. i think MS stated it.

    Funny thing is. (back on topic) I think I'm going to get a MacMini with this TVMax DVR thing. This is awesome!

  • Reply 46 of 94
    Yah I feel sorry for Sony. It seems like they will only be getting fanboys to buy their system this time around.

    Also the Xbox 360 Dashboard just got updated. Fixed all the problems I had with it....which wasn't many lol.

    I am thinking about getting one of those TV things for my iMac. I always wanted to watch TV on my computer...
  • Reply 47 of 94
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    My bad. I don't want it unless it does all that stuff on my TV screen. I don't see that option. Maybe it's rigable, but AFAIAC unless you want to watch TV on a computer this is pretty much a dud IMO.
  • Reply 48 of 94
    dcqdcq Posts: 349member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    My bad. I don't want it unless it does all that stuff on my TV screen. I don't see that option. Maybe it's rigable, but AFAIAC unless you want to watch TV on a computer this is pretty much a dud IMO.

    Just hook your mini up to your TV with the DVI-to-whatever cables.

    I'm thinking about doing the whole computer in the living room thing with a MacBook. Apple sells all the miniDVI-to-whatever cables. So it'll be easy.
  • Reply 49 of 94
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by DCQ

    Just hook your mini up to your TV with the DVI-to-whatever cables.

    I'm thinking about doing the whole computer in the living room thing with a MacBook. Apple sells all the miniDVI-to-whatever cables. So it'll be easy.

    The thing is I don't want a TV on my computer, or a computer on my TV. A few iLife features maybe, but it's not the ideal solution to have one on the other IMO.
  • Reply 50 of 94
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    The thing is I don't want a TV on my computer, or a computer on my TV. A few iLife features maybe, but it's not the ideal solution IMO.

    Makes sense, I think.
  • Reply 51 of 94
    sport73sport73 Posts: 438member

    Originally posted by Ireland

    Makes sense, I think.

    You got your chocolate in my peanut butter.

    I agree. The point of a Home Media hub is content CONSUMPTION; a computer (full-blown Mac) is more about content creation, sorting, management etc.
  • Reply 52 of 94
    This is what is wrong with today's consoles, and this is how a "console" could become a media center.

    Look at the Xbox 360: There is plenty of processing power in that machine, but the only software you can run is games. Those games must be licenced to Microsoft, and they are more expensive because Microsoft takes a cut of all game sales. You can connect to the internet on the Xbox 360, but the only site you can visit is Xbox Live.

    Tody's game consoles are simply proprietary computers, but their functionality is limited to increase profits.

    Then there is the debate over whether to put the mini on the desk top or in the living room, but there is no issue here. Let the customer decide how they want to use their mini. If they want it hooked up to their TV, fine, if it's on the desk top, it'll work there to.

    Shadow Slayer 26 you said:


    The Mac Media Center could never survive as a console. That is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard. No one would make games for it. Also there is no way it could keep the price down to competative levels of ohther (sic) Mdeia Centers while competing with the power of the consoles.

    The new Macs use Intel processors, and can run Windows programs. It would be very simple for PC game studios to make games for the new Mac. So if that is "the most outrageous thing" you've ever heard, you need to get out more.

    As for pricing, their are media center computers that cost well over $2000, at the other end of the spectrum, there are small-form-factor PCs that cost around $400. The Mac mini is a good machine at a good price. All it needs is better graphics processing and a controller.

    Onlooker, the story about 160 Xbox 360 games is Microsh*t propaganda. They have released arcade/puzzle games in an attempt to increase the Xbox 360's library. The only major title that will be ready by Xmas 2006 is Gears of War. The other titles mentioned by Shadow slayer will not be available until 2007, after the PS3 is released.

    In addition there is the issue of the Xbox 360's proprietary HD DVD player. Sony's PS3 will use another technology called Blu-Ray. It is not yet clear which DVD player will be the future for hi-def disc players, but I would bet on Sony.

    No, the Xbox 360 is not yet a sure thing. It is not unbeatable as a game console, let alone as a computer hooked up to a TV. And it could not compete with a Mac Mini if the mini could run games.

  • Reply 53 of 94
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    You know The Populist. there are XBOX threads in this forum. I think it's becoming clear that what you want is a few more features on your XBOX. Because it's all you talk about when you talk about media centers.
  • Reply 54 of 94
    Alright, this is my last post:

    I do not want a full featured Xbox or other game console. I want my computer, my media center, small form factor PC, Mac Mini, or whatever you call it to play games in addition to its other functions. This is possible, it's doable, it would be a great product, and that is what the Mac Mini should be.

  • Reply 55 of 94
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    XB 360 will have over 160 titles minimum by the time the PS3 comes out. Read that somewhere. i think MS stated it.

    Funny thing is. (back on topic) I think I'm going to get a MacMini with this TVMax DVR thing. This is awesome!


    This would be a NO GO for me?

    I like the looks of the Elgato EyeTV 250?

    It has Game Mode, which allows one to pipe a game console straight thru to the monitor, zero latency?

    I would go with a pimped out Core Duo Mac mini, four 250GB Lacie HDDs (the ones that fit under the mini), the aforementioned Elgato EyeTV 250 & a game console to be decided at a future time?

    Pipe the output from all of that to an Apple 23" ACD, and use the VESA capability to hang it off the wall?

    For audio, I would go with the Logitech Z6600 5.1 surround sound rig?

    Add a set of Apple wireless input devices (keyboard & mouse, for the slower members) and we are good to go for Front Row (music, video clips, DVDs & photos), video games & cable?

    Put a sweet black MacBook on the coffetable, and there you go covering email, the internet & video chat??
  • Reply 56 of 94
    dcqdcq Posts: 349member

    Originally posted by MacRonin

    I would go with a pimped out Core Duo Mac mini, four 250GB Lacie HDDs (the ones that fit under the mini), the aforementioned Elgato EyeTV 250 & a game console to be decided at a future time?

    Pipe the output from all of that to an Apple 23" ACD, and use the VESA capability to hang it off the wall?

    Add a set of Apple wireless input devices (keyboard & mouse, for the slower members) and we are good to go for Front Row (music, video clips, DVDs & photos), video games & cable?

    Put a sweet black MacBook on the coffetable, and there you go covering email, the internet & video chat??

    Right there with you dude.


    23" is a bit small for across the room viewing. Even 30" is on the small end. At that size, any SD 4:3 picture would be much smaller than my current CRT. This is why I want a true 1080p plasma at ~40"-50"; you can actually use it as a full-blown monitor, even from quite a ways away. No interlaced BS. And you actually have room to view things when doing non-TV stuff. A nice big plasma will also have multiple inputs right out of the box (no need for extra KVM switches) for the console. (I'm actually a bit intrigued by the revolution...sorry, the Wii) .

    Also, why go with four 250GB HDDs, when you can shove a 750GB in one; almost the same capacity, a quarter of the physical size, and much faster? By the time you fill up 750GB, they'll have TB drives out and you can add a 2nd, and have 175% the capacity in half the physical space.
  • Reply 57 of 94
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member

    Originally posted by dutch pear

    some random thoughts/wishes:

    * Immediate acces to popular tv-shows from Front Row

    (with commercials in them?) just like the movie trailers are.

    * Apple will not connect to cable. It wants to replace cable.

    * Oh, and iPod hifi surround. hifi-quality wireless speakerset.

    * 0ver 30 inch cinema display (with iSight) that can double as hdtv.

    * iChat video over IP and integrated into frontrow

    * airport connecting VOIP iPhone

    what do you mean "* Apple will not connect to cable. It wants to replace cable."...i would love to connect to a mac and use it instead of the dvr adelphia "gives" me
  • Reply 58 of 94
    jimmytjjimmytj Posts: 10member
    I would guess that the device would be like an iMac, but a much larger screen (TV size) and with the ability to mount it directly to the wall.

    It would have an iTunes like interface for TV shows, both live, recorded, and purchased. Additionally, I would guess that there would be remote control with a scroll wheel. I would hope that it also includes a keypad like that on a Blackberry for short emails, entering urls, and for other limited typing. There won't be a need for a remote with lots of feature specific buttons (play, rewind, etc) because that would be handled by a sofware interface.

    It will play Mac games but won't be considered a game device (at least not yet). With high end graphics I think it would be way to expensive. However, iTunes might be updated to sell small, cheap, games like card games or games like Trivia Pursuit and Monopoly. Lots of people play these casual games and the consol folks are ignoring them. Giving fast and easy access to this sort of stuff through the TV could be a huge hit.

    My gut feeling is that it won't be very computer like but will do things that currently require a computer. Because you will interface with the device from accross the room and without a normal keyboard and mouse, it won't be very interactive - more selecting from options/lists. I could also see Apple updating Safari and .Mac to include a more list based interface/service for accessing the web that would be like the original Yahoo or some of the bookmarking services. This way, you could surf the web in a way simular to how you scroll through music on your iPod.

  • Reply 59 of 94

    Originally posted by onlooker

    You guy's got it all wrong... It should not be a computer in the least way. It should be a stand alone consumer product all in itself.

    That would imply that Apple have another OS or a somewhat modified OSX. That sounds like high maintance. Now if Apple would have bought BeOS....
  • Reply 60 of 94
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member

    Originally posted by DCQ

    Right there with you dude.


    23" is a bit small for across the room viewing. Even 30" is on the small end. At that size, any SD 4:3 picture would be much smaller than my current CRT. This is why I want a true 1080p plasma at ~40"-50"; you can actually use it as a full-blown monitor, even from quite a ways away. No interlaced BS. And you actually have room to view things when doing non-TV stuff. A nice big plasma will also have multiple inputs right out of the box (no need for extra KVM switches) for the console. (I'm actually a bit intrigued by the revolution...sorry, the Wii) .

    Also, why go with four 250GB HDDs, when you can shove a 750GB in one; almost the same capacity, a quarter of the physical size, and much faster? By the time you fill up 750GB, they'll have TB drives out and you can add a 2nd, and have 175% the capacity in half the physical space.

    Yeah, but the list I compiled could be purchased in whole (excepting the game console) from the Apple Store?

    As for the four 250GB HDDs, aesthetics rule there? Imagine those stacked up, with the mini on top, and the EyeTV tucked behind? All in a custom niche built into the wall below (or beside??) the ACD? Maybe a little backlighting? And, of course, an AC duct venting upwards underneath the HDD/mini stack?

    Gotta keep everything nice & cool?!

    Personally, I would go for one of those 80"+ LCDs/100"+ Plasmas Samsung is always showing off at trade shows?

    Mmm? Life-size Internet Porn? Mmm?

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